
No, not the credit card. I’m talking about that amazing phase event where it requires you to just simply give your all. Giving your all to the point where your giving something you didn’t even know you had.

With that said, every day should be a discovery.

And now we begin…

Something that I’m not good at is most definitely being knowledgeable about the faith in a sense where some people are just really book smart or they can just answer CCC questions etc etc

But what I did discover about myself this week is that, being that kind of knowledgeable can be worked on, but what needs to be worked on now, is just choosing to love happily.

So your saying…you have a heart of stone?

No…but what I am saying is despite the baggage we carry, despite the current daily struggles in life, the service we carry out in the community requires us to give more.

Give more when you are tired. Give more even at the heaviest of hearts. Give more to those that need you.

We can’t dwell on the things that just simply don’t add up to the love that the Lord has for us.

So what things do add up?

Absolutely nothing can add up to the amount of love the Lord has. That’s the point. He wants us to be happy. The more you can give yourself for the Lord, the more He will be more evident in those struggles, complications, desires and turn it into something even greater.

Lets spread that message. The life we live would not be a life without the lessons received in sacrifice, prayer, struggle and love. God has been great. There is nothing on this earth we cannot handle. Lets remind ourselves of that everyday. Lets continue to love. Lets continue to be happy.

Lord, may I see you through the times of unhappiness. May I be reminded of Your calling to share the love that you have shared with me through the rest of my life. I love You. I will love those around me. May I choose to give more of myself in proclamation of Your glory and in proclamation of your endless love which we can find every single second. Guide me. Father me.

Deo Gloria

Stay Joyful, Keep Praying

It’s true when they say that in this community, there are so many people looking to you even in the smallest details. It really does test you to just remain steady and joyful at almost all times.

I guess I’ve been tested recently in this. All I remember is that God tested me in just being able to remain positive and stay joyful. I totally failed that. I just remember being really uncomfortable, just not myself. I remember going home and just wanting to crash into bed and forget the whole thing.

Boom…I know, we all have those days.

Point is this, in that whole situation, I didn’t look to God at all. I completely made the whole thing about myself and let it turn my heart to stone even if it was for a moments time.

So…what did you do after?

In just reflecting from last weeks reflection I wrote in things just taking time, it all just comes down to this:

Everything works in God’s time but that doesn’t mean you should be stagnant in your prayers. Look to Christ in all things. Even in matters where you just don’t feel yourself. Christ may be trying to teach you something. Be vulnerable. Stay joyful. Keep praying.

Lord, no matter what comes my way, may I be able to just continue to love and continue to spread the joy You bring to my own life. I want to know You more.

Deo Gloria


Takes Time

Praise God.

I’m heading into my second year as an MV, and I am really excited to see what the Lord has in store for me.

With that said, I learned something in the last few weeks. Everything takes time.
Okay…not what?

So, aside from being an MV, I was humbly called to be a chapter head. Something I have totally overlooked and thought I could handle. BOY, did God ever so much humble me.

So here’s the beauty to it. To love takes time. Quality time and quality effort! You have to really be vulnerable to breaking out of your tradition and breaking into newer blessings and opportunities the Lord will put in front of you.

I can go on with scripture, and all this and that in big words etc etc…but the point is,

Keep loving. Even when you’re tired…give more.

Pray for me. I’m trying to get used to breaking into the newer blessings of my chapter. I’ll pray for you! Heck, gimme a shout if you are reading this and want to even chill.

(Sorry for the long wait of a post, I just needed to affirm myself in prayer more)

Deo Gloria


Don’t think

A bad habit I have is over thinking. Its been rough personally, but you can’t tell. Then I heard this.

“Don’t think. Just pray.”

Lord, May I not harden my heart, but allow it to be engulfed by the waves of Your unending desire to have a relationship with me. There is no better place for me then in Your arms. Allow me to focus on what it is You want. The rest will come in Your time.




