Be with me Lord… I THIRST

Ever have those moments when you eat something, that piece of food is just stuck in your mouth, attaching itself to the upper lining of your mouth, or it sits dry on your tongue? When I received the Holy Eucharist today and knelt down on my knees, I felt just that…

The consecrated Host lay in my mouth and it just remained dry… It just wouldn’t dissolve despite of having tried to for a while. Then, as I closed my eyes, I said…

“Be with me Lord, I thirst.”

At that moment, the Host moistened and it became consumable.

No matter how much knowledge of faith we consume, it just sits there, like the consecrated Host, until we receive it wholly and holy with the Lord. Despite of it being GOOD, something so holy cannot be consumed with just our human hands and our human selves. The fact is: WE NEED THE LORD, ALWAYS in order to fully consume the WORD. And the WORD won’t reveal Itself in our lives unless we CHOOSE to welcome Him in and be embraced by His love.

Coming from RYC WORD, this moment and its revelation attached is only so fitting. As knowledgeably holy as I try to be, I can never be whole until I allow myself to completely unify my heart and my mind with the Lord.

Holiness is WHOLENESS.

I cannot be whole without the Lord. In “consuming” holiness, it isn’t enough to ask and to receive. It isn’t enough to seek and to find, but I must ALWAYS (no matter how simple or how complex my situation may be) knock to meet God where He is always waiting for me, right where I am, to open the door.

I’m human. I am a sinner. And I thirst. But He is the only Drink that can quench what is dry, and allow me to consume what is holy so that I can be whole. Realizing this, my prayer stands…

Be with me Lord… I thirst.

And in this prayer, I am brought back to my life verse:
“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord, more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.”
(Psalm 130: 5-6)
