
I guess you could look at being overwhelmed in 2 ways:1) Here is google’s definition:


  1. Bury or drown beneath a huge mass.
  2. Defeat completely.

Here’s the other way that the Lord has truly been pushing me understand the meaning overwhelmed:


1. Drowning in Christ’s love, blessings and opportunities.

2. Undefeated through Christ.

Arriving here in Winnipeg, Manitoba last week on May 8th has been an OVERWHELMING experience so far, but in a good way. I arrived here with some one the CFC YOUTH BIG SKY CORE GROUP welcoming me at the airport with open arms, love and lots of enthusiasm. We were able to go back to the Contreras’ house (My host) where we celebrated God’s blessing of a Full-time pastoral worker in Winnipeg. Already, I have been blessed with being able to participate in: March for life, RYC Session Speaker and Sharer Screenings, Mission trip to Virden, CFC General Assembly, a busy Mother’s day with the Contreras Family, and two one on ones. *HUGE DEEP BREATH IN*

I truly Praise God for overwhelming me with these wonderful experiences that express Christ’s love not only to me but to others. This love from Christ has made me excited to continue finding Him through everything and anything and to continue giving hope to others.

Lord, continue leading, guiding and reminding me that YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE and I am just a vessel for other people to experience you.


May God be praised.


No day is ordinary. For the Lord, every day is EXTRA-ordinary.
This past week coming from the Philippines was such a blessed week with friends, family, Norelle, my cat and most especially the Lord. Each and every day was filled with joy and love. When my parents and I arrived in Toronto, we were greeted by my two sisters and my brother in law who welcomed us with open arms. Although, physically I was tired, my heart was jumping with joy that I was back in Canada. I was thinking in my head, “wow, praise the Lord, I am home. This is such an amazing feeling and I cannot wait to see everyone and experience Christ’s blessings.”

Wednesday the Lord was calling me to visit Him at the Adoration chapel. The 30 minutes I was there filled my heart with so much peace and joy that it made my heart smile. I was so happy that I needed to let the Lord know. The message of the Lord during this time was, “Kyle, enjoy every day here and look at every day as not just an ordinary day but an EXTRA-ordinary day.”

Thursday came which started off with mass in the morning, but right when I was about to leave I was blessed to meet with Tita Tess, the Parish Youth Co-ordinator at Annunciation Parish. She filled me in with all the wonderful things that was happening with the parish YFC and how they are growing both spiritually and in quantity. Yes there were some bumps in the road but with the grace of God they were all able to get through it. Praise the Lord.
Friday started off again with mass which was again filled with joy and love. The Lord surprised me  with Mauricio Munoz and GR 8’s who just finished joining the Youth camp in December also celebrating mass. It was good to see and speak to them after and just catch up with what has been going on. With the same joy and love, they were explaining how the YFC in the parish has been going well and staying consistent with their Households. Praise the LORD!
Friday night I was able to hang out with some of the Youth and just spend some good company with them.

Saturday came which I was blessed enough to attend the Camp Brave Parent Orientation in Milton. Praise God because I was able to meet up with the HAMILTON Area CC’s, the Milton/Oakville chapter heads and the Team servants for Camp brave. They did such a great job for their first parent orientation and I am sooo excited for the Lord’s plan for them because Camp Brave has been long anticipated and all the Youth serving are also excited to serve. Saturday Evening was filled with good company again where I was able to attend a confirmation celebration for two of the Youths. Tita Cathy and Tito dave (the parents of the YFC who got confirmed) were so hospitable and loving all throughout the celebration. To end off the day, I was able to play street HOCKEY with some of the YOUTH and Titos there at the party! Such a wonderful surprise because it was so much FUN!

Sunday was a blessed day with FAMILY. My WHOLE immediate family was able to go to mass which doesn’t happen often. It was so blessed, Praise God. During the homily the priest said two things that were personal to me:

1)     “As Christians, we are to have CHRIST LIKE ads.”
2) “The Lord may start of slow but always has a strong FINISH.”

