Humility, Appreciation

“Humility isn’t just being able to be quiet, but to also appreciate your blessings and where they come from.”
I’ve never really associated humility and appreciation together. Kinda feels like two opposite worlds sometimes. When you think about it though, they definitely both complement each other.

I mentioned in my last reflection, that I haven’t really been going out, and haven’t caught up with the people and friends that I usually see about 5 times a week. Don’t get me wrong though, I’ve been trying every now and then to just try and catch up with them or get myself out of my room.

It got to the point where a lot of questions once again start to cloud my mind, and just really question myself in how I handle my friendships or what really defines the word or being that is a “friend”. It got bad (the self over thinking me), and it got to the point of asking God, “Why?”
(What better way to really shut me up then to let me have time alone anyways? Funny, but I’m not laughing)

But anyways, fast forward to now. Humility was something I was ALWAYS trying to gain and to put into my everyday actions/decisions. Upon discovering the quote above, it hit me.

“Humility isn’t just being able to be quiet, but to also appreciate your blessings and where they come from.”

God was definitely helping me deny myself in order to really appreciate my friendships. No matter how long or short, who it is, I think this time alone really let me reflect on the positivity my friends have, or how much each of them have impacted my life and how much they are apart of getting me to be a mission volunteer for the community. Heck, the quiet time alone from everything else let me spend that time I’ve been needing with my family and even let me get to my mission areas.  Once again, I was quick to assume.

But God is so good. Though sometimes my mind says otherwise, at heart, I know God’s plans are God’s plans for me getting closer to Him. Thanks God.

I honestly feel like I’m growing more maturely to the faith. Praise God. Well, I got a lot of catching up to do. Friends, MV homework, work…etc etc.

Desiderio Domini

Random, but I often think that maybe this time alone is definitely more prep of whats to come…hmm…interesting. & Happy Birthday Mama Mary!










To Be Like You

I think I can hopefully speak for all of us when we say, it has definitely been a blessed summer. The Lord has been so great, and after reading upon all the other fellow MV’s reflections, I didn’t want to do anything else but get this going. So here goes:

“Cast all your anxieties on Him, for He cares about you.” – 1 Peter 5:7

I’ve always had the question lingering into the mind, “Whose really there for you?” This isn’t something that just sits, it digs. I can recall as far back as the beginning of high school even. This question, that turned to selfish action, hardened my heart, and created someone different. I can admit, I’m loud. I act out on whatever and do it around whoever and I did it because I felt empty, lonely even. You can say it built more insecurities as I struggled to just find people I can call MY friends. Bouncing around, doing what I can to fill that void of loneliness. Even up to today.

That’s changed. And after reflecting on this summer, I really owe it up to the Lord, to the MV program, to the community, to my family, to the people that were and are there for me.

I’ve been blessed to go to ILC, meet my God sister for the first time EVER in the Philippines at ILC, travel to cook, prioritize my family again, lead praisefest at our RYC, serve at Conference, meet great people, come back to a family trip….

When on this journey was I ever alone? Though there were times where I’ve spent days alone…did God ever really leave me with no one there? No, because He was there. Like Johnathan was there for David, Ruth was there with Naomi, etc etc…God really showed His existence and His being through ever person and every blessing I was able to witness in the past, present.

One of the best parts about being an MV, or even just being in the community, I can pass this reflection/realization in the way I live, act, and love to whoever needs it. Think about it. Think about the past summer, years, days, even few seconds…look around you…even if there is no one there…There’s stories/experiences even in the laptop you are using to read this…someone made that for your enjoyment. Or even that picture in the living room, those people have been there all your life.

There is much to do. There are a lot of things to patch up. But God has planned something greater. This summer helped me realize how much more I want to be like Him, and how much more I want to share Him. Thank You, Lord. There is much to do.

“Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you.”– Hebrews 13:5

Lord, may I be able to love like You. To think like You. To be like You in any way You want me to be. Thank You for never leaving me, or leaving the people in my house, in the community, or even taking Your eyes off all of Your creations. We need You.

Desiderio Domini


I think as discerning full time missionaries, the true test of whether or not we can really commit to the lifestyle of constant inter-personal relationships with others, comes with the question of,

“How am I with my family?”

I guess what I have been reflecting on lately and just been trying to be more consistent on is, if I can speak and act with such passion for my faith around people in the community, then I should be able to do the same with my family. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I am a completely different person around the community and my family, BUT lets face facts, sometimes it feels different at home. Let’s change that. Let’s change that NOW.

Lord, allow me to bring my family closer to You. You have blessed us with so much, so allow my family be an out pour of Your love to others, all for the glory of Your name. We love You. We need You.

Desiderio Domini

Creative Missions

Just woke up, still in Calgary after that amazingly fruitful #WTNC2013 #JesusEXPO

First off, God is so great. You have definitely revealed Yourself to me in ways where I myself cannot doubt Your word any more.

