Beauty in Simplicity

(July 7, 2016)


Guess who’s back, back again.

As you can tell I am not great at blog posts. Anyways, I hope these next few blog posts will inspire me to consistently blog as well as how I write haha. But to introduce this series of posts, #MTLSHouT2016, last week I was blessed with the opportunity to lead the SHouT in Montreal. And so the next few posts will be from my reflections throughout the week of SHouT.

But before I do, here is a quick sharing that relates to the first post of this series.

Yesterday, I had a one on one with a brother from my household, and something that he said really struck me.We were at a Tim Hortons, sipping on our Iced Capps (well-needed for this super humid day), and I just looked at him in disbelief when he told me so. He said, “my life is too boring to share.

For myself, that was hard to believe. But I tried to take the perspective of the brother. And from how he explained it, he was overcomplicating, or setting too great of an expectation for himself. Something I am guilty of doing as well.

In my prayers, thoughts, actions, I would look at these things expecting the most extravagant, most “full” end result. How many times have I prayed to God, or asked God for the most complicated sign. “Lord, I will do this if this specific person, on this specific day, will do something specific that I willspecifically see.” But as a consequence I overlook the most important of these things and that is God. At the end of the day, the Lord simply loves us, and that’s it. No need to complicate it.

If we overcomplicate things then of course we get lost in all of it, but by seeing the simple fact that God is there and He loves us, we can find beauty in everything. Beauty in simplicity.

And that beauty of God is spread around through sharing.

It is through sharings that we find Christ and see where Christ is calling us to. For the SHouT itself, sharing is one of the important aspects. And at first, a lot of those at SHouT had a hard time to share, or the sharings were very limited. Maybe there was this thought of a level that should be met in order to have a ‘good’ sharing. But really, if we share Christ and how Christ has touched our lives (even in the simplest of things), then that in itself is a beautiful sharing. This is why I will share to you how God has affirmed me through the Montreal SHouT. Like St. Paul, I am sharing how I encountered Christ in the hopes that it may inspire you as well.

Post 1.