Define Me

One of the messages I got from my prayer time this week is the Lord telling me to define my relationships. Immediately, I thought of my family, the fulltime workers, my mission partner, and the people I am serving with in YFC and SFC. I realized that all my encounter with them are developing experiences. I miss them they miss, we disappoint each other, and we help each other and more. I have great and challenging memories with them.

I asked the Lord what was the purpose of that defining activity.. He did not answer right away but in mynext prayer time He told me, that when I define my relationship I should not define it by the way I see and experience them. Defining my relationships is defining myself first – Who I am?

I am His.  He initiated my existence. My life is His. He doesn’t define me on my past or future. His definition of me is not based on my actions, words, thoughts. His definition is constant and unchanging. He defines me – Love defines me, God defines me.


“Lord you are King of kings and Lord of Lords. You reign in our hearts and our minds. You are love, You are source of life. Teach me Lord to not seek my own definition of myself and other people. Remind me always that when Your love defines us, that is the best definition of ourselves and other people. Lord may your loving refine us everyday. Amen”


Candy (Philippians 1:29)