
Well this year is certainly going by super fast. It’s almost March already.

It’s one of those Mondays where there is a lot on the mind, yet no certain reflection is formulated. So here’s to a live writing reflecting in action.

I think we can all agree that something that is very hard for us as missionaries (yes, if you have said to the Lord, you are certainly a missionary) is that it is all work and no glory, sometimes no gratification, no thank you, no specific acknowledgement for what you’ve done etc etc.

It’s those times where I feel it is just the Lord reminding us to persevere. It’s like doing something selflessly for someone you love or those that are really close to you. You would do anything for them. Make sure everything is taken care as much as you could without any sort of acknowledgement or credit for a matter of fact. 

The truth is…everyday we are acknowledged of the work at hand or the selflessness we put on for others. Yes, I know…its difficult especially for people like myself whose love language is to receive words of affirmation but I feel that perseverance is allowing us to grow in other virtues. That in itself is a gift from the Lord when we mission for others. 

Even if we don’t get the words we want to hear or physically feel like we are doing a good job or the many times we don’t feel loved after we everyday do what we can for others before ourselves etc etc etc…

God listens. God sees. God molds. 

I know…another simple reminder. For me this is an affirmation of a few things when it comes to being able to persevere

  1. Relationships with others are important. When you know the people you serve even if its for a’ll understand more of where they are at and ultimately how to persevere when times get difficult.
  2. God is planning for your eternal happiness.  Of course it would be a journey to get there and yes He would bring us on the road less travelled. Trust me, its never going to be easy but my goodness I promise it will be fulfilling.
  3. Don’t be discouraged. I often think about my prayer time and the daily blessings I receive. It helps especially when what you want or want to hear doesn’t come from those you love or serve. It’s a blessing to be able to simply cross paths again and converse with them after all.

Yeah, one take session…but I believe that there are many fruits in persevering through the times where we don’t feel worldly happiness. Ultimately, one is journeying our way closer to heaven. Even if the world was to remain completely silent, let’s remember that the love story of Jesus on the cross already speaks loudly of the love we receive everyday.  

A Journey through Prayer


For those wondering, this was taken in the Philippines (St. Pio Chapel)  on my last full day after living there for 3 months in training to become a Full Time Pastoral Worker! (Beautiful right?!!)

I remember this exact moment that I took this picture. I remember who I was with. I remember the exact feeling of walking through this small exit.

This journey that I am in, the places I’ve been able to see, the experiences I’ve been able to live through, was all an answer to the very prayers I’ve had to simply want to become holier and closer to the Lord.

It’s the same for everyone. That when we experience life, not just the good things but even when we experience what seems the hardest of situations, it is a reminder that it all started with our own individual prayers.

The journey we are in is a reminder of our own personal questions, desires but most especially an outcome of simply wanting to seek the Lord…and it all started when we first desired to know Him more, to find Him more in our daily life…

Rest assure that the journey you are in is leading you to our home in heaven..and in that journey we are connected, we are comforted, we are guided through prayer. 

The map of our journey’s slowly unfold, we can get glimpses of home the more we communicate to the One that is guiding us. 

Please pray for me. My journey as a missionary, a servant, a brother, a man. My journey is slowly unfolding. I am finding a path in my journey that is to be shared.

Deo Gloria

Thank You Lord for Your unlimited mercy, grace and love. I haven’t done half of the work that You’ve given back to me in blessings. I am reminded that when I receive all these graces or even in tough situations, when I bring it back to You, I am humbled by Your victory on the cross and am assured that this is all one step closer to You. Thank You for everyone that has been praying for me, praying with me. Allow me Lord to be a selfless prayer warrior on this journey. 


Know Yourself


I’ve been hearing a lot from some friends or seeing posts on social media that is very, “Be you”. or “Don’t try to be anyone you’re not.” or “Say and do whatever you feel is right.”

Reflecting on this, digging deep within my own heart (and I am sure yours as well) we are really trying to live a life that reflects Jesus…

So when we say those things like “be you” or “find yourself” it a true form of self expression or have we forgotten that we’ve been formed by God, blessed by God, loved by God?..the one who lives within us?

For me, especially on social media maybe we can give the world a bit more context as too who we really are by proclaiming who is really working in our lives to give us the best, to give us the best life and allowed us to be loved by the best. 

Let’s turn those “I’m blessed” or “bless ups” to “Thank you for allowing me to be who I truly am, a child loved by You, when ever and where ever I am.”

Deo Gloria.

Shout outs to Jesus. The person who made the real me and you.

Year of Firsts

Hello! It’s been so long. I have a lot to post but I’ll start with this for now!

I’m going onto my 3rd month of Full Time Pastoral Work here in the Metro region for CFC-Youth.

