Confidence in God

Sometimes when we look at our imperfections and sinfulness we tend to say, “I am unworthy of doing this” or “Man, I am  so ashamed of my sinfulness, I don’t know if the Lord will answer my prayers”. We start to lose trust or doubt what the greatness the Lord has in store due to our sinfulness and darkness in our hearts.

In actuality, ‘the foundation of our confidence in God’s plan rests in God and not us.’ (Secrets of the Spirit by Luis Martinez). Therefore, we trust in the Lord, draw near to Him and are sure of His selfless love, not because of what we are but because of what He is.

We can be miserable sinners sometimes, so negative and hard on ourselves. But, we should never diminish our trust in the Lord because it is not based on ourselves but in Him. Jesus will forever be the same person, ever so good, so merciful.

We are confident in God because He is so good, loving and merciful. Will our Lord cease to be merciful and good because we are weak, miserable and imperfect? IMPOSSIBLE. If we get caught in that mindset of us decreasing who He is due to our human-ness, we judge God in a Human matter.

‘Jesus is the one who brought us a message from heaven. He came to tell us that God loves us with an infinite love, with an external love. He loves us to the extent of giving us His own Son, and delivering him to heath for the love of us.’

Lord, You are great. You are Good. You are Love. And with this, I confide in you and your will and your love.

Deo Gloria.


Praise be to God for an early wake-up call today.

I was able to meet up with Gyan Delos Reyes (HSB Program Head) and take the bus to go to the University of Manitoba just to chill and hang out with some of the CFC-Youth. As I observed what was happening on the bus, I could not help but think and reflect what the people were doing. On the bus, there were some people who were able to sit if there was an empty seat available. Some were standing almost the whole bus ride to U of M, which could take up to an hour. Some had to sit beside someone who could potentially fill up 2 seats due to their size or had to many things to carry. Some offered their seat for someone else who needed the seat more. There was 2 people I noticed who were standing the whole time but seemed like they didn’t care because they saw someone they knew on the bus and enjoyed the conversation they were having. And some were asleep the whole time because they were just so tired.

Now the driver, who has a specific route for everyone on the bus, has a duty and responsibility to pick up whoever is waiting at the bus stop. He not only opens the door for you to get on but also allows you to get off the bus at a stop you choose, even though it might be the wrong stop.

Jesus is our driver and should be our driver. He has a path just for us to follow. He knows the destination we need reach and welcomes us with open doors but also gives us the option to do what we will to do. He also gives us characteristics that will help us become the people we are suppose to be. Crazy thing is, each day is a different day and calls us to sit, stand offer our seat and / or sit beside someone who brings us discomfort. When we reach our destination, do we put everything behind and say thank you to the driver before we get off?

Heavenly Father, through your grace, we have the opportunity to reach our destination with joy and love. May we continue seeking Your will in prayer and listen attentively to what you are calling us to do. I praise and glorify You for the blessings and discomfort that bring us closer to you each and every day. In Jesus Name. Amen.



The Lord is good at giving us opportunities and empowering us to be effective with His Spirit. But, sometimes we got up in our human dispositions that we expect things or someone to turn out a certain way. Thus, leaving us in disappointment. We ask, “Why Lord did it turn out that way? Why couldn’t it have gone this way or that way?” With expectations, we question the Lord’s will, doubt, and miss the whole message the Lord is trying to tell us.

Let us have no expectations from the Lord, but expect Him to expect us to have faith. Let us trust and be joyful in whatever outcome revealed to us.

In His Name, we Trust.




Why care what other people think when your ultimate goal is to reach to heaven and be with God? Why do you need to impress people let them see that you do good deeds? Why look for acceptance when God accepts you and is merciful towards you as long as you repent? Why put on a front when deep down you’re in need of the Lord and a person to talk to (i.e. Priest/Spiritual Director)? Why get bothered when someone discourages you when your main encourager is always in your presence? Why look for attention when the Lord is always attentive towards you? The Whys go on and on …

These worldly things are not worth it. Why leave heaven in heaven?

