I will it, Lord

My life was not complete until I crowned it by my death. Your “way” is not complete unless you crown it by your life. Accept each moment as it comes to you, with faith and trust that all that happens has My mark on it. A simple fiat, this is all it takes; a breathing in your heart, “I will it, Lord.

Persevere & Endure

These two words seem to summarize my Lenten journey. Not because I practice the virtue of perseverance, but because I need to. In the face of difficulties, do I remain steadfast? Am I patient enough in unpleasant situations to not give up? I’m not always sure…

I was reminded by a dear sister recently of Mother Mary during the crucifixion of Jesus. Despite the suffering and humiliation her son had to go through, our Mother endured everything. Even while watching Jesus being beaten and tortured, she uttered no words. Imagine the pain she must have felt in her heart; but her trust in God and the fulfillment of His plan allowed her to endure everything.

I was blessed to be able to attend the Stations of the Cross led by the Legion of Mary at my parish a few weeks ago and the beauty of the statements and prayers at each station swept me away. “Mary’s love urged her to suffer the way of the cross with her son. She fulfilled the vocation that Christ gave to us…and even after it all, her ‘yes’ remained.” I honestly wish this type of love and strength came easy, but then again, how else would I rely on God in my struggles? In the meantime, I can only remind myself to remain prayerful in times of distress because the Lord is greater.

“O Mary, you suffered with Jesus as you stood beneath the Cross and you offered your suffering with His. Help me accept my daily crosses without complaint and offer them for the good of the world.”
(Mary Day by Day)


This weekend was definitely one to be thankful for. I went on my first mission trip as a Mission Volunteer not really knowing what to expect. I never really went on mission outside of Edmonton while I was serving in CFC Youth, aside from probably two or three occasions. The thought of serving and doing talks for the first time in months made me anxious, let alone the fact that we would be conducting 3 events (1 GA & 2 trainings) in the span of 2 days.  *cue worries* (which I’m still working on heh)

It wasn’t until I was actually in the midst of the weekend that I remembered that this is not my work but the Lord’s. I am merely an instrument – a tool the Lord uses to cultivate the harvest. What a blessing it is to be used and to witness God’s love at work. Seeing their eager faces, ready to learn and grow, brought me so much inspiration, joy, and excitement. These are the youth who are going to spread God’s Love to their friends. These are the evangelizers who will carry on the mission. These are the ones who will help satiate Jesus’ thirst for love and for souls. Although they are young and although their area has faced difficulties, they are still willing to allow themselves to have the heart of a servant – the heart of Jesus.

Father, thank you for using me and allowing me to witness Your love through those I serve.

“Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example of love, faith and purity…” – 1 Timothy 4:12

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I will give you Rest

“Be anxious about nothing.

Be prayerful about everything.

Be thankful for all things.”

I tend to worry about things quite often. Scratch that. I am a major worrier. In my head, if I can worry about the worst-case scenario that could come out of a situation, when the actual outcome happens it might not be as bad as I had imagined…or I did good in preparing myself for the worst in the event that it happens. However, in the end, all my worries converge into one theme: “Am I good enough? Am I needed?”

I don’t give these questions a second thought until I realize: Where is God in all of this? How can I worry more than I pray? If I allow my worries and insecurities to fill my head, how can there be room for faith? Do my worries show that I do not trust God and fail to appreciate His blessings?

It is then that I find Him: in the colors of the sunrise I see on my way to work; in the faces of the children I serve in catechism; in the peaceful silence that finally comes after surrendering my worried and tired thoughts to The Lord. There is no need for me to worry or have doubts. He shows me He loves me every single day in every single way. It is because of this love and abundance of blessings that I can remember that I am loved. I am exactly where I need to be. I am enough.

The Lord is bigger than any of my problems or worries. Despite my insecurities, failures, and weaknesses, He continues to love without hesitation.  I need not feel anxious. Instead, I should turn my worries into prayers; into another chance to trust in God. The only thing needed is to know, trust and love Him.

“Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden.” -Corrie Ten Boom