Not just sacrifice

As FTPWs, we have a consistent coordination meeting every Monday morning. This meeting consists of a teaching (where FTPWs are assigned to give in rotation) and/or updates, announcements, prayer intentions, etc. Wherever we are, we connect through the gift of technology (usually using the handy dandy GOTO meeting app), which is such a blessing… and … we blessed to sometimes have special guest speakers who join us and give the teaching.

During the past teaching on Monday, I was hit and inspired with something the guest speaker had said, which was, “If we think that whatever we are doing is ONLY a sacrifice, then we need to think again…” Then, he further went on to say, “Instead of thinking about our service to the Lord as only a sacrifice, but to think more so of it as acts of THANKSGIVING TO HIM“.

BOOM. I was humbled. WHY?

I sometimes get tempted to think that the service, the meetings, being away from home … etc. etc. etc…are sacrifices that I am offering to God for His greater glory which is not bad in itself but I forget that whatever we do… GOD does not technically need. He could have called someone else ‘better’ but I believe He would rather have us offer our acts/sacrifices as praise and thanksgiving.


He blesses so much each and everyday …loves us and pursues us relentlessly, sometimes without us knowing and being oblivious to our surroundings. Each and every day, sacrifices for the greater good is part of what we do as Christians, leaders, family members, students, people in society, and what we celebrate each and every time we attend Mass… but… the ultimate sacrifice has been done… Jesus dying on the cross… so …God is happy with our sacrifices each day but I am now more inspired to offer each act, deed, prayer etc… as THANKSGIVING… because our God deserves our praises each and every second of our lives.

Let’s offer each guitar strum, late night practices/meetings, dollar, and many other things we posses as not just sacrifices but more so, THANKSGIVING to GOD.



One Body in Christ




We here this all the time that we as a community of believers (the Catholic Church) in Jesus Christ, are ONE BODY. Just like the Original Power Ranger Megazord…

But how?

Each power ranger had a dinosaur robot associated with each of them:

Blue Ranger: Triceratops

Red Ranger: T-Rex

Yellow Ranger: Saber-tooth Tiger

Pink Ranger: Pterodactyl

Black Ranger: Mastodon

These 5 dinosaur Robots combine to make a bigger dinosaur Robot called a MEGAZORD (as shown in the picture) so that they can battle the bigger and badder bad guys. Each dinosaur acts as a specific part of the Megazord (arms, feet, chest, head) As a church, we are essentially the same. We fight the evils of this world and in ourselves together as ONE BODY with Christ being the head and us as His hands and feet.

This weekend was Central Region’s CFC-Youth Regional Conference. Despite the doubts, frustrations, struggles, and worries, the Lord was plain and simple yet profound… VICTORIOUS (how easy is it for us to forget?).

Celebrating 2 years here as a FTPW on May 8th 2015, I could not but help but be overwhelmed with God’s presence influenced by the power of the Holy Spirit in EVERY SINGLE PERSON this weekend. As much as I think we can prepare for the joy that is to be expressed after a RYC, I never do.

With the help of our Blessed Mother Mary and through Jesus and our Father’s Divine mercy and grace, WE GLORIFIED HIM TOGETHER. Everyone did their part with our service being unravelled beautifully by our Lord. One community, one family, one church. We all worked together as one body, with our Lord Jesus Christ as the head.

“The Church …’is the visible plan of God’s love for humanity,’ because God desires ‘that the whole human race may become one People of God, form one Body of Christ, and be built up into one temple of the Holy Spirit.’… ” (CCC 776)

Lord, as we prepare for Pentacost and the birth of the Church, may we continue to be reminded by Your grace that we are one body and with the help of the Holy Spirit, be beacons of light filled with charity to each other and the whole World.




(Oct 8th 2014)

“But the Lord answered, ‘Martha, Martha’ he said, ‘you worry and fret about so many things, and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part, and it is not to be taken from her.”

Blunt as it is, sometimes we worry about things to much. We let things get to our head, which gets to our hearts. It’s hard… definitely hard not to be overwhelmed by so many things in life, especially family, service, school, vocation, etc., whatever it may be. Sometimes we just need that simple… just got to go back to Jesus. Go back to Him in prayer, Mass, Adoration, etc., wherever you need to meet. He can even be found in family, nature, silence, the most sacred spot in our homes, or even in the struggle itself. No one can/should oppose your relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

The gospel was very personal to me today. It came at the right time. What a great affirmation and a time that Jesus aligned His heart with mine. Thank you Lord Jesus, I love you. I love the mission. I love the struggle. I love you. I love you.

Pray Pray Pray. Jesus Jesus Jesus.

Security. Maturity. Purity.

Sometimes I fall into this trap on relying on myself … because we all like to be in control, especially in our goals, decisions and of course our lives. And this causes us to rely on our strength instead of Gods strength and His divine providence. This can actually be dangerous because when we choose what we want and not what God wants for His glory, it can result in a kind of ‘Death’ experience… not necessarily physical but Spiritually.

God the Father does not want us to ‘DIE’ but be spared from death. God sent His only Son to die for us not sparingly but WILLINGLY so that we may be free from spiritual death… SIN… impurity, anger, gossip, laziness, etc.

That’s huge. He WILLINGLY gave His only son.

When this ultimate TRUTH over sin (Divine Mercy) does not sink into our hearts, we tend to find security in other things resulting in immaturity and not being able to stand on our two feet. Our immaturity taints our purity … purity in motives, intentions, desires… we rely on our ourselves.

