Lamb of God

Yesterday, was our first day of Christian Life Program and prior CLP, we heard the 12:30pm mass at Ascension Parish. When the choir sang Lamb of God, my eyes were stuck at the image beside the lyrics, the crucified Christ with blood dropping and the chalice catching the blood. First time seeing the image, I couldn’t keep my tears from falling. I tried the best I can to control my voice and clearly say Amen upon receiving the host. I always thank the Lord. Yesterday I thanked Him for allowing me to experience His presence that way. It was so heartbreaking to see Him on the cross. I have never seen and felt so much pain looking at the cross as much as I did yesterday. That is Love. It’s just so fitting because Talk 1 is God’s Love.


At the movie theatre, a good friend of mine together with her family happened to be there. My eyes were drawn to her Dad and so after I said hi to everyone, I patted him on the back and said, “I’m so happy to see you po.” He just smiled and didn’t say anything. The Mom smiled at me and said, it’s almost a year already.

Almost a year ago we visited him at the hospital. He had a knee surgery and had complications. It got worst. The heart and lungs were affected. When we came to visit, he had tubes in his nose, neck and mouth and had other stuff in his body, arms and legs. To see someone in that condition I felt I was in pain too. The heart was too weak. He couldn’t breathe on his own.

We stayed in his room for a while and prayed over him. I left in that room full of hope God will use the doctors and nurses to heal him.

Seeing him at the movie theatre, laughing with us, breathing on his own and waiting outside the auditorium to watch a movie, I felt the presence of the Lord. The Creator.

Thank you Heavenly Father for the air we breathe.
Thank you for waking us up every single day to experience life.


Remember Who You Are

“Remember who you are, you are my son.” Maybe you are also familiar with this line from the movie, Lion King.



Rafiki, the wise baboon led Simba to a pond after telling Simba his Father was alive. Simba looked and made a remark, “it’s only my reflection”. Rafiki demanded to “look harder”. The reflection changed into his Fathers’ and at that moment Mufasa, the Father, appeared in a vision in the sky and Simba desperately asked how he’s supposed to go on where Mufasa replied, “Remember who you are, you are my son.”



It has been years since I saw this movie and I was reminded of this line last week after my sister asked me if I happened to see the movie, Spirit. I haven’t, so I decided to watch it when I got home. It reminded me of Lion King because of the same line, “Remember who you are.”



Like them, I believe, we, needed to be reminded of who we are. Because of trials, sufferings, and sin, the world makes us forget who we really are. If we look into a pond like Simba did, we will see the reflection of God because we were created in His image and likeness and by spiritual adoption, we all become sons and daughters of God. Let us always remember who we are. If we keep this in mind, life won’t be easy but it will keep us going no matter what life brings us, knowing the Father will always be with us.

Spiritual Obesity

“When we save certain things just for ourselves, we spoil them. Save knowledge, not use it to train others it becomes pride.”- Venerable Fulton Sheen

When I heard this I thought of John Acosta. Few years ago, he came to visit Calgary and gave a talk at the Alcantara’s. He mentioned in his talk about spiritual obesity. It makes sense, how can we let others experience Christ if we are keeping the spiritual nourishment we receive to ourselves? Us, as part of this community, we are called to share Christ to others.


Our spiritual growth can potentially empower others by sharing our own story, our faith journey, the knowledge we get from retreats, teaching nights and others. In this community, we walk together and support each other. Let’s use our potential power to bring friends and families closer to Him. Let’s save knowledge not only for ourselves but also to help others.


My attention was drawn at the back when I heard a loud honk. Did I not park properly? I asked myself.
A car was trying to parallel park. Just by looking on how she positioned the car, I can tell she’s not used to parallel park, like me:) Unfortunately the pick up truck driver behind honked his horn impatiently.  The woman did what she can to let the truck pass, still not properly parked. Another car was waiting, so the woman did not move to signal the other car, who’s driver was a young lady, to pass too. The young lady drove a bit forward and stopped where the woman would see her. At that moment I thought she was gonna yell at her  but she waved her hand, smiled and she directed the woman using her hand to back up more. She helped her instead! When the woman was properly parked, the young lady waved again, smiled and drove.

We can always choose to help. But most of the time it’s more convenient not to. The choice is always ours. When we choose to help and be kind to people we know and we don’t,  there’s always a possibility that they pay it forward, ripple effect it is.  If they don’t pay it forward, it’s really up to them. It is not our responsibility to transform other people, but we are responsible to bring Christ to people and we are responsible to love them. To help can be a very good way of bringing Christ to others. Simple act with great impact.


We must guard our mind and heart to always choose what glorifies the Lord. Dishonesty hurts God, other people and it hurts our soul. The moment we realized we are being dishonest, let us always aim to correct our action. I believe we learn to be honest by being honest . If we think we learn to be honest in a different way, we deceive ourselves.


I always struggle writing down my thoughts. Writing is never been in my zone of comfort. I struggle to find words and explain exactly what I want. Every time I’m asked to share and write my sharing down, it takes so much time to gather my thoughts and write it down. Not only in writing was I challenged, early this year I was asked to sing as part of my sharing for Liveloud and believe me it was the longest night of my life.

I remember telling people closest to me to pray brave. To pray brave to God to take them out of their comfort zone and bring them to their zone of strength. The message to me is not that singing can possibly be my zone of strength one day but…..when we desire to glorify Him it can be uncomfortable on our part because it requires much of our time and extra work.

Lord, please protect the desire in my heart to serve you. Take away the desires that aren’t Yours and always remind me to work hard for You and Your people. Amen