You are precious and always loved

This past Tuesday.. we had our sfc hh and we basically reflected on the gospel for that day (lectio po hehe)
The gospel we reflected on was Matthew 7:6, 12-14

It was a tough gospel to understand but thanks to the sisters int eh hh.. what I got from it is: We are precious and loved.
I don’t know if I’ll be able to re-iterate my thoughts through this blog so hopefully this makes sense po hehe

The lectio reminded me that each one of us is precious to Our Father. We shouldn’t think less of ourselves or doubt our self worth or doubt *period* (“We are pearls”)
It also reminds me of what we are all called to do.. to love others (“Golden rule”). Like us, others are equally precious and loved by Our Father; therefore, we must love (“because it is the law”)
The Gospel also reminded me of the struggles that one (we) will face trying live a life of loving because it’s out of the norm.. it’s a path that is narrow (“but it leads to life”)

hehe I don’t know if that made sense.. but everyone, you are precious and loved po.
We will be faced with challenges, struggles, doubts fires, hi-los, storms, silence, grey matter etc. especially in this journey where our direction is out of the norm of society/world..
but we should never forget and always hold on to the fact that we special, we are and will forever be loved.
..fighting! and God bless~

convocation reflection (June 21, 2013)

A piece of paper worth almost $25,000.. ever seen or heard that kind of paper? hehe
I have po and I’m sure most of you have too po hehe.

Alas after 5 years, last week Friday, I was able to hold such a paper..
convocation! #PG hehe

It was a blessed and joyful day.. it was MV shout week.. Amee’s convocation was the day before.. the weather was beautiful 🙂
but the Lord always has His ways of tapping my head or slapping (gently hehe) my face to somewhat wake me up to reality (this is a good and joyful thing po hehe)..

as I was waiting for my name to be announced and as I walked forward to get “hooded” and to shake people’s hands..the Lord made His move..

btw, this is how the convocation path looked like from my pov..

(minus the railing things.. imagine the chancellor, vice dean and all the special admin people on the right side, then the audience below the stage on the left, and spotlights focused on the stage)










as I was walking down the carpet/stage, all that went through my head was “yay! finally done! I did it!” and I just couldn’t wait to finish it with the walk down the stage..
but for some reason as a took my first step down that carpet.. my left foot slipped out of my shoe and I almost lost my balance (my family didn’t notice it but I felt it hehe)

at that moment, it was like the Lord tapped me to remind me of why and how I came to that point..
in a way He was also reminding me that His teaching or courses for me is not done..
every moment is the continuation of His work and plan unfolding..
don’t get too excited and assume the end because there is more..
learning does not end in convocation. I guess it’s only a check point? hehe
learning and discerning goes beyond..

I don’t know if I am making any sense here..
but the Lord has truly blessed me in giving me the opportunity to experience such victories like graduating.
And I thank the Lord for always giving me small and sometimes big taps to remind and bring me back to reality..
it’s all Him, in Him, with Him.
Thank you po PapaG 🙂


reflections: June 7, 2013

“what so ever you do to the least of my brothers that you did it to me”

last weekend for SHOUT.. we got an opportunity to go out and share some love with others through the act of kindness (RAK). woot woot!
but man.. I found it hard to do the activity because I felt like no one needed my kindness at that moment..

but I think because of this mindset I had.. it was harder for me reach out and see where kindness is required..
so Our Lord gave me a little slap po hehe

While I was waiting for my cup of Tim’s with ateh Ellen, I looked around searching and thinking of what I can do as a RAK
then right in front of me.. a man with a cane/walking stick was pulling a high-chair (kids chair) for a mom who was sitting in the table in front of me. She was trying to have her breakfast while holding her young daughter in her arms.
And from the looks of it, he did not know the woman nor did the woman know him. He just saw the woman’s need and went out of his way to help her despite his own challenges.
I wanted to go help him carry the chair but I was too late…

Like I said earlier, that moment was a slap or wake up call for me..
The Lord does not call us to love out of duty (“because we have to RAK”) but out of true love that goes beyond the need to fulfill our duty or self satisfactions but to fullfil His (hope that makes sense po)
His desire to be shared and experienced by everyone. To bring a unique joy that can only be experienced through and in Christ.

Lord, as we more forward with life.. always remind us that it is You that I’m bringing. Let us RAK with a mindset willing to love first 🙂

Reflection (May 31, 2013)

In today’s Gospel reading (Luke 1:39-56).. we read of the pregnant Mother Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth (who was pregnant too)
The minute Elizabeth caught sight of her cousin approaching, she was filled with the Holy Spirit and the baby in her womb leaped for joy in recognition of the Lord approaching.

