Awareness Compels Action

We had probably heard the words of Jesus in the gospel, “…anyone who wants to become great among you must be your servant, and anyone who wants to be first among you must be your slave.” We know that for Christians we have to be servant leaders. But knowing is not enough, we need to practice it.

Jesus said these words when He was about to go to Jerusalem to finish the mission the Father has entrusted on Him. It’s amazing how He insisted on his disciples the principle of servant-hood in leading the people on the last days of His life. For all His 33 years living the earthly life, he already experienced both the good and the bad society can offer. His eyes were open and His heart was fully aware of the injustices, corrupt practices and self-righteousness of the leaders in His time. He had seen leaders who were acting differently from what they were preaching. Experience and awareness convicts Jesus more to finish the mission He has in His hands because He knows the ills of the society can only be healed through the cross. Words are no longer enough; He has to be the living example of a life exactly opposite to what the leaders in His time are practicing.

Our own awareness of the injustices, corrupt practices and self righteousness should compels us to be just, pure, and righteous. We cannot just be dismayed with the ungodly situation, we have to turn our experience and awareness into action so like Jesus we can be living examples that His gospel is attainable and in fact can be practiced in this modern world.