
A good chunk of my life I considered God as a father or even a grandfather. When hurt, I was like a child running to her parents. When in need of something, always asking for help. When gifts were received, thankful for the blessings.

More lately I find myself drawn to God not through need, want or hurt but simply out of love. To know Him, and to truly love Him. There is much that is uncertain about my future or even the upcoming year. However, I do know that I desire I deeper relationship with God.

“My heart is restless, until it rests in you” –St. Augustine

My love, my love

Oh purest love

How I seek you

However far or quickly I ran

You were always near

Forever patient, gentle and kind

Through trial, through pain

Still you stayed

I fought, I argued

I turned away

Still you stayed

How gracious is your love

How sweet is your song

My love, my purest love

Forever, be here to stay




My hope for this community, is for SFC not only to be a transitional ministry; but a ministry of missionaries.

This year has been filled with service, events and mini conference preparation trips. However, I was greatly humbled the last two weekends witnessing two different missions fulfilled.

I was grateful to see a new mission area finally open and to take part of an out of country mission. My hope for this community, is for SFC not only to be a transitional ministry; but a ministry of missionaries. I envision a ministry where all members experience mission at least once during their tenure as an SFC.

Although unsure of my own future plans, I’m grateful for the opportunities the Lord has blessed me with this year and hope the Lord will allow me to go on mission again.

You don’t need to be an amazing speaker or the most organized traveller. The Lord only requests for a willing heart and trust that He will use you as an instrument for His Glory.

Anchored in Christ


Last week was particularly trying in the office. My patience was often tested and the pressure to meet unrealistic expectations was overwhelming. I felt my blood pressure rising and headaches creeping up almost daily.

The only thing that grounded me was daily Eucharist. Knowing that He was unchanging, anchored me. Although each day was more trying than the previous one, all trials were erased with Christ. It was a daily reminder to draw my strength through Him and to anchor myself to Him alone.

Duc in Altum. Luke 5:4


I realized it was never if I had the capacity to serve on mission. Instead, it was if I was willing to allow the Lord to use me for His glory and hold the posture of joyful faithfulness in that plan.

This year has been a blur of events and hardships but blessings above all. Each time I find myself mastering a task, in turn God has challenged me in ways I never expected and at a speed I didn’t foresee.   As much as I like to be prepared and ready for the unknown, I feel the Lord continually pushing me into situations where I can only rely on Him for strength and guidance.

I have often worried that I may not be the ideal mission volunteer that most have come to expect in the community. Fears and uncertainty have crept up, questioning my capability to accomplish the tasks that I have been given in service.

This past weekend, prior to leaving for mission I understood that Lord had been purifying my intentions as a mission volunteer. If I would still go, although I was exhausted, getting sick and essentially didn’t know what to expect. It was a simple decision in the end: Rely on the Lord for strength or allow your doubts to consume you. Coming back from mission, I realized it was never if I had the capacity to serve on mission. Instead, it was if I was willing to allow the Lord to use me for His glory and hold the posture of joyful faithfulness in that plan.

The Lord is always asking for our yes, and through that we are capable of much.

A Life Worth Living


I believe the quality of life is not measured by success or material possessions.  It is measured by the relationships you’ve built and the people you’ve helped along the way.

The busyness of daily life often overtakes our time despite our best intentions. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months and months into years while.  Quickly our “life moments” pass us by. But how are we spending these moments? Are we helping ourselves or helping others?

Recently, I’ve been reflecting on the precious time I’ve been given here. I’ve been questioning if I’ve been giving my all, in knowing God and bringing others to know Him. I look back at my past and see a lost girl that mostly lived for herself.  She was in search of the world, experiences and accomplishment.  She was obsessed with having a bucket list to ensure she didn’t have future regrets and believed that was how you made your life moments count.

Today I ask myself again, if I have been making the most of each day and living an authentic life. I want to be confident in looking back 10 years from now, knowing that I gave my best in bringing joy and helping others. To know my time, effort and talent was not wasted.

I believe the quality of life is not measured by success or material possessions.  It is measured by the relationships you’ve built and the people you’ve helped along the way.   If every moment is lived with love for others, then it’s a life worth living.

Language of Love

Mon Seigneur, mon Dieu, celui que j’aime de tout mon cœur. Il est ma force, mon espérance et mon guide.  Par lui, toutes choses sont faites simple et possible.

It’s beautiful to realize that despite our different races and cultures, we all speak to God is our own language. That we can celebrate our faith in communion wherever we are in the world. As Catholics, we are one global community in prayer, faith and action.

In realizing that we have that common shared faith, all biases should be erased. As God loves all His children equally, we should all love each other the same.

Nous sommes tous les enfants de Dieu.

Questions and Guidance


(Sept 29, 2016)

St. Joseph’s Oratory – Tabernacle Reflection

Week of Sept 25th-Oct 1st

Lord, you spoil me time and time again with your graces.  Not with material things, but with spiritual nourishment.  How I’ve been craving time with you, and you alone.  Please continue to guide me in this journey.

Your graces are sufficient and often in abundance.  What will you have me do?   I always feel guilty asking for more.  “It’s the Lord’s nature to bless”.  I keep thinking back to that comment I saw this morning.

How often do I doubt your anointing? Why is it hard for me to be faithful to it? Lord thank you for continually reminding me that you will take care and provide. “He equips those that answers His calling.”

Is self-doubt really 90%? How could we have so many negative thoughts when we have You? Lord help me to only focus and rely on you and what is truth.

My career, my vocation, my being.  They are all in your hands.  Guide me, nourish me. Lord, keep me under your embrace.  Let me rest and find peace and truth in your word.  That I may be able to prove what is good, kind and true to others.   I have been broken before and fallen many times, but continue to use me in my weakness to show Your strength.
