Catching Up

I had a long week. I’m sure all of the MV’s and FTPW’s had long weeks. Praise the Lord regardless.

I have a lot of catching up to do…with my household, emails, TNC, RYC, etc etc. Things were getting overwhelming, but praise God the Lord has instilled into me more patience than what I thought I had.

The Lord shook me the other day. I got to catch up with a friend who I haven’t been able to see for a few months even (If you read this, SORRY). It was pretty late and I should have been sleeping but I really felt the Lord tugging at me to take this opportunity to see Him through my friend.

So we talked and praise the Lord for all the struggles, and commotion going on in this persons life. Then it hit me…

We should take more time/chances into catching up with the people we care for. Its easy to say there are a lot of people we care for, but actually taking the time out of your busy schedule is another thing. If you believe Christ resides in them, then take the time to share with them that Christ resides in You. Even if it is a quick 30 minutes. Heck, the more prayers you can add to your daily prayers.

Its easy to forget the loneliness that some of our members feel...heck, I was one of them at one point but its harder to forget the moment you realized you had countless opportunities to love them.

Lets take care of ALL our friendships, families, households etc.

Praying for you all. Pray for me please!

Deo Gloria