Beauty in the Struggle

When I saw her come down the stairs, I was happily surprised with the abundance of energy and joy she had. It was my first time seeing her in person since she began her chemo therapy sessions back in July. Before entering the house, I was already aware that she had lost most of her hair this far into her treatment. Myself and a few other sisters were excited to visit her because it had been quite a while since we last met. With the excitement of TNC 2014, SHouTs, and back-to-school adjustments whizzing by, there was lots to catch up on–but more so, we missed her company, her presence.

And there she was, being the wonderful Tita she is, serving us her signature Iced Tea and snacks. She sat before us with a big, warm smile on her face and a toque on her head to keep her warm. We shared many victories and updates among each other. However, she was also very honest with us. She was authentically real in admitting that, sometimes, she can’t help but have those days where it’s a bit more difficult to be happy and joyful than others. But she stressed the importance of not allowing yourself to dwell on your pain, rather allow yourself to go through the motion and unceasingly remain faithful in prayer all the way through. Seek the Lord and you will find Joy in Him alone, and in doing so, His joy will trickle into every aspect of your life.

“Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5: 17-18).

After leaving her house, I could never forget how radiantly beautiful she looked. I know in my heart that she looked so beautiful because Christ had truly made a worthy dwelling place in her heart as she embraced her cross. She radiated the beauty of Christ so much that she didn’t even appear sick when you looked at her. I couldn’t help but think, ‘Oh, Lord. How beautiful it is when Your daughter allows you to purify her through the cross you bestow upon her.’

I am so humbled to know this sister and have had the honour of serving two beautiful years together in the Campus Based Program for our region. She inspires me to embrace my cross with great poise–with joy, patience, love, and surrender. If there’s at least one thing that you take from this glimpse of her story, I hope it’s this: the cross you bear is the greatest blessing you will ever receive in your life. Though we cannot pick the nature of our own cross, the Lord designs them specifically for us. Like Christ’s journey with his cross, our cross is also our main setting for the greatest Love story .

My Lord and my God, how beautiful it is to struggle with you. I pray that we may always rely on You to embrace and journey with our cross. May we seek in within our own cross as well.
I lift up to you, tonight, my sister, Tita Vangie. Please heal her according to her faith so that she may serve You the way she was created to serve you. Be merciful, oh Lord, and heal her of this cancer.
All praise and glory is yours, Lord.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Published by

Jessica Salunga

Just a girl with a big heart in tiny Winnipeg, MB :)