Better together.

Lately I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to attend daily mass. I’ve been longing for a more intimate prayer time, which is something that has been a bit of a struggle for me. These days I have a lot of free time because I’m finished my schooling, and currently looking for a job.

For the past few weeks, I would structure my day usually on how busy I am with meetings or events. Without school or work, my days have been pretty open, with plenty of free time to spend. The evenings are usually a bit busier with planning meetings, or CFC-Youth events.

If I had a meeting or event in the evening, I would go to daily mass during the day, here at St. Mary’s Cathedral in downtown Winnipeg. It’s approximately a 30 minute bus ride, and costs me $5.10 to go to mass, and back home. From time to time there are also some familiar faces from the community who attend mass, which is really great to see as well.

If there are no meetings, or events happening in the evening, I go to daily mass at my home parish St. Peter’s at 7pm. I usually have access to a vehicle or a ride in the evening, so I don’t need to pay for bus fare. Being my home parish, I really enjoy seeing the parishioners there because there are familiar faces that I see every Sunday.

I realize how much of a blessing it is to be able to have enough time to attend daily mass. Slowly my funds are being diminished by bus fare prices and the lack of any income at all, but Praise God, I’ve been able to keep up, and my parent’s continue to support me. I am so grateful for even getting some help with extra bus tickets, and free rides from my brothers in the community.

My parent’s started wondering why I was going to church so much. I didn’t have any specific intentions for attending daily mass, except for maybe just wanting to meet Christ, to be closer to Him, to pray more, and to grow in my spiritual journey. I simply wanted to be with Him more.

There was one time that really stuck out for me. It was the evening, and I had no plans, so I wanted to go to mass at St. Peters. I had asked my dad if he was planning on going anywhere that evening. He was planning on going to my sister’s house to help out with her deck, so I asked if he could just drop me off to mass. My dad’s plans weren’t completely set in stone, so he actually attended the mass with me!

I’m not sure what it was exactly, but just having the presence of my dad there with me at daily mass…. it was amazing. Truly a blessing from God. I just felt complete joy in spending time with my dad with the Lord. It was the first time we’ve attended mass together outside of the Sunday masses.

Families are such a beautiful thing, and it is so evident through our community of Couples for Christ and it’s family ministries. How amazing it is to see the vision of “Families in the Holy Spirit, Renewing the face of the Earth” unfold in our lives. I truly Praise God for my parents. Without their support, and most especially their guidance thoughout my life, I don’t know where I would be right now.

Things just feel so much better together!

Lord, Thank You for offering Yourself to us every single day. Let us truly see Your blessings in one another, and especially our families. We know that You have a great plan for our families, and that we are so blessed to have them in our lives. We pray that we can recognize these moments, and the blessings that You continue to give us, and to constantly show Your love each and everyday. Amen.