Christ Bound

I have been a Mission Volunteer for CFC in CFC-Youth for about 5 months now. Praise the Lord for a very fruitful 5 months so far. The one thing I have been affirmed by over and over again these past 5 months, is how providential God is and how beautiful His plans are for me.

These 5 months as an MV has been mostly occupied by the busiest part of the year for the CFC community, it was conference season. At the time that these conferences were happening I hadn’t realized this, but I was able to attend and serve at almost every family ministry conference this year. Starting with the CFC conference in Ottawa, then to the CFCY True North Festival, then to the first-ever Family Conference in Metro, and finally the SFC TNC which just recently happened earlier this month. The fact that these conferences were all hosted in Ottawa, GTA and Hamilton-St. Catharines made it even more possible to be a part of these conferences.

Now of course these conferences meant busy times in my schedule. Trying to balance service, MV duties, households, family and friends altogether was difficult. However, the Lord never left me unaided nor empty-handed. Each and every conference, the Lord revealed to me over and over again, just how good He has been to me. *cue Audrey Assad*

The best part was that He ended the conference season with a bang. Having transitioned into SFC just this year, this year’s SFC TNC was going to be my first one. The theme of the TNC was Christ Bound, and reflecting on it now, it was such a beautiful way to encompass the whole journey I had been on so far through the 5 months. Time and time again, especially in my reflections, the notion of busy-ness really resonated within me. It wasn’t looking at busy-ness as a hindrance but rather as another opportunity to serve God and to bring Christ to others. This busy-ness doesn’t take away the fact that my body would become tired from it all (I actually got a fever after all the conferences ended, praise God I rested and got better tho!). Anyways, to respond to my focus on the busy-ness, the Lord used the SFC TNC to take a rest stop. Everything about this SFC TNC was so pivotal for my own journey as an MV. The schedule wasn’t as hectic nor as packed, so my body wasn’t dead tired. There was Latin low mass, confessions, benediction after every mass, AND perpetual adoration. God was literally available every minute of the weekend. And so this very conference, in all that it had and offered, was God’s response to me. No matter how busy things would become, the one thing that remains constant is His presence in the midst of everything. God has been and will be there in every situation. It all comes down to whether or not we are leading ourselves and others to God. At the end of the day we are all destined to be with God, we are all Christ Bound. From this well-needed rest stop, I am reminded to constantly pursue Christ and travel towards Christ.