Better Version of Me, for You.

Its been a while…I’ve been meaning to post, but complications with this and that, and blah and blah. I think God wanted me to write at this time anyways.

Just reflecting on the new year to come and how every year I always think to myself of how much for the better I’m going to be, whether physically, mentally, spiritually; I’ve come to the conclusion that, i feel as if I’m losing more of me every year.

Okay…I don’t get it. What do you mean?

I feel like I don’t have the confidence I used to. I’m totally afraid of rejection. I feel really emotionally unstable at times.  *Side note, I never used to be like fact quite opposite.*

BUT, there is something to get out of it.

One thing that keeps ringing in my head, that I know for sure God is telling me is,

“Don’t let the no’s, affect your yes’s.”

Rest assure God set things up the way they are, or how they play out. What use would the full armor of God be if it were never battle tested?

As for being afraid of rejection or being unstable at times, all in all, how you take it is a mere reflection on how much do you really trust in the Lord’s plans? Maybe I need to purify everything a bit more. The Lord will reveal what He wants, in His time, and not when I desire it.

This new year, isn’t for a new me. This year, is merely a better version of the person God created, for God.

Lord, there are things and people that I have been praying for day in, and day out but Lord, You hold it all in Your hands. As the new year goes by, I already know I will be tested. I will have bad days, good days, but in everything  that I do, may I continue to ask to be a better version of myself, simply just for You. I need You, Lord.

Deo Gloria



I’ll never forget the day I got a phone call about my grandfather passing away…or the journey along the way that lead to traveling for his funeral and the whole process of just being there as a high school kid, not really understanding but knowing that something more was happening…and I guess reflecting on it now, Praise God for that journey.

Okay, what chu got this time?

Today is my grandfathers death anniversary. You know, anniversary’s are supposed to be celebrations. I guess when I was younger, I wasn’t open enough to God to understand why we have these.

But looking back onto my grandfather’s life…it really is a reflection on how I’ve lived and how He’s really influenced me to grow as a man of God. He took care of all of us (his grandchildren) all at the same time. Everyday, as far as I can remember, he lived for us.

By all means, that’s enough to convince me he’s in heaven. He lived his life to prove a point.

To get to the point, I guess I can end with this,

He never said no to us. When it came to helping us, helping others, loving his family, accepting Christ, he said yes. I look into how he raised me and I can see a connection in the way I serve. I will say yes, when You call Lord.

Yes, Lord. Like my grandfather, I will say yes to every opportunity to serve you, and serve others. Simple as that.

Praise God for the day God decided to call him to His kingdom. He may have left the earth, but all my grandfather was doing was just giving the Lord another yes into giving up everything he loved on this earth, for Him.

We miss you Tay.

Deo Gloria


Every Life Has Value

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you.” -Jeremiah 1:5

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a blog about a brother that inspires me. It was received well, and I guess its what I enjoy writing about. This time, I was drawn to a big big reflection to an event outside the community. Yet in all of what was going on, there was a connection with Christ. Every single second that passed. So…lets do this!


This is Dana. It was her 18th Birthday! Sooo you know what the means, big debut, a ton of food, a ton of people, but in the midst of it all, years upon years of His endless and unfailing love.

Okay….here we go again? SO you went to a birthday party. Whoopty do. What can I get out of this?

Well, a short side note, shared by her family, Dana was 7 months premature. 2 weeks in the incubator, 3.3 pounds. Fighting for life.

Now imagine, in the day we are in today…a healthy, bright, beautiful, completely normal growing woman.

Not only did God bless her with life, He already knew that was going to happen.

Not only did He plan this for her, He planned it for her family to make the right decision in trusting Him and trusting the fact He was waiting for the response from them to defend her life despite the complications or conditions.

A miracle most definitely, not just in birth But a miracle in growth as a family…trusting in Christ. 

Praise God. It hit me just thinking about it. Our lives have been so blessed with the parents to even make that decision to give us life..and our lives have been filled with so much of His love through all these things…

Tell your parents you love them and thank them. Thank the Lord for your life and the blessings we’ve been given. Ask the Lord to live a life of faith in His plans. Ask the Holy Family, to help your own family, stay Holy.

