Dear Metro,

                 Let me start by saying that never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be part of you. I have always considered myself, through and through, a small town girl from Canadienne Region. My kids, my home and my family are all in Ottawa… However, as God would have it, I was asked to serve in this year’s RYC Word, not as a member of Canadienne, but as a member of Metro. I was asked to head Promotion and Documentation (along with Arnel), which in truth, sort of terrified me. I was asked to create the event for RYC on Facebook and to start posting and promoting it and I knew what members were going to think… “Who’s this girl and why is she telling us to go to RYC?”


                I was pushed out of my comfort zone, and hesitant as I was, I dove in… and there He was, waiting to catch me. If you caught glimpses of me at all during RYC, you probably saw me wielding a camera (which I don’t fully know how to use… what’s good auto-mode!), juggling two cellphones (hi twitter and Instagram) and balancing a notebook and pen trying to jot notes as I listened intently. Busy as I was, God made it so that I was able to immerse myself fully in, both His Word, and this region.

                What can I say? As a veteran/dinosaur, I have had my fair share of RYCs, but Metro, did you ever surprise me. For one full day, we were not separated by delegation colours, but we were a sea of white (well, I was wearing black, but figuratively speaking). It was beautiful to see you, as one family. It was beautiful to see you cheering for each other, greeting each other, and kneeling and praying with each other. It was beautiful to see you with your hands high and your hearts soaring. I stood by the back wall during the final praisefest, and I watched you all, and I felt an overwhelming amount of love flow from you, and I extended my hands in prayer for this beautiful region… and as I did so, I whispered a quiet “thank You” to my Father who sent me here. Thank You, and thank you, for allowing me to witness the greatness within the GTA, Hamilton-St. Catharine and Windsor Areas.

 The heartbeat of Metro Region is strong, and I am so blessed to be taking part in your(/our) story.

God is great.

With love, from your sister in Christ,

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