It’s amazing how the Lord drives the heart that is willing to follow.
even though the Lord was not yet born, Mary’s heart to follow the inclination of the Lord gave her the will to “make haste” to see her pregnant cousin.. despite her own pregnant state.

I don’t know if I’ll make sense here but when I read this passage I am in awe of how much Mary loves the Lord that she would even risk her own health to go on a days journey to fulfill the desire of the Lord.
Not only that.. we don’t hear of her being frantic, stressed or worried at all. She seemed composed, recollected, and sure of what the Lord desires.

and because of that the Lord grew and manifest within her, that even though He was not born yet.. His mere presence within Mary created an excitement to the people around including the child in Elizabeth’s womb.


Campus based EOYE #instahunt 2013

This past Wednesday Campus based had an “End of the year event” in celebration for the beginning of summer for post-secondary students! 😀

it was blessed event 🙂
we went to mass, had lunch at Korean grill (nomnomnom) then.. instahunted! hehe
(instahunt is a team-based scavenger hunt that will require each team to find places in Downtown Toronto, take a team/solo picture with it, then post them on instagram)
Check out the pictures here:

it was amazing to see about 26 youths come out to the event.. knowing that campus based did not exist at one point (Praise the Lord! woot!)
(side note: for those who don’t know.. Campus based in GTA is still in it’s rebuilding stage and is not fully established but with the Grace of God campus is slowly reforming again #PG)

it was awesome to see the campus youths celebrating and enjoying the day..
to see them step up as leaders.. as they led everyone to the different locations and sites
to see them watch out for each other especially when some of us got lost or got left behind haha    and many more to enumerate hehe                                                                                               these small acts of love, enthusiasm and fun is an affirmation that the Lord is working in small ways to build the future adults of society.

I thank the Lord for continually telling and reminding me: “Don’t worry anak, place the seeds I gave you and just leave the rest to me. I got chu!”

Lord in this journey you have blessed me with.. I offer and place my worries, fear, joy and the victories in Your hands. It’s all You and for You. Amen.

Campus based EOYE #instahunt 2013
Campus based EOYE #instahunt 2013


“Anak, cleanliness is close to Godliness”

Today Erin and I arrived at the CFC office around 8am (pretty early hehe)
so we decided to do some cleaning.. vacuuming, dusting and a little organizing.

Cleaning– reminded me of what my mom use to (and until now) tell us to get us to clean..
“Like your bodies, the space you use and dwell in is the temple of the Holy Spirit. how can you invite Him to stay in such a dirty place? Anak, cleanliness is close to Godliness”

Which is true.. like our bodies that need a bath daily, like how our souls need cleansing on a regular basis.. so does our rooms/surroundings/place of dwelling
it first starts of in our rooms 🙂
then it spreads to our whole house
then it spreads out to other rooms in other venues even if the place is not ours.. we were/are still part of that place..
then it spreads out even more the world as a whole.. Greeneration!

Atehs and Kuyas, how can we invite the Lord if we’re not fully prepared and we’re a complete mess po?
I am guilty of postponing a good “cleaning session” because either busy, lazy or “I just did it 2 days ago”
Let us strive to always have our place(s) clean and prepared.. ready to welcome our Lord in 🙂
#wastemanagementcommittee FTW (hehe ;P)

“make ready your heart, make ready your home.. Prepare..”

reflection block

I don’t know why but for this week’s blog (Friday, May 3), I’m having a hard time thinking of what to write or reflect for this reflection.

it’s funny because this week was a week filled with what I can say are blessings especially today: Friday, May 3, 2013
a very early morning chat hangout with an ateh (inspiring thoughts and ideas were shared),
having a one-on-one breakfast with another ateh (more inspiring thoughts and ideas were shared too),
spending the afternoon in the CFC office with an almost complete MV attendance (kinda), having an inspiring, love and laugh filled sisters’ household,
and finally ending the day with some BR bubble tea with the household (satisfying the month’s craving haha).
all these blessings and more.. how can I struggle to share them and share the Lord’s presence and story in them?

maybe I’m over thinking.. maybe be I’m looking for a specific reflection but I’m not really open to what the Lord exactly wants me to share.. maybe something is wrong with me.. ha! see I’m over thinking and looking into the situation again -_-

I pray and hope that as I continue on this journey of discernment and life, that I will learn to be sensitive to Spirit’s leading when it come to sharing the Lord’s message vocally or written (like this blog).
And that I won’t over think, have fear or stress over on how to share, what to share etc.

I don’t know if this reflection is making any sense or if it’s a reflection.. if it doesn’t and it’s not one.. sorry..
next week, hopefully it’ll be better po 🙂
God bless~