
“Clouds are a hiding place for Him, so that He cannot see; And He walks on the vault of heaven” Job 22:14

I love taking pictures of cloud formations. I took this picture back in 2015 at New Brunswick when I went on a mission trip with CFC. This photo always reminds me of how great God is. On how he paints a picture of his wondrous love through clouds.

This photo is a glimpse of heaven for me. I imagined the gates of heaven opening up for the souls who will enter heaven. This brings me hope that whenever prayers are lifted for the souls, heaven opens up for them.

Our catholic faith is so mysterious and it is hard sometimes for us to believe on the things we cannot see. Simple things on earth like the clouds should be a reminder for us that we should see God everywhere we look. God created everything and all of it has its purpose, whether it is to remind us that heaven is real or just simply showing us the beauty of nature.


            I work as an Electronics Technician at a laser manufacturing company. One of my responsibility is to make sure that the laser stays at the center when it is rotated. In order to do that there are 3 screws I have to turn carefully.

            Every turn makes the light go down or up until I reached the center meaning all 3 screws are equally adjusted to its tightness. Sometimes it is easy to do it because the light is visible or in some cases I encounter infrared light wherein I can only see the light with a camera which makes centering it a bit difficult.


Here’s the final product where the light is completely centered. But there are a lot of light reflecting, it is because the lens of the laser is dirty. A good laser light should be centered and has a clean dot.

Reflecting about it, God is with me even at my workplace. The three screws represents the Holy Trinity wherein The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit should equally be present in my life in order for me to have a Christ- Centered life. If one of them is missing, the light might look like it is centered but once the laser is turned it will not stay where it is.

The light is visible or sometimes invisible but it is there. God can be visible through my family, friends, workplace, counterpart etc. and most of the time he is invisible which I can only feel him through prayers. He always reminds me that he is there no matter what.

Lastly, in some cases the light has some reflection or dirt around the lens of the laser. I am a sinner and that what makes my light dirty. Dirty laser light reminds me  to go to confession to cleanse myself. Sometimes I feel that I am completely centered and I can always see the light but at the same time my light is dirty. Going to confession cleanses my light and helps me to be a clear dot.

As I continue to strive to have a Christ-centered life I am assured that God will always remind me to stay in the center wherever I may be and this time he reminded me at my workplace 🙂