Business of Souls

Living life is a challenge. Constantly growing in a fast-paced world, we are met with not only good and lasting moments and memories, but also some negative ones at that. Then, there also comes in service. It is already hard enough, trying to be an example as an “every day Christian”, but as a leader in a Catholic lay youth group, or as an MV, you are no longer looked at as just an example. You are now looked upon with expectations to be a model of excellence.

In CFC Youth, we always hear Fulltime Pastoral Workers and our Upper Leaders say that what we do isn’t a joke because this is the business of soulsBut no matter how many times we hear this, how many times are we really listening? Business. How do you take care of business? Well, to basically look at it, business is run by systems and systems and files of millions of different things. In our community, the business is in databases, governance systems, monitoring the PFT, etc. It is always, always busy. This now brings me to my second question: How do you take care of souls? You pray for them, tend to them, you are patient with them, and you do all of that with loveNow where do you ever see busy-ness and hectic life of business mix in with tender, gentle, loving care for souls? It isn’t exactly the perfect match like chocolate with strawberries or ice cream with a warm, freshly baked pie (yes, I had to use a food reference haha). 

Mixing the two together – business with souls – isn’t exactly easy. It’s like trying to fit a leg through a sweater sleeve, or using a sock as a glove (no, I haven’t tried them both haha). But the point in saying this isn’t to make you feel like it’s impossible. Logically, serving in the business of souls is IMPOSSIBLE… but with God, THE IMPOSSIBLE BECOMES POSSIBLEThat is why service is so hard because it truly challenges us to seek God, and only God. In this kind of business, we will only fail if it is done with our God. We will surely be able to run from our failures and maybe even hallucinate with easy and false successes, but if we persevere and pursue WITH the Lord, and FOR the Lord, we will witness to the impossible transform into something possible.

In CFC Youth, I have come across many challenges and obstacles. Times where a friendship was on the line, or even a chapter, or a group, a person, or a household was on the line. I approached my upper leaders and even those I serve with, but no matter who I asked, I would never find a complete resolve to the conflict. But it is only when I empty myself and listen to the Lord, and let Him  take over that I can find joy in my deepest sorrows, and light in shadows of doubt. The more I emptied myself… the more I stopped doubting and made more space for Him despite of all that I knew, the more everything felt resolved… the more I heard His voice in those around me.

Sometimes, that’s all it is… in the business of souls, the Lord does not want us to let go of business and focus only on souls, nor does He want us to let go of souls and focus more on business, but He challenges us to be challenged so that we seek Him. So that we seek Him in our purpose, and seek Him in the plan. And in doing so, He becomes the only bridge between business and all the souls (even ours) that we serve.

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me, you can do nothing.

– John 15: 5