The Gift


Pentecost. Upon reflecting and just visualizing what happened during Pentecost I couldn’t help but grasp how much more intensely that the Lord has loved me and is continuing to love me.

We often focus on the gifts of the Holy Spirit but maybe we can look at THE gift of the Holy Spirit that lives in us today.

This gift is that God calls our hearts His home. 

Let’s never forget that. Pentecost reminds us that no matter how unworthy we are, how much we’ve done to turn our backs from the Lord, He continues to knock on our hearts because He wants to live in us and unpack the love He has prepared for our lives. 

Sometimes we don’t hear Him knock. So let our prayer time, service, and simply the way we live like Jesus allow us to silence the worldly noise that prevents the Lord from entering.

Simple as that. You are loved. God lives in everyone. He is proud to call YOU His home. 

Desiderio Domini 


We pray because prayer is the most realistic thing in the world to do. It is our acknowledgment of reality, our right response to reality, our honesty with reality.

One moment of prayer, of weak worship, confused contrition, tepid thanksgiving, or pitiful petition will bring us closer to God than all the books of theology in the world.

A prime example of this is Job. He had three friends that spoke theologically correct truths about God and Job spoke to God in wonder and confusion if God was really just. ( Job 9:17-24)

Yet God spoke and said to the three, “You have not spoken rightly before me, as my servant Job has” (Job 42:7)

The three spoke ABOUT God. Job SPOKE to God. He PRAYED.

So go ahead! The best advice I’ve read about prayer:


Deo Gloria


Hi! Long time no blog! Well, lets get this started.

I just got back from a quick solo trip out in my mission area up 10 hours North (Praise God for the blessing to fly up there) into Prince George, British Columbia.

Any who, prior to this trip, I was even asking myself, what is YOUR definition of mission? Then I’d like to think providentially, God forced His was into this stubborn heart of mine and planned this mission up North pretty last second.

You see, it wasn’t supposed to be the way it went. I was supposed to go up there with my counter part (Hope you are feeling better) and we were supposed to have it all planned out and finish our first camp training for a new set of service team!

It went opposite. I went solo, and had to complete what I could do for the camp training. The day I got there, I had an unexpected one to one with one of the couple coordinators along side my other planned one to ones. Got to our yearly planning, then camp training the next day, then back on a flight in the evening to make it in time for work the next morning!

Okay, so what Vince? That’s mission for ya.

Well, I learned a lot. A lot of what I am capable of when I fully am able to absorb the feeling of having, “a lot to do” in combination with “who/what I am doing this for”.

I didn’t think I was gonna make it. It felt like a lot…but that 1 night, 2 days taught me once again that,

“Along side the Spirit, you will never really be left alone on any mission”. 

And then I came up with an answer…ask me.

So Vince, what is mission to YOU?

Mission to me is to truly be used by God so I may be a living response of His love to others. Mission to me is living and presenting the values of our family ministry as gifts to everyone and presenting this gift back to God. Going on mission is a blessing as they are also opportunities for God to closely allow intimate growth in  our personal journey AND relationships. Mission is to recognize that it the Lord working WITH you and IN you with purpose.

Photo on 2015-08-29 at 2.19 PM #2


With that said, I will continue to strive for excellency in the quality of my service, the perseverance in change, the outpouring of my desires in placement of His for others. 

Pray for me. I am struggling. I will pray for you!

Deo Gloria

Give My All

Man…Still in California as our Western North American Conference has just wrapped up this past weekend.

I didn’t expect this trip to feel so personal especially as the lead up to this entire thing was so last second/unplanned and was so frustrating/filled with anxiety at times.

So yeah, first off Praise God always.

Secondly, this trip has pushed me to my limits in being able to acknowledge a lot of my faults as a servant/brother/friend etc etc. I can sense that the Lord is definitely molding my life again in a very clear and specific way.

Long story short, I realize that I am actually fearful. Fearful to find out the fullest capacity in which the Lord can work through me. Fearful to find out what my calling to my vocation is even though I’ve been open to everything/anything that has came my way.

Like I said, Praise God.

If there is something I learned that will be apart of my “Love Revolution” is that…

It starts by giving the Lord the opportunity to work in the most uncomfortable moments in my life. To really let go.

I have a few days left here. I want to speak more with You. What is it You want me to find?

Pray for me. I feel uneasy. I’ll definitely be praying for all of you who read this.

Deo Gloria

Love Revolution

Already, our preparations for Conference has gone full blown. This is quite possibly one of the biggest tests for me in service, mentally. How far am I willing to go for the Lord in this service?

This message of the “Love Revolution” is not just one to reflect of experiencing love from the Lord, but the question of,

“How deep is your love for Christ?” 

Like mentioned in my last few posts back, nothing has gone the way I desired anything to go. This question is burning in my heart and I can’t wait to answer it.

Pray for me. Definitely feeling the experiences of life piling high.

St. Rita of Cascia, Pray for us.

Deo Gloria

Giving my all

Lord, allow me to not spare any energy when it come to serving You. Allow me to give my all when I say yes to loving You, loving others. May my trials and tribulations merely be stepping stones into climbing closer into Your heart. May my life be of imitation of You. Though I am not perfect, You have made me this way so I may fully experience the true freedom in choosing to fall in love with everything You are. All knowing, All powerful, All present. 


Deo Gloria

Living in Reality

Something I find difficult to deal with sometimes (I’m sure everyone can relate to) is not just being able to face reality, but to live in it. 

What do you mean by that?

Well, allow to share real quick.

I had a very personal conversation that lead me to be very vulnerable and allowed my heart to be seen from a mile away. God knew my desire, He’s heard the same prayers for years, and yeah, it just didn’t happen the way my heart was desiring. 

At first it wasn’t too bad, because I was taught and had previously reflected that God will always have the better plan. That our suffering does not go unseen but in fact is planned so we may be filled with greater graces. I told myself everything was going to be okay, that I can face reality and carry this new cross in my life. 

Truth is, it was easy to say, easy to convince my mind that I could face the new reality but it turned out very quickly, that I couldn’t convince my heart that I could live with this new cross. 

Ever felt that way before?

If you have, or still having trouble living with the reality or position that God has placed you in, maybe this small compilation of reflections could help you as it is helping me.

First off, Praise God. Where we are tested, where we suffer, is where God plans to fully allow us to realize we simply need to cling to Him for hope, faith, love. 

This new cross you are carrying isn’t just 2 pieces of wood. This cross carries the victory of the Lord in our lives that we are giving up what we want, for what He needs. The crosses we carry in our lives are reminders of the eternal victory ahead. Be proud of the cross you carry…because it carries the love of the Lord and the reminder that we trust Him 100 percent despite our own suffering.

When you look at the cross, you see a glimpse of true love. What better way to bear that cross in your life then to look at it with love.  

Defend your prayer time. 

So yeah, easier said than done. I found that out real quick in the last few weeks. Stay positive, keep praying. Keep choosing Christ because when we choose Him, we choose true love. 

Pray for me as I journey from the beginning.

Long live Christ the King