The beautiful thing is that FREEDOM is being SECURE in God.

SECURITY in God will result in MATURITY leading to PURITY of heart.

Lord, may I surrender all of my self, my life and fully rely on your divine providence, clinging on ever so tightly on the security of Jesus Christ.

All Talk.

Sometimes we are so good with words, thinking we have so much knowledge that we can say anything to inspire others and “look good”… but what about action? It becomes ALL TALK if all we do is ‘say say say’ without any ‘DO’. Sometimes we say we are spiritually dry but do not take initiative to do anything about it. We do not pray. We do not take care of our physical health and most especially our spiritual health. Some of us can go and say ‘how’ we can get out of spiritual desolation, but it’s not that easy and different for everyone. The question is, are we willing to try and do something about it?

This gets the best of us lazy people, I’m guilty of this. It sometimes is hard to be motivated in the things we need to do.

There is no doubt, no doubt in the world that the ultimate ‘earthquake’ that happened 2000+ years will motivate us to walk our talk and do the things we need to do. Perseverance is AN ACTION. We say her name time and time again, Mother Theresa… through her desolation she kept on “walking” and doing the ministry she was called to do… why? Cause Jesus said so.

What is Jesus calling me to do? Will it be easy. Of course not. But am I willing to answer?

That courage doe. I need you Christ, my Saviour, Strength, my Friend.



This post is from the CFC Manitoba Group which sends out a daily email meditation from the gospel of the day. I usually just bypass the email but today, I decided to read  it today and the Lord really spoke to me because He met me where I am. Now, I believe He is calling me to not only make the effort to read these daily mediations but to really grow in my prayer time and intimate relationship with him. Thus, relying on Him fully, overcoming temptations, CARING to grow in Holiness, not remaining idle and DOING something about my shortcomings, selfishness, ignorance and refusal of Jesus Christ.

Deo Gloria.


Saturday (November 29): “Lest your hearts be weighed down”

Scripture: Luke 21:34-36   
34 “But take heed to yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a snare; 35 for it will come upon all who dwell upon the face of the whole earth. 36 But watch at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of man.”
Meditation: Is there anything holding you back from the joy and freedom of the Lord? God wants our hearts for him and for his kingdom of peace, joy, and righteousness (Romans 14:17). But our hearts can be weighed down by many different things, such as greed, gluttony, drunkenness, and so many other harmful addictions and sinful habits. Jesus, our Lord and Master, offers us true freedom – freedom from the power of sin and wasted life, and freedom from our unruly desires and disordered passions – such as making food, drink or anything else our master rather than our servant. Jesus wants our hearts to be ruled by one thing only – his love and truth which enables us to choose whatever is good and to reject whatever is evil and harmful for us.
Jesus also warns us of the temptation to slacken off – to become spiritually idle, lazy, indifferent, or inattentive to God’s word and guidance for our lives. We can fall asleep spiritually if we allow other things to distract us from the reality of God and his kingdom. It is very easy to get caught up in the things of the present moment or to be weighed down with anxious cares and concerns.
The Lord knows our struggles, weaknesses, and shortcomings. And he assures us that we do not need to carry our burdens alone nor struggle without his help. He is always very present and ready to give us whatever strength, guidance, and help we need to fight temptation and to stay the course which he has set for us. But there is one thing he doesn’t tolerate: indifference, an attitude of not caring, and doing nothing! The Lord wants us to cast our anxieties on him and to ask for his guidance and help. Do you pray for God’s strength and wisdom?
Until the Lord comes again we can expect troubles, trials, and temptations. Our adversary the devil does not rest in his attempt to lure us away from God’s will for our lives. If he cannot succeed in getting us to renounce our faith in Christ, he will try, little by little, to distract us from pursuing God, especially in prayer and listening to his word. Ask the Lord Jesus to rekindle the fire of his love in you so that you will be ready and eager to meet him when he comes again.
“Lord Jesus, rouse my spirit to the truth that this world is passing away. Give me a lively faith, a joyful hope, and a fervent love to see you face to face when you return in glory.
Again, Deo Gloria.


Christ Pursuit Weekend:

First thing’s first, God is in constant pursuit of us and He will never stop. What a blessing it was to realize that God is doing whatever it takes for us to notice Him, even to a point where He had to send His only begotten Son for us.

Mark Co and Chloe Castillo from SFC GTA actually lead the the weekend and Wow, what a blessing it was for them to come over and lead us to Christ through the retreat.

This weekend was a blessed experience to not only know more about Christ, but to experience His love and be nourished. This was one of those weekends I will never forget. Why? He made me realize something that I really needed a reminder of…

…the Virtue of Patience.

Patience was the one message that really stuck out to me this weekend. Praying for my Vocation has been really consuming my heart, mind and soul lately that it is actually hindering me at times in serving the mission fully. He reminded me that whatever He has planned for me can wait because it is His time and not mine where those plans will be fulfilled.

This weekend reminded me that a year and 4 months in FTPW has been so great, awesome, joyful and blessed. I am so in love with the mission where I get to grow in knowledge about the Faith, God and myself. I am also so blessed I get to share this knowledge and love to people who care for me sooooooo much.

To be called is a privilege and I am so happy I was reminded to savour, cherish and wait patiently for the next step in life.

“Kyle, take it step by step. Be patient with me as I am ALWAYS patient with you.”