Such wonderful messages to continue on the mission as a FTPW. After mass, we all went out for lunch and was able to have good family time and share experiences that have happened these past 3 months. Sunday evening, Norelle came back from her vacation, which was a great experience because it was the first time seeing her in 3+ months. Praise God through much prayer and graces we were able to keep Christ at the center during our time together and continue moving forward in holiness and love for each other and most especially the Lord.

Lord, Almighty Father, I praise and thank you for giving me such a wonderful week of love, joy and blessings. Thank you for protecting and guiding me to Christ everyday. Lord, I will continue to be in need of you for I am weak without you and I am strong with you. Thank you for making me realize that everyday is not just ordinary but extraordinary in your eyes.

God is where? Everywhere.

“God is really among you.” — 1 Cor 14:25

First, praise God for blessing the community with such wonderful messages including: “GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME. ALL THE TIME, GOD IS GOOD. GOD IS WHERE? EVERYWHERE. EVERYWHERE, GOD IS THERE.” This phrase has been such a fun, exciting and unique way to capture everyone’s attention but at the same time deliver a clear and true statement about the Lord.

During my provincial immersion here in the Philippines for training, I believe the Lord was telling me that not only we are called as young people to “Be and bring Christ wherever we are”, but to “Find Christ wherever we are.” Why? Because God is everywhere. Even in people or situations where we least expect it. Yes we are called to build relationships, strengthen and exercise our faith, build the church of the home, of the poor, etc. but the Lord was also telling me, “my child, I was here before you even knew it.”

I was so blessed and overwhelmed to experience God’s love in Oriental, Mindoro. The Lord truly took care of me and showed lots of love through the Couple Coordinators, Youth leaders, Full-time workers and even strangers who did not know me. Christ was present in each and everyone of them and I thank God because they have inspired me in one way or another.

Lord, Thank you for blessing and making me experience you, everywhere. Your love overflows that you want us to experience you in everything and in everyone. Lord, continue reminding us that you love us so much that you want us to notice you always, even during times where we least expect you.

God is Good, all the time. All the time, God is good. God is where? Everywhere. Everywhere, God is there.


We are all Human.

This journey of faith that we are called to live by is very challenging and requires a heart filled with the Spirit and to strive to be one with Jesus. In this journey we will be faced with “slap in the face” realizations, difficult moments where we are hurt, humiliated, humbled and broken down. These hardships make it exciting and so much more meaningful, Why? … because it strongly encourages and helps us to embrace God even more.

The Lord is so loving that even when we experience “bad” things, God HAS HIS PLAN AND WILL ALWAYS find a way to produce a good result from it. The question is, do we believe in HIS greater result? HIS greater plan? This past month has been a month of as the BOYBAND N’SYNC would sing, “It’s tearing up my heart when I’m with you… and when we are apart I feel it too…”. This song just made me realize two things: 1) As you OBEY the Lord, you sometimes WITNESS the “tearing apart” side of it so that you can fully ask and let God to put you back together. 2) When you find yourself apart from the Lord, you feel the tearing apart even more without anyone but you trying to put yourself back together.

Wow, the Lord is so GOOD, so GREAT!

But lets be real for a second, we are all humans and as human beings if we experience hardships, we will be sad, upset, angry, and lonely at times. We feel these things. The difference is how fast we turn to God so that we can renew us through these hardships.

It all goes back to how much we realize that God loves us and how much faith we have in Him. As Pope John Paul the II says, “To die for faith is a gift to some; but live by faith is a call to all”.

May God be Praised.



Fear the Lord

“Because I have called and you refused, have stretched out my hand and no one heeded and because you have ignored all my counsel and would have none of my reproof, I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when panic strikes you”. Proverbs 1:24-33

Our Lord is love, patient, merciful and so much more but He can also be disciplinary. When we are called, we are blessed so much by the Lord because He truly and deeply loves us and wants the absolute best from us. But, He too wants the best from us. When we are called, we need to strive to protect our anointing in every way for He has the power to take it away. Prayer time up, purity to the fullest and love never ending.