The Adventure

Being in my mission area in Edmonton is a lot different from Toronto. In Toronto the life is so busy that  and you’re in a place where there is so much noise and distraction and I guess in my 10 or so years in community it’s a place that I have gotten used to and became comfortable with.

Here in the mountain region it’s very different. Its a lot more peaceful and there’s nature everywhere giving me a lot more time to reflect on life. In a way I think I’ve been able to reflect more on the journey that got me to where I am. It allowed me to have a wonderful realization.

It’s really a blessing that God allowed me this journey for I am sure that I’m not worthy to tread it. I remember when a long time ago I used to be new in CFC-Youth/YFC. I was so passionate about mission, even though back then mission would be going to Brampton and Milton would be where the world ended (These are cities beside Mississauga where I lived). It was exciting and I loved the mission and the God of the mission so much.

Of course times have changed. I’m older, I’ve seen more things, been to more places, collected more battle scars, and I know more about my faith than I ever have before; all these things are great but I can honestly say that the mission might not be as exciting as in my early days in YFC. I kind of miss those days of not knowing anything and just doing it all for God no matter how much I was lacking in knowledge and strategy. Maybe I wasn’t as effective but those were one of the happiest times.

The funny thing is I’m glad this is where I am at this point. The honeymoon phase of the mission might have ended for me but there has never been a stronger call from God to the mission He has entrusted to us. God’s joke is that I can actually still re-live all of those early days in YFC in the very youth I’m having  one on one’s with right now.

A lot of them might have problems, heart breaks, angst, and confusions in life and that in a way makes them ineffective; but that’s okay it’s not like I didn’t have those things. What I do see is potential and an excitement for the mission that even surpassed mine in my early days in community. I can see in them a Love for God that has just realized itself like a flower blooming in spring.

I’m blessed to journey with the youth because I get to mature in faith yet re-live the excitement of something new.

God is truly the best joker because after 10 years of serving him I only now realize that this adventure of YFC isn’t about figuring everything out but falling in Love with God over and over again.

A moment of Grace

I came back recently from a provincial immersion in Negros Occidental. We went to a lot of places while I was there including San Carlos City, Calatrava, Sipalay, La Carlota, Talisay, and even Guimaras which is outside of Negros. I have done a few camp talks already (I’m actually saving my PowerPoints so I can use them later on if ever), a session for a Youth Power, a session for a ShouT, and a voice over for rejoice weekend.

There’s really a lot of travelling involved and a lot of the time it’s not too comfortable. The roads are bumpy and sometimes you get the open air vehicle or boat (meaning no air conditioning). It gets really hot and sometimes you’re put in situations where you don’t really know what to do. Despite all these things the Lord was very clear in what he was telling me through this experience.

Mission is a blessing.

There were a lot of things to do in the mission within the provinces but what I realized if that mission is a Gift from God. I remember how fast time would go when I got to a place to do mission only to feel as I am leaving the area, how long ago that activity seemed even though we just left. It is almost like the mission is a time vacuum where God allows you to realize your true purpose and in the same time bless other people through that process of realization. A moment so very close to the heart.

It really requires a giving of one’s self to others despite any discomforts that might entail yet the mission allows you to go beyond yourself and see God moving in what you are experiencing. I remember when we conducted a youth power in Sipalay, I was at the beach looking at a distance and the ocean stretched as far as the eye can see. I realized at that moment that the Lord was telling me that I was meant for that place, a place beyond where the eye can see, beyond myself, beyond my sin. That place is mission.

I was affirmed when my training head said that we all have sin but in mission we will have many opportunities to be holy. It is because in mission we are allowed to go beyond ourselves and our own comforts. Mission is truly a moment of grace.

Unlimited Victory

The YFC ICON CHRIST UNLIMITED has finished and I am preparing to leave for my immersion area in Negros Occidental. Looking back at the ICON I am very thankful for the experience. I was in the security committee and I was in charge of the security for the Social Actions which is pretty much the pre-ICON.

This ICON was a very different experience from my first ICON last year. One reason being that I was an International delegate last year. The reality is that the international delegates in a way have a comfortable ICON experience. I remember having transportation ready for me when ever I would need to go somewhere, I would be with the other international delegates at the very front just by the stage, we would be in a hotel for the duration of the conference, and there would be a tour after the ICON for us.

This year I was really stretched outside of my comfort zone like I’ve never experienced. I started on the tuesday before the ICON already staying in the BIT (Bohol Institute of Technology) which is the school which the Social Actions will be held. If you’ve never tried sleeping in school, let me tell you it is a far cry from sleeping in a hotel especially if there are 320 of you staying there. Since it started on Tuesday I was serving as Security, corresponding with the Philippine National Police and waking up early to start off the day. After the Social Actions I served as security in the ICON proper where it got even more stressful and we had less sleep than the Social Actions. I wasn’t able to listen to all the sessions as I was in my post most of the time. The biggest struggle for me was probably the heat. I had forgotten how hot it would get and I have never seen my skin turn a charcoal colour before this point.

Despite all the uncomfortable experiences this ICON has to be the best one I have been to yet. The Lord spoke powerfully of His great love through my experience in this ICON. He gave me three messages about the ICON and the mission:

It is not about being comfortable but being grateful for the Lords providence.

It is not about just serving the youth but more importantly being Christ to them.

It in not about just saying yes to God but experiencing His unlimited Love through living out that Yes.

