Hey, It’s Me Again

I understand that during this time of penance, You desire to call me everyday. Despite my laziness, pride, unwillingness to be a witness, You still show me the way You love me at the end of the day.

I’m not gonna lie, I feel really overwhelmed with everything that has happened in the last few weeks, Lord. Seems like everything is taking a different turn all of a sudden…and I find myself nit picking at everything I am doing wrong. I find myself backing into a corner asking myself why did I say this, why did I do this, why did this happen this and that…You must be molding. If so, please grant me the perseverance and humility I need to co operate.

Thank for sending me an affirmation though that I am growing into a more adult relationship with You. Thank You for the gifts of the sacraments. Thank You for Your mother who I am learning about everyday through devotion.

Anyways, I just wanted to let You know that I am thankful for the life you’ve given me. The people you’ve sent on my path in this life.  Please allow me to continue to serve in this community, in my parish, in my family. Despite what is going on, I know there is a greater glory ahead for me to give back to You. I love You. Help me to love like You.


Much to Learn

Oh man..it feels great to finally be able to log onto a computer and post a reflection.

” I will not be a burden, because I do not want what is yours but You…I will most gladly spend to be spent by You. If I love more, am I to be loved less?” 

                                                                                                              -2 Corinthians 12:15

This is a verse that I am very inspired by and probably is one of my favorite verses.

It just yells self-giving… not self-giving in a way where its completely going no where…but self-giving in a way where we acknowledge that all belongs to our Lord. That in our own interior castles, we allow the Lord to walk in us..work in us. Ultimately, we want what He plans for us.

My favorite part of this verse is the very last bit, “If I love more, am I to be loved less?”

Beautiful because it ties with our theme this year in the family ministries to “Love More”, yet this verse questions, “am I to be loved less?”

Another beautiful indication that we are called to great humility. To love like our Lord did to the very end of our lives without questioning to receive back.

Oh man…so much has happened in the start of this year. I’ve learned so much AND so much has happened. I’ve been blessed blindly. I’ve been motivated in heart, mind and soul…though there is much to learn, I accept the challenge to love more!

“Are you going to do what is right or what is Easy?”

Deo Gloria


..And I will give you rest

So I recently just got back from a trip with some old and new friends. We took a 5000 mile journey from Beautiful British Columbia, down to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, back to Los Angeles, another stop in San Francisco, back north to Portland, into Seattle, and back home where the heart is.

So with getting that out of the way, allow me to share with you a few experiences/revelations. You already know, if you keep up with some of my blogs, its very simple..yet very personal to me. So yeah,


Before we went on this journey (the pre-trip I guess), I had an opportunity to head into adoration at a parish I am familiar with but never took the time to take advantage of the chapel there. So I sat there, really wanting and yearning for the Lord to speak…I tried and tried to listen..only to realize that maybe in the busyness of life outside, He wanted me to sit and stare. (There’s a reason why that is written in bold letting..just wait)

“Open your eyes and your ears.”

Alright…I’m not gonna lie..when I was reflecting on what I felt what the Lord was telling me…I was confused. Why not my mind? Why not my heart? Was the answers to my prayers really that simple? Without question though, it stuck to me, I wrote that down on my phone and proceeded with the days ahead before the trip.

So, lets fast forward a bit. The reason I took this trip was because I felt so lost in the busyness of life. I didn’t know what I wanted, nor did I know what the Lord wanted for me. I’ve been stuck in this vicious cycle of being inspired to being luke warm, to keeping my emotions in check to being a wreck etc etc…oh man. The last half of the year was a personal blur…so I really felt compelled to let the Lord work in this trip.

So, lets fast forward again. We (me and my friends that went along) were sitting in the living room after we woke up and one of our friends decided to randomly share a reflection. Another friend of mine affirmed that reflection with simple words that was said so quietly, yet when I heard it, it felt like the weight of the world dropped on my head. Here it is, another revelation.

“God doesn’t want to confuse you. He makes everything personal to you and to you only.”

Alright, Alright. Once again. Opening my eyes, check. Opening my ears, check. God doesn’t to confuse me. Got it. So now what?

We were given the opportunity to visit a few friends at St. Michael’s Abbey up in the Orange County, California area. To be honest, it was the first time I’ve been ever exposed to the lives of a seminarian. These guys were even cloistered. A friend (Frater Emmanuel) that I have not seen in forever was one of the seminarians along with his brother (Frater Joachim) were the ones we were visiting. A little background story about Frater Emmanuel and I… (Side story ahead)

We never really talked before. (Bet you weren’t expecting that) But he plays an important part as to why I am still in the community. When I first decided to give the community a chance again back in 2010, I found myself often by myself due to not really knowing many people or still trying to get back into the groove of things. This big guy approached me…and just asked, “How’s your prayer life?” A lot changed from that conversation even though not much was said…what shocked me the most and what stuck to me the most was that wow, don’t even know him and first thing we talk about is faith. First thing he says about himself is really asking me how I am with the Lord.

