Know Your Limits

“…that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.” -1 Corinthians 7:5 NASB

I’ve always been asked from others about the topic of self control. It’s funny, because it is definitely something I’ve been constantly working on whether it’s not eating that last piece of ice cream cake on a hot summer day, or being on my phone during conversation with friends or family, or even just being able to know what’s a good decision to a rushed decision.

Okay, you’re reading this like, so…you gonna help or what?

I guess even though I struggle with self-control at times, just really reflecting on this, here’s some things that have helped me:


Conversation with the Lord always helps. Ask for the intercession of the Holy Family, or simply, ask God to help you with your situations.


Yup, usually this doesn’t happen, BUT when you get a chance, ask your self, “Is this the right thing to do?” or “I already ate. This is just extra money I’m spending.” OR A VERY IMPORTANT ONE, “Should I go out? I haven’t chilled with my family for a while.”



Especially in times where its all going wrong…OR you just can’t help it…I really feel this helps calm ANY situation, and can give you room to stop and think. FOR example, trying to have self control over anger…I simply repeat, “Jesus, I need You”. It really calms me down and lets me think for a bit about what I’m about to do or say.

SO yeah, a bit of a reflection this week on something I feel God is asking me to work on. Self-Control…or as the BC gambling association says, “Know your limit, play within it.”

Stay faithful, remain hopeful.

Desiderio Domini




I will have hope in You because I have faith in Your plans despite what I see or feel.

I will have hope in You because it was only because of You, I have gotten to where I am today.

I will have hope in You so I may purify my every intention.

I will have hope in You because my loved ones, friends and others need something more than what is on this earth.

I will have hope in You because You are the only one that can provide that.

I will have hope in You because even though I feel as if I have no hope at all, I still look to You first for an answer.

Lord, allow me to sensitive to Your spirit. Allow me to remain faithful in the midst of the things seen and unseen, and allow my faithfulness to glorify You. Though I am weak, You continue to carry me back up. Lord, I offer my life to You, take over.

Desiderio Domini


Thanks, God

For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. -Ecclesiastes 4:10

Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.-John 15:13

I missed last weeks reflection due to the overall busyness of life. So here goes. Where ever you want me to go with this Lord, I am listening.

Last week, a really close friend of mine was given a test from God, to trust in His plans and to look deeper into what seemed a world that was falling apart for this sister of mine.

And that’s what was so beautiful. The support system that is our community, and the support system that is our Catholic faith…

It really isn’t about the quantity of time you’ve known someone, but really how much you are willing to sacrifice to simply be there for each other.

And there it is again. Another beautiful thing. Just the thought that I would have never met any of these people if it wasn’t for this community.

I dunno, there is a lot going on in the mind at the moment…but the sure thing that is so evident is that I owe God my everything for the people that I have in my life that I can call my real friends.

Lord, I thank You for the people in this community that You have given me. Though I may take them for granted at times, I see that You have a purpose for them in my life. I lift them up to You, in hopes that You may continue to be present in them, and that You bless them abundantly. May I never fall short of being the best I can be to them, as You have planned for me to be the best friend I can be, to whoever, when ever. Lord, I offer my life to You, take over.







Much apologies for being late on another post, it really isn’t because I’m lazy or I forget. Honestly, I just don’t want to post something I haven’t put my all into.

But anyways, I’ve been so tired lately. Restless, you could say. You know how the saying goes, “Restless until I rest in You”. I really can affirm that especially in my service, family, friends etc etc…

Let’s take it a step further. Ever heard of the 15 Promises of the Rosary? Intriguing isn’t it?! I’ll leave it to you to look it up. Though it may not be new to some, to me its something that really has changed my relationship with Mama Mary.

With that said, I find it hard to end my day without the rosary. I think that’s something we tend to forget sometimes...that we seek the intercessions of the Saints, so lets not forget Mama Mary can do the same. Read those 15 promises. Devote yourself. Seriously, IT’S SO SIMPLE, and doesn’t even take more than an hour if you are in a hurry.

I really remember early early Monday morning. Like 5am, I’ve been up all night, and super super tired. Yet…still couldn’t sleep. All that was going through my head was, you’re forgetting someone. Boom. I remembered the 15 promises. Boom. Prayed the rosary. Immediately I felt at ease…just peaceful.

‘Mary having co-operated in our redemption with so much glory to God and so much love for us, Our Lord ordained that no one shall obtain salvation except through her intercession.’
–St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

There it finally is. Late reflection, but something through my days that have really been special. No metaphors, no similes, just wanting to get closer to the Holy Family.

Lord, allow me to never forget Your presence. Make me humble enough to always seek the intercession of Your Holy Family in heaven. I seek to know Your will. Lord, I offer my life to You.

Desiderio Domini



The Architect


God is the architect. In His design in us, we are perfect. Though He continues to build on us, and though our walls crash, He is the one that rebuilds us. We all share the same foundation. He builds on that foundation. That foundation is His love.

We were built to love. You are built to love.


“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.”- 2 Timothy 1:7

Desiderio Domini


Wake Up

It doesn’t taken much to realize how much we really owe the family ministry of CFC. In a sense that, it really has done so much for our own lives, and has been able to change so many things for the better.

I really would write a more in depth reflection, but honestly, as simple as it is,

Praise God for this community. He is truly great for giving us exactly what we needed.

Lord, watch over the MV’s entering SHOUT this week. Allow me to remain open to Your love and Your calling.

Lord, I offer my life to You, take over.

Sing and Shout

The amount of joy that left the venue for this year’s Pacific RYC, was something I cannot put to words, but simply put into action. That action is a prayer of thanks, prayer for forgiveness, but as well a prayer of joy.

God’s love is not complicated but secularism, temptation, and sin is what blocks us from simply accepting the blessings we are given.

With that said, Praise God for those that came back into the community. OR for the members who were able to experience what it was like to really use our bodies and movement solely to glorify the Lord. OR for everyone who experience the love of God through our brothers and sisters, our households.

Regardless, WELCOME HOME. Praise God for the 550 strong that said yes to the Lord this weekend.

Cristi Crux Est Mea Lux