Be steadfast

(June 23, 2016)

One thing about me, I am a Game of Thrones fan, both book and series. And to be honest, last Sunday’s episode is still lingering in my mind. Cinematographically the episode was beyond awesome – not that I’m an expert with moviemaking or anything. It was just really good visually! Anyways, I brought up Games of Thrones not just because I was astounded by the episode but because there was a specific line that really hit me. I even re-watched the whole episode several times and still the only line that got stuck in my head and made me reflect on things. A short back-story about the line: it was during a scene where a sibling was fighting over the fact that they are still pushing through the war even when they don’t have enough soldiers. It was what the older brother said that struck me:

“No. It’s not enough, (but) it’s what we have.”

It is not enough, but it is what I have. I found myself in a similar situation several times and I tried to respond in different ways too. It’s either to wait until you have “enough” of what you need but miss the opportunity, or simply push through without properly planning for it and fail. Is that it? Nope, what I learned is that there is still another option for us: to properly discern and pray for what the Lord is asking you to do next

In the end, you got to do what you need to, just believe that if your prayer leads you to taking a leap of faith, then go ahead. God will equip you. In every journey that we take in this life, I believe that God equips us every time. Sometimes, it just depends on us how we use the things He provided. This is where “do your best and God will do the rest” enters. Do your best with all your might; exhaust everything you have, for what you have is what God provided you with. And lift up the unknown to our Lord for He is has the master plan, the blueprint, of our lives.

“For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them.” (Ephesians 2:10, NABRE)

But if you fail, do not blame God, see it as an opportunity for you to learn and know how to do it better next time. Trust that whatever you do, wherever you are, our Lord is with you always. ☺

“I command you: be strong and steadfast! Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9, NABRE)