OKAY, so enough of that…we were just driving in the car and here he goes again..I’m driving, he’s in the passenger seat, “What’s your predicament, Vince?” Immediately I got flashbacks of the first time we talked. So I explained to him, how I felt confused and how my experience in adoration just felt like I was staring, waiting. Then he reminded me of a story of St. John Vianney,

“I stare at Him because He stares at me.”

I got shivers. Maybe God is just waiting for me to say something rather than just sit there?

Anyways, we also had the beautiful privilege to visit the Bethlehem Priory of St. Joseph where the Norbertine sisters live. It was a beautiful experience…They too are very much cloistered, so it was rare to even see the sisters because as we sat during adoration there is a wall that prevents us from seeing them. It was so ironic because I could feel immediately the beauty and peace in the chapel. Really, you couldn’t see another soul in the room, yet you could feel the presence of true surrender and devotion to the Lord. Amazing experience.

They even fed us pizza and fruits…through a gate. HAHA Praise God though in invading their kitchen and drinking fresh milk and eating fresh cheese.

One of my friends has an interest in seriously discerning for the religious life. I sat there praying for that person in the chapel and I thought about how hard it was for the Fraters, and even for the sisters or anyone even to discern/plan for the religious life. Then boom…

“If you plan, only then will you be able to be open to what I have in store”

Okay, so lets fast forward to being here at home now after all that had happened.

I realized that the Lord has been always been working in my life despite the busyness and blur of it all. I was confused with decisions because I was okay with not doing anything about. I was just…staring. Little did I remember..the Lord this whole time continues to look at me in hopes that I may become a reflection of passing the blessings He has given me.

“Open your eyes and your eyes”

The people I went with were an affirmation to that revelation. To be a witness to their stories, their lives…It is an internal inspiration that I have been able to gather from them in how they serve the Lord now, and how much MORE they want to LOVE. The Lord was revealing to me how simple the matters of the heart can be comforted, by simply being a witness to His work in everything around me, and the beautiful devoted Catholics who I’ve been able to cross paths with.

“God doesn’t want to confuse you. He makes everything personal to you and to you only.”

Boy, did He ever make this trip personal to me. When it comes down to it my desire is to serve this community with a whole heart. I desire to be a better Catholic. I desire to love more. That conviction isn’t confusing. Its in fact a personal message from the Lord I’ve yet to unfold.

“I stare at Him because He stares at me.”

Never forget that in the end of the day, beginning of the morning…its always God. The one who loves, gives, takes, shares, forgives, etc etc. This was a revelation to simply stay in front of His presence.

“If you plan, only then will you be able to be open to what I have in store”

Be specific now. The Lord wants to hear these desires. He wants to know exactly what it is you are praying for. Be open to Him.

Lord, thank you for Quez, Butch, Tanya, Rocky and Bryan. Thank You for the safety You’ve granted us this past trip. The revelations, the spontaneous worships, reflections, and all of the above. Thank You for speaking to me. Thank You for this beautiful community. Thank You for life giving friendships. Thank You for family. Thank You for the life you’ve given us and the life ahead. Thank You for continuing to love me and everyone I love. Allow me to love more. Allow me to learn to receive. Allow me to selflessly give. 

2015, I’m not saying I’m ready..I’ll just say that I’m willing.

Deo Gloria 


**I missed so much more things that came from this trip…just ask me in person**

Family Matters

So, I’ve had a somewhat personally tough week. A lot of internal warfare for sure, but its nice when you surely focus on the Lord, He does what He can to remind you that we need him. SO #PraiseGod always.

Anyways, onto my reflection for this week.

Today marks the beginning of our advent season. As usual I prepared for myself to attend mass on my own simply because my family either goes on their own individual time or does their own thing. Today was different. It was like Christ was calling us to be together at this specific mass. 

I had work. My sisters had work. My parents were coming from home. Yet in God’s timing, we all made to our first mass together maybe even for the first time this year…all on the start of the advent season…

I went to confession and it was very fitting that the priest told me, when the Lord calls you so providentially or gathers everyone together…how much of a desire does He have then for you all together to be back in communion, and in relationship, and friendship with Him?

Wow….I was very overwhelmed at that moment by what felt like the purest love from the Lord…

It was a beautiful site. To see my parents pray. To see my sisters pray. This is what I’ve been missing out on in the last year as a result of having different schedules. Let the Lord made a way for us to experience the preparation of His coming.

I take it as a challenge from God. To help prepare each other during this advent season…

I take it even more as a challenge..that this preparation is leading us to LOVE MORE. 

Coincidental? I think not. Providential.

Lord, thanks. I want to be a source of unity within my family.  Thank you for also blessing my mother with another year of life. You’re the best.

Deo Gloria

Thank You Lord

I was away on a work trip for a week up in Kelowna, B.C. and it was such a blessing.

I’m starting to see the small things that matter…I don’t know how to really put it…but upon being away, every night I had the opportunity to just sit and listen, to whatever it is the Lord wanted me to be sensitive to..

