Called to Be Higher, Called to Be Deeper

Have you ever had a moment when you’re just sitting and then you remember something funny that happened to you and you just laughed wherever you are, and people are just staring at you wondering what you were thinking? That’s how I felt at adoration these past few weeks, as the guy who just had a funny moment or something eventful happen.

The Lord revealed to me water during my reflection time with Him.

Why water?

Sometimes we just need to follow the Lord like a plank of wood on flowing water. But when it comes to big decisions we have to go deeper. This is when I realized that discerning big decisions are like rapids. When on top of rapids its all so rough with water splashing from all the different rocks, making it difficult to make big decisions, but if you were under the water the current is peaceful, calm and free flowing as if nothing were in the way, and this where the Lord wants us to be when making big decisions.

I’ve been discerning a lot of many things in my life right now. For example where to work during the school year, trying to figure out what to sacrifice in order to do other things. I have also been discerning what do for my service in the next few months. To either continue serving the Lord in CFC-Youth or to continue serving the Lord in SFC.

For the longest time I have been struggling with this decision. There are 3 things that I have realized during this discernment period.

1. Be indifferent
If there is one thing that the devil loves the most is when you (and I) are indecisive. In these moments is where we become idle and end up not following the path laid that has already been laid out for the Lord.

2. Just decide
Sometimes we just need to be realistic with what is in front of us. Setup a timeline for your discernment and at the end of it make your decision. Sometimes the answer won’t be clear cut but at least you are making strides towards the Lord.

3. Know that God is there
My one desire is to be where God is. In all decisions that we make the Lord never leaves us. Therefore what ever we decide on, the Lord is there.

Just remember that when making big decisions it always better to do it when you are in a state of grace. A person is more likely to make good decisions in good times. So don’t make big decisions in bad times, because most likely one will make a bad decision.

My hope for all is that we always follow the will of the Lord and for this to happen we must continue to strive to be in a relationship with the Lord. Even in times when we don’t feel like doing much, still the Lord is there.

 “You have called me higher, You have called me deeper and I will go where you lead me Lord.” – All Sons & Daughters

And with that, may God be forever praised!


Published by

Rey Marc Viray-Regalado

Hi :) My name is Rey Marc. I currently serve in the Metro Region as a Mission Volunteer & as YCOM Area Head for the GTA.

One thought on “Called to Be Higher, Called to Be Deeper”

  1. LOVE the simplicity of this post. God’s truth is so strongly interlaced within the words of your heart. You are indeed a growing man of God, my dear dear friend. May He continue to be your source of hope and courage as you brave on the newer chapters of your life!

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