Be Honest Here

Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a good conscience, desiring to conduct ourselves honorably in all things.“-Hebrews  13:18

I’ve been heavily heavily reflecting on my own in the past few weeks, only to find out about myself that there are things in my life where I don’t want to face the reality of…and it hit me big time this weekend.

Let’s start with this. For those that didn’t know, I serve as a chapter head along side of being a Mission Volunteer, and for our monthly Chapter Assembly, we coincidentally did the Emmaus Walk (this weeks gospel). I immediately reflected as I finished giving my talk as I again, went for a long walk mentally deep into the night…I was not happy about myself..

Then mass came on the Sunday. I was having anxiety, just feeling nervous and doubtful you could even say about some particular things (if you really wanna know, schedule a one on one or msg me) and honestly, I remember just having a thought in my head of why Christ was letting these things linger in my mind? Then I took communion.


I immediately was reminded just like in the story of the Emmaus walk, that Jesus is and was always present. I was immediately just rushed with a sense of peace and upon more reflection, here is what I can say for those that have trouble in facing certain realities…

Christ loves you. There is a plan for each situation/struggle/victory that is currently happening, has happened, and will happen. Its hard to grasp the reality, but grasp the hand that the Lord has extended to you for all Your life.

Know the Creator. He holds our future. How well do you know the Lord?

Yeah, that’s pretty much it. Pray for me. I’ll pray for you. God is greater!

Lord, allow me to come face to face with Your plans. Though I do not know what they hold, allow me to have the posture of surrender to You, in order to fulfill Your desires for me. Though I am uncomfortable, vulnerable and broken in some parts of Your plans, may I look to You and lift up to you my earnest petitions and desires. Empty me, only to filled and emptied again. Amen.

Deo Gloria


There’s a certain contentment with currently being an MV. I’m just sitting here at the CFC office, just doing what I need to do…and what can I say, I love serving this community.

There’s a certain contentment with being vulnerable to the service, being vulnerable to the people you serve, being vulnerable to the Lord…I don’t know how to explain it.

But what I can explain is that I want to continue giving my all. Praise God for the endless opportunities that we receive to be able to make a difference in a secular world. I truly feel that when you offer yourself to the Lord and you allow yourself to always be uncomfortable, you coincidentally find more rest and comfort in the Lord, himself and his plans.

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

Another simple message but praise God for the daily reminders He puts in our lives to show His existence and assistance and faithfulness to us and His plans.

Deo Gloria



I’m going to keep this short, because there is a lot to reflect on and what not.

Being a Youth for Christ, is living the 100 percent free lifestyle.

I always thought about this..and a few days ago from my chapter pastoral, I saw the fruits of how being 100 percent free helps our community and the future of new youth be sustained. Its simple, and just a moral reminder how we as leaders are called to pastor our youth. We need to look deep down inside of ourselves and really ask our heart, can I be accountable for this person if I can’t be accountable for myself?..

Praise God. It was evident in my chapter pastoral that even with one person just grasping the lifestyle, it got the point to everyone that we can help each other grow from the worldly desires and replace them with treasures that can be placed in heaven.

That’s all. Just a simple thought.

Deo Gloria!



Oh my goodness…I can’t wait to catch up on my blogging.

Anyways, I was in the Philippines in the last few weeks as I had the honor of leading team Canada (#ShiftTeamTN) along side fellow MV Chris Ann, we embarked on a journey for this years International Conference in Palawan.

Do I need to say more? It was life changing.

It wasn’t my first International Conference, so I kinda had an idea of what to expect…But the Lord being the Lord, He had something totally different in store for me.

Long story short, my experience from last year brought me all the way here today desperately wanting more and more delegates from Canada to witness the fullness of the community, the beauty of our faith, and the joy of the Lord. Praise God.

The Lord called me this year to simply watch. To simply behold and ponder His beauty through our Canadian Delegates. It was the most humbling experience being able to see everyone get closer together, to see the joy in their faces, tears in their eyes, never ending laughs and jokes…(Shout out to Debonaire)

Honestly, just being able to sit back, and let the Lord work through them as He has done for me…absolutely beautiful to see the fruits of our community, households, families, years and years of prayer…how beautiful was it that just by simply saying yes to leading this delegation, to see the outcome of lives being changed in front of your eyes…how amazing it is to know the Lord continues to love us every second..