So I reflected on my years as being a mission volunteer. Funny because in our monthly MV meeting, we shared on our reflection this year. I can honestly just put it into a big,

“Thank You Lord”

I can look back this year…think about every mistake, victory, correction, argument, fellowship, events, purchases, detachments etc etc…and just to look at where I am now..just simply being able to live with a freedom where I am free because I am consistently trying to allow the Lord to consume my heart..oh man..I’m so blessed.

And I’m sure you are too. All the times this year where our hearts were stretched, tested, put into fire, drowning in water…it never comes with out something the Lord wants to see, hear, or how ever it is He was present in those times.

So I wonder, why have I ever doubted You?

You’ve worked in everything. You’ve constantly reminded me that You love me every single starving second that I hunger or thirst for something…

Yeah. I’m so excited for the theme of next year. I’m so thankful for the Marian themes of the past. I’m very humbled by the experiences the Lord has allowed me to experience to the places He’s brought me in the last 2 years…

I’ve always had an itinerary that I could see, but I’m happy to say that even if I am walking in the unknown in the soon future, I trust You.

You can trust Him too. He loves You!

Deo Gloria


ALL Saints Day

Sorry for the late posts…I had some complications with posting last week. BUT regardless, here’s just a quick reflection on a Pro life x All Saints Day Mass I was able to attend!

I was very touched by the homily given. So here’s a bit of it I was able to grasp on paper:

“The world says its a normal thing in life to abort a child. That it’s okay and that it just happens. This is how the devil works and that sometimes we don’t want to hear it. That we don’t like to hear unpleasant things. But this is the reality of where we are today. That the devil is working very hard to take away our responsibilities and realizations that everyday life is being taken away.

From the start of conception, there is already another trinity that is forming life. That the part from man, and the part from woman, is combined thus forming not just life in the stomach, but a SOUL. That is already more than enough to define life. That not 20 days after, not months after, but the MOMENT of conception, there is a soul.

Its no coincidence that this pro life mass falls on All Saints Day. That we are not just celebrating the Saints we know of today, but the Saints of the FUTURE. This is why the devil works so hard in wanting to get rid of life before it is even born. We need to fight for all life. At every stage. Everyday, thousands of the unborn are aborted. It would take days to wipe out Vancouver if those unborn were us in replacement. Let that sink in the reality of how many Saints aren’t being able to love here on earth.”

Beautiful. It really affirms us as CFC-Youth serving in the greater family ministries and the Catholic community because it shows that we are protecting life at ALL its stages. From Womb to tomb. KFC to CFC, SOLD, HOLD etc etc…Beautiful.

It also affirms us as CFC-Youth that we need to be advocates for life. Everyone is called to sainthood. Even the unborn. We could be saving the lives of the future church leaders, our own community leaders, to Saints…

We as Catholic Missionaries/Leaders in our community are all products of a greater love for life…Makes you appreciate life a bit more eh?

Deo Gloria


Walks of Life: #Ilovemyhousehold

This weekend I was able to participate with the Pacific West Cluster core in our Leaders Enrichment Retreat. I was simply filled more than I could ever understand with the Lord’s love.

Simply put, this reflection is to just appreciate our Households. 

A little bit of background story, I’ve been serving the Pacific East Cluster for almost all of my time in CFC-Youth. The chapters were close by in location, I almost knew everyone that had walked in and out of our events, and the love I felt within my households in the East were definitely an affirmation of me to stay serving in this community with people I have journeyed with even before joining CFC-Youth or being active in letting the Lord work in my life. 

All was good and amazing…then I was asked to serve the Pacific West as a Chapter head. I was definitely hit with the humble hammer. 

As far as I could remember, the West had been struggling…location wise, it was difficult for the chapters to share as a cluster due to a chapter being on an island or having to only take the highways etc etc…and on top of that…

I had no idea who any of these individuals I’d be serving with were..Unlike my journey in the East, I had no idea what their stories were or conversions or even what makes them joyful…and it showed in our cluster cores first half year of serving together. 

Now, fast forward to this past weekend. I really can’t describe what happened here. But all I do know is that it was only of the Lord that can work in such a beautiful way. Praise God for our events like these. Praise God for our households.

This weekend, the Lord affirmed us of our calling as chosen servants. 

We are all so different. Coming from different walks of life. Some of us even recently moving from another Country…yet the Lord made a way to hand pick us and bring us together for a joy we thought we’d never experience not as just friends..but something greater than that..as loving brothers and sisters in Christ. 

I really reflected on each household I’ve ever had, and each individual that Christ has put into my life to journey with…its special. Each time we meet up, its an opportunity to encounter the Lord.

And this weekend…I encountered the Lord in a way where no one thought it was possible due to all of us just being so different and not knowing much about each other.

But praise God for humble hearts.

So whats the point to this reflection?

Love your household. Sure, we may see it as a monthly, weekly thing we attend…but imagine the blessings, experiences, etc etc that we are able to obtain from the Lord in getting to love Him through them. 

I learned a great lesson this weekend about our community and about the Lord.

He can do anything. He can bring anyone together and allow us to understand that universal language of love. No matter how different. Praise God for CFC-Youth. Praise God for our Households. Thank You Lord…I am forever thankful.

Deo Gloria.