
“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another” – Proverbs 27:17

God has blessed me with really great households. I have been surrounded by God-fearing brothers who only want to do the work of the Lord. And that posture is contagious.

When I first became active in the community, I had baggage that discouraged me from loving others and serving them. In the midst of the discouragement, there was one particular brother who took the time to have a one on one with me. He wasn’t my household head or in my household. He was just someone in the community. That’s when it started.

I felt loved despite my imperfections. I felt loved despite my mistakes. I felt loved for who I was. And it was that same love that propelled me to serve. To this day, I believe that was God’s love. A love that has no fear, or restriction, or judgement. A love that heals. A love that makes all things new.

I try my best to practice this posture now. To meet others where they are, understand them, and show compassion. Can you imagine how St. Peter would feel if Jesus discouraged him because of his denial? Instead, the Lord forgives, encourages and strengthens us. We are called to do the same.

This compassionate love can be best shared in our households. Households are a source of genuine friendships and are filled with God’s love. If we feel loved in our household, it’s easier for us to love our own household (1 John 4:19 – We love because He first loved us).

I’m thankful that I have been able to maintain a majority of the genuine friendships made in previous households. The brotherhood that is shared in a household is unforgettable and is what makes the community a community.

I’m eager to continue to grow with my brothers and to discover the Lord through how we love each other.