Blessed Surprises

A few days ago, one of the Chapters in Hamilton Area were having a service meeting for an upcoming camp for May 24-26. Kuya Gelo, Ellen, and Kevin were there, and as we were discussing the plans for this weekend’s HLT, one of chapter heads mentioned that he will not be able to make it anymore because he was going away for the weekend, last minute, for a family trip. I said it would be okay because Kevin would be there so he can take over as the Team Leader. Suddenly, Kuya Gelo said, “It’s okay! Leave it to Kevin and Erin. Kevin and Erin will just lead!”

At that point, Kev and I both looked at each other and began to discuss when we were both available, keeping in mind that the HLT was in 3 days. As we slowly discussed our schedules, we realized that we had absolutely no time to plan together and coordinate except for 2 hours (at the most) the day before the HLT. We then laughed because we realized how ridiculous that is, but we entrusted it all to the Lord, having faith that this will still be okay and that it is all a piece or a part of the plan.

Having gone through the HLT today, I was affirmed of this. People who haven’t been able to attend as often were able to make it, and after the 2 sessions, the discussion groups were so deep and we even shared a couple tears. It actually even felt like a mini household because everyone really opened their hearts and affirmed and supported one another through all the victories and challenges. It was a breath of fresh air, or rather, a breath of God’s air (haha) because He made me realize that although I was gone for a while, He is always there and He is always going to continue to build. One member who attended also later posted a message on Facebook saying that it was the best HLT he has been to.

Now, when I look back at it, it makes me laugh. The way this all happened was because of “last minute” changes. Our Chapter Head had to leave for a last minute trip with his family for the weekend. And then another member also helped out last minute to be our Music Min. And at the end of the day, everyone was able to grow, and more importantly, they grew with God and with His presence in others in the room. And even RYC was another “last minute” moment for me. I had to leave for a last minute trip with my family as well, and I was so worried because I would be leaving in the last week of prep for RYC as a Competitions Committee Head, leaving the Committee and my counterpart alone for a week. I then hoped that I would be able to return on time to catch even just a bit of RYC, but I didn’t. I was really worried, but when I came back, I found joy in hearing all the victories of the event and many individuals who truly found God throughout the whole event. It was an even bigger blessing to hear that even service team was able to enjoy and experience God moments as well (which we all know is very rare when you’re a leading/ serving in service team).

With me being gone for a while and also having to leave again soooo last minute with the family, and with our Chapter Head having to leave so last minute as well, then being thrown an event to lead and prepare for within 3 days with only 2 hours to plan, and then having nothing less than success in all these events/ areas, it became such an affirmation that the Lord is here.

What He made me realize is truly just that. HE is here. Not me. Not Kev. Not our Chapter Head. OUR GOD is here. The “last minute” changes are the very things that God used in my life to help me grow and understand. He helped me grow in a sense that I stopped worrying so much, and He helped me understand that it is not the person leading or guiding that matters. We are mere vessels of His love and His work on earth, the same way Jesus was the vessel in which He walked, talked, and breathed and entered into this world. The same way He used His Son as a vessel of His love, He will use every person to their full potential in the PERFECT times at the PERFECT moments and in the PERFECT places because HE IS PERFECT. Therefore, we musn’t worry when “plans change” because they were never ours in the first place; they are His. And whether I am to be used as His vessel at that time or not, it doesn’t matter because I trust and believe that whoever or whatever He uses, he or she or whatever it may be will bring perfection because they are bringing God at His best… because they are chosen.

One thought on “Blessed Surprises”

  1. “Therefore, we musn’t worry when “plans change” because they were never ours in the first place” Praise God!!

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