Companion On A Journey

“They said to each other, ‘Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the scriptures?'” – Luke 24:32

I thought I’d dedicate this post to everyone who the Lord specifically has chosen for me to journey with.

When we look back and reflect on where we were 10 years ago, or 5 years ago, or even a year ago, did you ever expect to journey with the people who you are currently surrounded by?

The Lord works in the most mysterious ways, intentionally placing certain people in our lives, unknowingly how long they will stay and their purpose in our lives. Growing up, it was always quality over quantity when it comes to building friendships/relationships.  I struggled in going out of my way to build new friendship because I decided to build up walls instead. I feared vulnerability when it comes to being open to others. I had the mentality to keep everything that I was going through to myself because it will either just burden them or they wont fully understand.

With the Lord’s endless grace, He continues to remind me, its through these encounters with others where we will experience God’s presence and intimacy the most! And it’s crazy to think that your encounter with someone else, whether how small or how grand, you have already made an impact towards their journey towards sainthood.

So, to all the people who constantly chose to love me despite how difficult it was to love me, to those who pretty much dragged me towards the crucified Christ because of my stubbornness, to those who simply just believed in me, this is for you.

Thank You.

Thank you for allowing me to experience the Lord so fully from the way you embody Christ. Thank you for reminding me to constantly choose to fight for the mission, to fight for sanctity because its simply so worth it. Thank you for choosing to love because it has allowed me to always choose Christ.

To whoever is reading this, may you understand the gravity of your YES to Christ. Its in your YES, that may lead others to also say YES. Its in your YES, that has allowed others to see a glimpse of heaven. Its in your YES, you unknowingly have saved a soul. Because someone decided to say YES to Christ, I too have chosen to willingly say YES to Him.

Almighty Father, I can’t thank You enough for all You have given me. Thank You for blessing me with the brothers and sisters You have chosen to specifically journey with. And thank You for always reminding me how immensely loved I am. May I continue to be a light for others, so that they may fully experience Your love for them. Amen. 


Diane Dimacali