I owe the Lord my all. I owe this community so much. This is just a fragment of what went on this trip. You’ll definitely be hearing more about it soon in the next couple days where I owe blogs.

I’ll have a complete blog on this trip soon! I needa catch up on sleep doe

Deo Gloria



Late But Just in Time

You know those days where you are expecting the day to go a specific way and then…

it doesn’t happen?

It was one of those days for me. I was expecting to go to work, hang out with friends before I leave for the Philippines and enjoy the company of friends. Well, didn’t happen. 

Instead I went to work, went home, waited for a couple hours to see what was up, and ended up going to late dinner with my two younger cousins.

It bothers me when my day changes even just a bit…But praise God it did.

I ended up bringing my cousins to adoration here at about 11:50pm. Pretty late for a young high schooler and an elementary kid.

Long story short, we all sat together, in front of our Father, and just prayed together. I don’t know what they were praying for, or if they even understood what was going on in adoration but what I do know, was that the Lord was working. 

It affirmed me of my duties as an older brother, a son, a friend, a role model that is reflecting the works of Christ to others…

After we left, we were just sharing with each other what we thought of what just happened and the thing that struck me the most was something so simple, but so beautiful.

My youngest cousin (Elementary school) asked me what the code was for the adoration chapel…In fact he kept asking me when is it open etc etc…I finally gave in to telling him the code.

What he will do with it? Only God knows.

But praise God. It was a bright and clear affirmation of what I am called to do. To  be and bring Christ wherever I am. 

A little late with my family, but just in Time. His time.

Deo Gloria 


So, I just got back from a very long work trip in Tyler, Texas…I know..its kinda like, what the heck are you doing there? 100,000 Population, not much to do, just a lot restaurants and cows.

Anyways, so what can you get out of this now?

Well first off, who here can say that their co-workers know that they are Catholic? OR who here can say that its easy for them to live out their faith in their work place?

For me, I found it very difficult in trying to live out my CFC-Youth/Catholic lifestyle within my work area. Then I realized this..

UH OH…here we go.

So, if you can just grasp how a business works…someone, or some family has invested ALL their time, ALL their money into hopefully achieving success in their business. They work day in, day out, sweat, tears, stress, and even get to the point of almost failing.

Okay…so you are telling us to do what exactly?

To be Catholic is to be a true servant, is to live simply to love extravagantly.  What I witnessed in Texas was an amazing such a loving family putting literally EVERY SINGLE CENT, and efforts into having a success business.

With that said, you don’t have to make it known around the work area that you are Catholic, but what you should be doing is acting as one.

Appreciate the job you have. Work hard. What better way to love not just as a worker but to actually care about the work you put into your job. There are people relying on your hard work for their success. What better way to love them, then to take your job and actually care about it.

“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”

See the connection? We don’t necessarily have to have co-workers or bosses ask us if we are people of the Faith. As long as we show the lifestyle of a Catholic, that is more than enough. God will do the rest in asking them where our strength, compassion, perseverance, and faith comes from.

God has been so great to me. I need to take my job as a chef seriously. I need to take my life as a missionary seriously because I love what I do.

People have invested all their effort and time into their business/jobs/missions. Lets help them invest time into our God by being servants. Being missionaries. By living simply, and loving more extravagantly.

Deo Gloria!

PS, feels good to be back in Canada. I love my country.


Be here

I’ve been here in Texas for a few days now and just having all this time alone…a lot of thoughts hit your mind.

I guess I realized this;

Just the way the Lord carefully places certain things in your life…imagine how timely those situations came whether at the time it was a victory, or even a struggle. Imagine where you are now…or at least for me anyways, you realize how active the Lord was in every single second of our lives..

Sure, there are a lot of things we need to learn, heal from, reflect on…but at least know this…

You are still here today. You can handle whatever is front of you. There are people God has placed in your life that are there for you. Never give up. Keep Praying. Keep giving more of You, to love all of Him.

Lord, may I always be motivated by You. Inspired by You. To love like You. To be like You. To accept like You have accepted.

Deo Gloria