Bloom Where You Are Planted!

“Bloom where you are planted.”
Sometimes, this isn’t always the thing I want to hear. Being completely real and honest, sometimes, the places I’m planted and the situations I find myself in aren’t always those I want to be in. Sometimes the things I hear or see around me aren’t always the things I want to see or hear. Then when I try to ask for advice about these times, I always hear, “Bloom where you are planted!” Filled with stubborness, I sometimes find myself looking down or looking away with the infamous “-.-” face, thinking: THAT DOESN’T REALLY HELP…HOW?! That’s exactly what I’m trying to figure out to do…

Rewind to the basics…


“To love is to bloom where you are planted, knowing wholeheartedly that Someone has loved where you are long before you were ever planted.

The reason I am where I am is not solely for others.
The reason I am hearing what I hear and seeing what I see is not solely for myself.
The reason I am asked to do what I do is not solely for those I love, but all of it is for, through, and by the Lord, long before I was ever privileged to take hold of it and be a part of it.

The reality is, we won’t always like where we are, the situations we may find ourselves in, or like the things we see and hear, but the grace in these circumstances is being able to see and understand the fact that God has loved these things before we ever were part of it. So for that very reason, there is worth and value in it. It is also understanding that in everything that exists, also exists a purpose. So in this, I will continue to be obedient and say my YES to the Lord so that I may always bring His purpose for me into completion.

Lord, may we always be ready to be humbled by Your Will, and carry a childlike faith, trusting that in all of these things, You are simply teaching us ways to LOVE MORE…

For others,
For ourselves,
And ultimately, for You,
