
Last Sunday was when the freezing rain storm hit Ottawa resulting small number of parishioners came for mass. Father highlighted the word committed, on how those who came risk their lives to receive the Eucharist, it shows commitment. How nothing should be a barrier to see or do anything for God because he suffered and died for us.

It made me think a lot on my commitment with God. Questioning myself “Am I committed” if so “Am I committed in all aspects?” etc.

It stuck with me because its exam month, so busy studying (almost over). But my momentum of journaling and doing daily readings from lent kind of got side track. And my prayers life is still their but all over the place. I felt that I’m not as committed this week because of exams.

Commitment is a very heavy word. I think it contains so much meaning. But essentially how great you show your love and dedication through just action. Easy to say but one the hardest to do in life. Maybe the hardest thing in life.

When I think of the word commitment it’s kinda scary or it is scary because your accepting all the challenges and barriers, especially the unknown (which is the hardest for me). The thing I struggle or feel worry about especially committing to God is accepting all His “rules” and wishes and that I will follow that perfectly. Anything other than perfect is a failure to commit (which technically it is).

But as I reflected more I think part of the meaning of commitment is when you keep trying, even if you fall you keep striving and looking for God. When you fail or times get rough, it doesn’t mean you can’t be committed anymore, I think it could be an opportunity to show how committed and willing you are for our God. Like what Jesus did as he carried the cross, He fell three times but He kept going, it truly shows through his actions on how much He loves us so much.

So, the best way to show my love for God and my commitment is through my action, especially when things get tough. It highlights how much you care and willing to do whatever it takes. Which is kinda awesome how are take home quote from my last night’s meeting is “don’t tell me show me”.

Lord I just want to ask for your strength and guidance so that I can be committed to you with all my heart and soul in everything I do. And that any boundaries or obstacles that I may face I will overcome them because you have committed your life for me, and I just want to do the same back to you. Amen.

Gabby Pador