I remember when the ICON finished and feeling stretched and exhausted in many aspects. My body hurt, my mind was tired, I was exhausted, sleepy, and hungry; despite all of that I was happy. I felt fulfilled not because it was over but because the Lord is victorious.

I realized that I haven’t been stretched this much in a very long time. It is in these moments that I feel the most fulfilled at the very edge of my limit. I realize that personally it is in the challenges that the Lord blesses me the most. I remember all the times when I was challenged in preparing for a conference, those were when I slept the most soundly the night after. It is an affirmation that God is our strength and He is Unlimited.

As for now the Lord has won so lets rest for today, tomorrow is another day to serve Him.


I recently read an article on the Catholic News Networks interview with Cardinal Tagle after he was appointed to the Pontifical Council of Laity. I’ve always looked up to him after watching many of his talks and sermons on the internet.

In the interview he said something that really struck out to me and I think is very relevant to the CFC community as a whole now more than ever before especially with this years theme.

The question was:

Q: How do we open the doors of those in a compassionate way without compromising the Church’s teaching?

He said that it was a matter of pastoral approach. That people who are having difficulties and struggling need the guidance of the Church all the more. That maybe in a serene manner we can allow them to understand the teachings of the Church.

He said:

“The teachings of the Church are not supposed to be oppressive. The teachings of the Church as ideals of the Christian life are actually quite liberating. When you talk about loving other people, when you talk about being truthful, when you talk about being just – those are not oppressive things. They make you better human beings.”

In community we have many ideals. In CFC-Youth alone we advocate things such as 100% Free, Greeneration, RevUp and many more. These make our identity and what we stand for.

I went to a parish base recently and a brother shared about the things he was struggling with. I told him “that was a good sharing”. I remember one time a brother tweeted me on twitter that he was struggling with drugs and he’s been clean for three months. I tweeted back at him “#praiseGod bro keep it up”.

The reality is we ALL struggle with what we advocate for because of the simple fact that we are sinners. The ideals of community aren’t there so that we can blame each other and point fingers, it’s not there so we can say that we are holier than someone who is struggling more than us.

The ideals are there so that we can encourage and affirm each other in living a more Christ centred life. It’s there so we can be better people for God. It’s there so we can love each other more.

I know we don’t have a perfect community here in CFC but I’ve come to realize it’s imperfections and I want to make it better starting with me. That’s how I know that I love this community and in the same way we should love our brothers and sisters in it.

We journey together as a community not only because we want to reach heaven, but also because we want to bring all those we love with us.


Heart to Heart


I think having a heart to heart moment with God is when you say yes to something despite all your worries and fears. A moment of honesty with God when you pour your heart out to Him and he allows you to feel just how much he Loves you.

A few days ago I got a call from Tito George for my endorsement for full time work… to be honest I never thought the call would come. I’ve never really seen myself as the best candidate to be endorsed, when I have a one on one with kuya Kevin I would never fail to voice out my concerns, and I remember this one time at a restaurant kuya Gelo even asked me if I could picture myself as a full-time worker and said “not really”.

Needless to say I was very surprised.

I’ve always pictured how it would feel like when I would receive the call, that all my fears and anxieties would flood my mind and it did. I thought about the future, my school debt, pensions, mortgages, and every possible thing that would hold me back from embracing the endorsement.

I realized at that moment that I’m not made up of my anxieties and worlds expectations of me. My purpose is not to please everyone but only one person, God.

I said yes to the endorsement and I’ve never been happier saying yes to something in my entire life. I thanked Tito George and I told him that I trust in the Lord and His plan for me.

The real me was happy and joyous that I got endorsed. Who am I kidding I’m a romantic, to be Loved is all I’ve ever desired and God has always Loved me. He chooses me, calls me, and Loves me every single day.

I told my parents this morning and I’m not going to lie it wasn’t the easiest conversation to have but in the end they support me and they are proud that I’m passionate about pastoral work. I need no more affirmation than that.

I think this is the Lord giving me a wake up call. That I should give more of myself and try harder in being a better mission volunteer. I don’t think i’ll ever be worthy but the Lord calls me anyways so I will strive to be better for Him.

At the end of the day I don’t know whats going to happen to me but I trust in God and the community that led to have a relationship with Him.

Praise God and thank you for reading.

Siblings in Christ

When we say someone is our brother or sister in Christ we celebrate the fact that through Jesus we are saved. However, we seldom think about the other side of the coin.

The fact that we need saving means that we are sinners and as brothers and sisters in Christ we all have sin. We have our brokenness and we easily fall into sin.

I think the fact that we are sinners and are saved is a calling for us to Love one another. A realization that not one of us is better than the other, to share in the goodness and the redemption that God brings, to share in the good times and the bad times. Is that not Love?

I believe that God makes all things beautiful even our brokenness. In saying that someone is you brother or sister in Christ is not only affirming the good in them, but also acknowledging and understanding our shared fallen nature. In doing this we come to appreciate and Love each other more.

Truly we are all the same, in need of grace, in need of mercy.

A message from Jesus

I was in adoration this past Friday and on the wall these words were written.





It spoke to me in a way which reminded me of where strength lies. Strength lies in the Eucharist (Thanksgiving). In being grateful to God we are not afraid of persecution because of the one who gave us everything. In being grateful to God we are enlightened by His Holy Spirit to live repentant and holy lives.

Thanksgiving is not something that happens every Sunday but a state of being which God always calls us to be in.

Lord may we always draw strength in remembering all the good things you have done for us. Amen