Lets defend real love. Lets defend life. No matter what condition.


Almighty God, giver of all that is good,
we thank You for the precious gift of human life:
For life in the womb,
coming from your creative power,
For the life of children, making us glad
with their freshness and promise,
For the life of young people,
hoping for a better world,
For the life of people who are disabled,
teaching us that every life has value,
For the life of the elderly,
witnessing to the ageless values of patience and wisdom.

Like Blessed Mary, may we always
say “YES” to Your gift.
May we defend it and promote it
from conception to its natural end.
And bring us at last, Our Father,
to the fullness of eternal life
in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Deo Gloria



Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.

Ironically, I am 2 days late of my post. Why? Honestly, its not just being busy, but also just wanting to reflect just a bit more..

So, what did I come with this time?

The verse speaks for itself. The Lord will take time to reveal Himself to you NO MATTER WHAT YOUR SCHEDULE HAS ON IT OR HOW BUSY YOU ARE.

So, don’t be scared, frustrated or even overwhelmed when it just doesn’t go your way..

Just remind yourself,

There’s an opportunity to see God face to face in times where I do not trust.

Deo Gloria



Parents Honoring Night

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Just reflecting on the weekend, it seems like I’ve been getting glimpses or signs rather on people that I really can be thankful for that I’ve been able to come across in this community.

So, this is Nathan Guevara. East Cluster Music Ministry for the Pacific, normally playing in the band for every big event, THIS TIME, leading our Holy Families in the community together in prayer with the Holy Family in heaven.

Praise God.

I remember specifically being there to help with my usual YCOM duties, but this time no camera, so I was just on the side helping when I could. But during him leading the worship, I was very drawn to how genuine he was in prayer.

It was a beautiful reminder that worship involves the mind AND body that Christ has given us, and his posture reminded me, whenever, where ever, our Lord deserves our all. I’m sure it was beautiful even to the parents who aren’t  a part of the community yet.

Praise God for Nathan and the counter part he serves, and the community he serves, and his family he serves etc etc.. Being able to serve with him in the past and see him grow, is really affirming to the simple gestures of our yes’.

Beautiful event. Praise God for the community reaching out to everyone and to everything.

Your spirit is so strong here in the Pacific, Lord.

Deo Gloria


Ever since becoming an MV, there has always been a sense of, I guess change, in my personality. Not in a sense where it dampens how I am, but I definitely feel more inclined to give up more and more.

I was catching up with an awesome friend from across the nation, and we both came to the conclusion that this is what is part of the mission life. God calls us to give up a lot more of our valuable time, for His service AND as all this is going, we are tempted and tested each day to the fullest capacity.

SO…again, what’s the point of all this dibber dabber?

I wouldn’t have expected anything less. I really affirm those who have already answered the full time calling. As I continue to immerse myself everyday in the culture and lifestyle that not just of a missionary, but a Catholic missionary, it is evident that the this part of the molding process is when God’s hands are really working, pushing, trying to keep things in place.

I just love this community. Simply put. It has tested me so much, to the point of tears, stress etc etc, but always has it never ever let me fail to realize how beautiful it is, to sacrifice whatever it is you’ve given up, for whoever to know who Jesus Christ is and how much He longs for all of us.

Deo Gloria.

Unfailing Love

Camp Unfailing

“When I said, ‘My foot is slipping’, Your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.” –Psalm 94:18

Its an amazing blessing to be able to lead 2 camps. It’s very humbling…most especially in the seeing the service team at the beginning of their walk in faith. Immediately I was reminded of when I first served…and to see the change of how much more passion and joy there is in such simple gestures of loving people you have never met, I’m not gonna lie. I was overwhelmed. Not in any stressful sort of way at all, but just with the simple message that,

“No matter what, you can rely on Me to work through them.”

And there it was. Sure, I lead a camp again, but it was only made possible with the help of the Lord. It’s inspiring. Being accountable for the foundations of the youth’s faith…its such a blessing to know there is a future in being a missionary…because it helps our communities grow…and it helps the world know His name.

Deo Gloria