I can tell you right now that this has been the best year of my life. So much has happened already and in fact everything I’ve been up to has been the first time I’ve encountered that service role, responsibility, situation etc etc.

When I reflect on it, I already had titled this year as the year I would be receiving so much from the Lord…

Crazy to think that the more that I am willing to give to the Lord, no matter how hard it was, it is in those moments where I have received the most. 

From saying yes to Full Time Missions and living in the Philippines for 3 months, travelling to Singapore for SFC International Conference, to leading program for the first time at any conference, to giving my first talk ever at a conference of any sort, to being an event head for a national leaders summit, to saying yes to the growing Liveloud mission tool and music ministry in Canada, leading a workshop committee and leading my first kids praise at a KFC Family Conference to planning a mission exchange between the US and Canada for the first time…

I’m not listing these things as if I was writing out a resume but I look at these victories and victories to come as a testimony that our yes is so much bigger than ourselves. 

But it wasn’t just saying yes. It was also growing my relationship with the Lord through my prayer time. These opportunities to serve are simply a reminder that in our relationship with Him, He always speaks first and that in order to listen we need to be in conversation with Him. We need to have moments of silence with Him.

We remember those moments to why we joined our Youth Camp, to joining our first CLP, etc etc. We said yes not because of whatever reason/people brought us there, it is because He wanted to start His relationship with us.

So don’t be afraid if it is your “first” time in a new service role or encountering a new situation where your faith will be put out there because again, God uses these times to build our relationship with Him. 

No matter what happens even if it is your “first” time, there will never be a last time that you will be loved by the Lord. Again, when we say yes to what the Lord presents, you will always be guaranteed growth. You will always be loved by Him. There is always something to receive the more you give. 

Protect your prayer time!

Deo Gloria

The GTA: God’s Trusted and Anointed

My reflection comes in Day 3 of our CFC-Youth Greater Toronto Area Shout. Pray for us. We’re having a good time growing together and really taking it back into the heart and intention of our service as we journey with God through the conversion of St. Paul.

Anyways, I was heavily reflecting lately because the reality of the mission here in the GTA is that it is fast moving and really a trailblazing area. I honor my Youth household in being able to keep up with their priorities and at the same keep up with the service.

Though it is very difficult and we have seen many personal difficulties (even with myself), I am just reminded of a very simple message

“God wants us to endure the journey for what is at the end of the road is worth it.” 

“God equips the unequipped.”

“We are vessels of love and truth. No matter how incapable and unstable.” 

The GTA is truly filled with ones that He trusts and is personally anointed. I am willing and ready to journey with them on our road to Damascus. 

Deo Gloria

Even When it Hurts

Take this mountain weight
Take these ocean tears
Hold me through the trial
Come like hope again

Even when the fight seems lost
I’ll praise You
Even when it hurts like hell
I’ll praise You
Even when it makes no sense to sing
Louder then I’ll sing Your praise


It’s already been a long week and the week just started. I guess I can share with you that my family will be flying to Philippines today for the funeral of my grandmother’s sister. Please pray for her soul and the safe travels of my family!

My reflection this week comes from the experience of not being able to be there with my family during this time, specifically with my grandmother.

It hurts. I’m not talking about the hurt of the passing of my grandmother’s sister because I am affirmed of God’s plans and am sure that He is in total control of everything going on.

But I am talking about the hurt of my family. That helplessness feeling especially because as a Full Time Pastoral Worker, theres ALWAYS something you can do.

But this is a reminder that through all hurt, all suffering, it is only more of a reason to trust the Lord because in these experiences of brokenness, of the doors being torn down in our hearts, comes an opportunity for God to once again be the architect, the repairman and the one who will move into our hearts which He will call His home. 

These situations is where we are humbly reminded that we should come before the Lord who is going to once again bless us, bless our families, bless those who are suffering.

Prayer counts. Have hope in the One who has given you life for the past how many years of all your life. Let the Lord be a source of joy for all and in these situations, let grace abound through communicating with the one with unlimited grace. 


Deo Gloria

St. Joseph

I’ve often been reflecting on the growth of my manhood as of recently. I’ve always had this deep personal pull toward the life of St. Joseph (Ironic because there’s not much to read in the bible about him), but there is this beauty to the obedience and humility of this man.

I think that’s simply it. I’m drawn to his obedience, his humility and most especially his action in the silence that he is often associated with. Its beautiful. I feel drawn to pray for so many different things and I dream to live my life as a man to pastor, protect, and provide for all I journey with in mission, friendship, relationship and vocation.

Thank you St. Joseph. I’m even leaving this blog open to how people interpret you because there is so much beauty in your contribution to my faith.

Read about him…or I’ll just blog more about him. HAHA

Deo Gloria.