I was given the opportunity to be the Production Head for this true north conference, and to be honest, it was quite the road. A lot of tension, stress, sweat, tears and every emotion played out in the last couple months, but along with it, was a lot of prayer.

I guess that’s where God hit me in the face to wake me up. It was so easy to say NO to challenges and trials at first…but after this weekend, seeing all the creatives, all the hard work finally be put into action, there was no doubt in my mind God was telling me,

“Trust in their annointing.”

Praise God we said yes to all the challenges…These creatives and my friends that took part in dedicating time to recreate God’s love stories…those were my Jesus Moments. Imagine if we said no to getting them done, it definitely would not have been as fruitful as it played out to be. To see every one of their faces in excitement, nervousness, etc etc just before they went on stage, but at the same time to all have one vision in reaching the creative mission…beautiful.

So at this time, I would like to acknowledge those who helped me see God in this journey and took part in taking up the creative missionary heart.

First, my counterpart in this Production mission. Emily Dionisio. I’ve known you since highschool and never have we ever shared anything about faith. So Praise God, that in His time, we were able to get the job done and push ourselves beyond our limits. Much thanks for being patient, always joking around when we needed it, and serving with joy. Praise God for you, fellow mission volunteer.

The Creative Heads. Corrina De La Paz, Lorryzel Badajos, Bryan Abas, Kevin Locsin, Jeanine Marte, Renz Florez. You guys really exemplified what it takes to lead with a heart that is all for the Lord and nothing for yourself. All the time, dedication, every single moment and thought that went into the blooming of these specific creatives, really showed how much you poured out God’s love from your cup to everyone else. There were definitely difficult moments, but in those moments, you all allowed God to fill you back up again. PRAISE GOD for you creative missionaries. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Everyone that was in the creatives, opening dance, closing dance, segment producers, stage managers, etc etc…Praise God for taking on a task that is ALL “at the back” service. The small things, big things, victories that came with this weekend, would not have happened with out each and every one of you. I truly saw God work through you guys with every single decision, every single movement, every word said. Continue to say yes to these things. God is building you all up for something so much more.

So yeah, there it is. If you are asking me, “Vince, what did you learn this weekend?” I can only respond with another question,

“What is God telling me to surrender?”

A lot to think about. But at least I can go into answering that question knowing God’s plans are so much better than mine. 

Desiderio Domini


We out here

Well, we made it. 18 hours later and we are now in Calgary.

All I can say is, the familiar feeling of Conference coming up….OH man.

A quick list of things I’ve been thinking about:

1. Outdo each other in love.

2. Everyone deserves our outpouring love.

3. Thanks, God.

Only problem is, why only feel this way now?

We should live these things EVERYDAY….





I think I can speak for all of us when it just so happens that when we try to become a stronger person/Catholic, life gets harder.

Let’s cut to the chase. I’m not afraid to recognize and expose the things I need to work on, but when it comes to the posture I NEED to have now, this is it.

Posture of Faith

Posture of Humility

Posture of Sacrifice

1. Posture of Faith- Personally for me, I have a hard time with accepting the fact that there are somethings that I can’t control, OR that we try to make things our will than His will.

God knows our desires. He will reveal to us the answers when we are ready to bear them. Let the Lord work, let the Holy Spirit move. God never left us, so why should we even think about not trusting Him. He has plans. BE PATIENT.

2. Posture of Humility- Again, personally for me, its getting a lot better. However, I need to watch what I say, and think before a certain word or action comes out.

To have a humble heart makes you more sensitive to the plans God and the movement of the Holy Spirit. A humble servant can see and appreciate the blessings of the life in front of us.

3. Posture of Sacrifice- This is a tricky one for me. My expectations get the best of me sometimes.

Sacrifice always entails that we do things without expecting anything in return. Its hard, but God sees everything we do. He’s smiling down even if you can’t see it. Keep going. RAK the world.

Sorry, if it seems like I’m talking to myself within this entire reflection. Its just that time where I’m doing a lot of soul searching and trying to empty myself of the things in this life that I don’t need to be filled again by whatever God wants.
Hopefully you guys can get something out of this as much as it is a reflection for myself.

Lord, I know its hard but You wouldn’t give me anything I cannot bear. Allow me to see your hand at work in my every action. I know this is a crucial time, and there is a lot to do, but I ask that You continue to give me what I need to be closer to You. To trust You. To be more faithful, have more humility, and to realize the sacrifices that go unnoticed on this earth, will be rewarded in heaven. I love You. I need You. Lord, I offer my life to You, take over.

Desiderio Domini



Perfect Timing

It’s that time of year again, Conference prep is a go. the ONE thing that always boggles my mind is…everytime I run into some sort of problem, some sort of situation…

Why is it that EVERYTIME, things get resolved or answered at the most perfect times? Not just in service, but just the overall timing of just things falling into place can only be from God…

With that said, I really do encourage taking the time at the end of the day to just think and sit about how the day went…trust, there are lessons to learn every single decision we make.

Just a small something.

God, allow me to remember Your presence in everything I do.

Desiderio Domini