Confidence in God

Sometimes when we look at our imperfections and sinfulness we tend to say, “I am unworthy of doing this” or “Man, I am  so ashamed of my sinfulness, I don’t know if the Lord will answer my prayers”. We start to lose trust or doubt what the greatness the Lord has in store due to our sinfulness and darkness in our hearts.

In actuality, ‘the foundation of our confidence in God’s plan rests in God and not us.’ (Secrets of the Spirit by Luis Martinez). Therefore, we trust in the Lord, draw near to Him and are sure of His selfless love, not because of what we are but because of what He is.

We can be miserable sinners sometimes, so negative and hard on ourselves. But, we should never diminish our trust in the Lord because it is not based on ourselves but in Him. Jesus will forever be the same person, ever so good, so merciful.

We are confident in God because He is so good, loving and merciful. Will our Lord cease to be merciful and good because we are weak, miserable and imperfect? IMPOSSIBLE. If we get caught in that mindset of us decreasing who He is due to our human-ness, we judge God in a Human matter.

‘Jesus is the one who brought us a message from heaven. He came to tell us that God loves us with an infinite love, with an external love. He loves us to the extent of giving us His own Son, and delivering him to heath for the love of us.’

Lord, You are great. You are Good. You are Love. And with this, I confide in you and your will and your love.

Deo Gloria.

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