Lets bring down heaven here on earth. God Bless.



It’s so easy to get distracted now a days. The evil one is very good at making things seems like they are worth giving “attention” so that you think you invest time, but really you waste time. He does a very good job at causing your heart to feel uneasy, bothered, anxious, and not at peace. But at the same time, he is also good at deceiving your heart making it think its at peace, but really its not. Really, your heart is not one with Christ.

How do we stay focused on the Lord? We pray. We discern. We consult others and seek for advice… BUT not everyone is fit to help and give advice. You must pray and discern about that too.

Bottom line, we need to continue to have that personal relationship with Christ and continue seeking Him for advice to move forward and be one with the Spirit so that we may be at peace, the right PEACE.

As Saint Augustine States: “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our Heart is restless until it rests in you.”


A Command

“Service is a command from God.” – Father Gerry

This weekend, I was able to partake in a blessed and spirit filled Regional Servants of The Lord conference  here in Winnipeg Manitoba. I was given the opportunity to serve and lead the Program committee and Boy I was scared. I didnt know what to expect because I have always been asked to help but never to LEAD.

Now just to back track a little, it was God who called me into the Catholic Faith, it was God who brought me into this community, it was God who lead me into the MV program and it was God who called me to FTP work. Therefore, it was The Lord who called me to serve in this SOLD conference, lead the program committee and go out of my comfort zone to grow.

Service is a command from God. Jesus was called to serve, not to be served. Service requires sacrifice. To Love requires sacrifice and to serve others and the Lord is to love others and love the Lord.  However you do it, know that it goes back to Gods command to all of us, and that is to serve and to Love.

One last thing, there was a SOLD delegate who was 84 yrs old! And man, it was such an inspiration to see him Worship with hands up high in full surrender. He also participated in the skills competition which required running, dribbling and shoot a basketball. I hope one day I get to be in His shoes still worshipping and serving the Lord.

EOS – End of Sharing

May God be Praised.


It sometimes seems so hard these days to stay focused. We get bombarded with so many distractions that our mind and hearts wander to worldly things, desires wants, feelings, wants, which end up resulting doing what we want to do and not the Will of God. There are times when we pray and hear our cellphones get a message, tweet, an instagram notification, a phone call and we itch to see who or what it is. Or how about when we work? For Example, we are assigned a certain task but we notice someone doing something absurd, different, “off”, which makes us quick to judge and we end up forgetting our own task. Or what about when we get distracted by our own personal struggles and feelings of unworthiness? Sometimes we dwell on them for so long that we fail to seek for advice, help, the strength to overcome our crosses.


Distractions. They help us loose focus on the reason why we live each and every single second of the day and experience the things we experience.

This weekend was Big Sky’s firs Executive Readiness Training for Campus Based. Praise God for He is always good and provides. Yes, there is always a  battle, no doubt. But the Lord was simply telling me this weekend,

Focus on me and everything will be on alright. Do what is of my Will and you will find, peace, joy which the spirit will provide. Do what is expected of you and I will do what is expected of me. Don’t worry, for I do not deny who I am.”

When we focus on the Lord, we focus on love, peace, charity, thanksgiving, joy, patience, humility, trust and so many things we cannot explain since our God is so great. When we focus on the Lord, we do not need to worry for He will never forsake those whom He loves and strives to be righteous.

“For the Lord will not forsake His people; for justice will return to the righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it.” PSALMS 94:14-15

When we focus on the Lord, we see the blessings he abundantly and continuously showers upon us.

Lastly, Like sister Evony Evangelista had told me last night with a chuckle right after, “There is no more need to worry anymore, hehehe.”

Just Focus.

Deo Gloria.






Picture Created by: Robeson Arlegue and Jennifer Rose Garcia (Big Sky YCOM HEADS)