Lining Things Up

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.-Proverbs 3:5-6

I’m going to do the best I can to keep this simple in relation to things I’ve been experiencing/reflecting on.

We’ve been taught or shown how to do things. How to really make sure what we are doing is in the way Christ would want us to do things. Over all, we are called to love.

Whooptie do, tell us something we don’t know…

We can line things up, follow protocol, do this and do that to insure that what we are expecting could happen…but in the end…It’s God’s plans. Even though you may work days, months, or even years trying to “line things up” the right way, it might just not be in God’s will for you to expect what you are expecting to get out of it…

Point is this. That’s why its so important to keep a consistent prayer life..and a consistent life to love…

So that’s two different things…love…lining things up…so what?

Things may not go as planned. But in the end, Christ still has that very same calling for us to continue to love. Love Him, love others…

Love is not based on our understanding…it’s based on acceptance.

We will never understand why God lets things happen the way it happens. But the moment we learn to just accept it, we are living a life of true love and faith to our God.

As hard as it is, lets accept God’s plans whether at first we find it to be a victory or a cross…

So the equation is… God is love. We are called to love. To love we must accept. Accept God in His decisions for your life.

Pray for me. Like any human being, any member of this community, I’m struggling with accepting things/people that I’ve been trying to love for years. I’ve lined things up, in hopes of begging God for this and that to happen. But in the end, its God’s plans. If this is what He wants, then I will love through acceptance.

Again, Pray for me. I’ll be praying for you.

Lord, may I search deeper in hopes of finding you more and more each day. I don’t understand, but that’s okay. I’m trying to accept what it is you want for me right now. I need You more than ever. Amen.

Deo Gloria.


Moments to Much, Much, More

 “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” -Romans 8:28

I get so caught up these days. I’m glad during the mission we come to realize that there is never a time where we are left alone. How ever it is we experience God’s love, where ever it is we experience God’s love, those moments…we cherish.


But there’s the thing. Do we make take those moments, and turn them into lifestyle? That as much as Christ loves us, do we live like we owe it all to Christ? Or do we get caught up in trying to force our own plans?

WHOA…I know I know. It’s hard.

BUT here’s the thing. Something I’ve been able to pick up, is just simply…take time to reflect on it.

Lord, what is it you want from me? Does going through with this make me a better version of myself for You? Am I doing this to make this person a better version of themselves for You? Lord…I need You.

Simple as that. Whether its decisions for any friendships, relationships, households, family, but most especially for yourself. As the verse says, “God causes all things to work together for good…”

Bros and Sistuhs, God is great. God is love. Choose Christ in your everyday decisions. Have Christ lead the way.

I’m down for all these analogies, and metaphors…but sometimes, especially in moments like these…God’s voice is very simple.

Take a moment, to live with a heart fully aligned with Christ. Our eternal happiness comes from God.

Pray for me! I’ll most definitely be praying for all of you!

Deo Gloria

What do you have to lose?

Its a beautiful thing to be able to have conversations with other leaders in the community when they even consider wanting to apply to the MV program. This ones for you guys.

What do you have to lose?

Its a big yes to actively discern for full time work. Heck, I’m still in its process along side the other MV’s across the True North. I say this over and over again, but do we really trust in the Lord’s plans? Everyone’s experiences are different, but I think we can all agree when we are serving in the community, we all have a connection with Christ.

It doesn’t matter how inadequate we feel, or how much we know about the Catechism etc etc etc. The point of the community, is to sustain each other with Christ.

“Young People Being and Bringing Christ Wherever They Are”

Its our mission. We love doing it. Its our life, that we owe to our Creator.

Even if its not the MV program, or Full time work, maybe its that household role that we are just trying to put our feet into. Ask yourself…

What do you have to lose? Its a simple question, and we all know the answer. Pray about it!

Lord, what ever it is you want me to do, may I be able to respond by keeping You in mind. You are the one that holds my life. You are one that brings me peace. 

Deo Gloria