The Struggle is real

“Not only that; let us exult, too, in our hardships, understanding that hardship develops perseverance, and perseverance develops a tested character, something that gives us hope, and a hope which will not let us down, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.”

Romans 5: 3-5

The definition of struggle is very subjective. It can vary from one person to the other. For me, the hardest one is the struggle from within.

I’ve been blessed with abundance in my life. However, I have had my fair share of trials as well. I have surpassed most of it because I had to. That is part of life. These trials have made me who I am today. However, the one thing that I am constantly battling is my mind. The feeling of unworthiness, of being week and unable to stand up for the Lord. The countless “I can not’s” or “others are better” or “I don’t belong”. The battle between what is worldly vs. what is Godly. The never ending back and forth with yourself to choose God every single time, all the time. These struggles are so loud and real for me every single day.

As Benjamin Parker said in spider man, ” With great power comes great responsibility”, so are our minds, given to us by God to basically direct our lives, make a difference and change the world. I guess this is why bad thoughts are often put in our heads and lies pounded on our brains. But the Lord constantly reminds us that He is with us and He is our stronghold and our shield. Let us be steadfast in His love always.


3 things im thankful for this week.


1. The people around me

2. Household

3. Vacation


What are thankful for?


Be thankful

It was the middle of the week when I decided to get up early to go to work maybe have coffee beforehand and have an easy day. It was an uneventful day till I got to the train station to get to work when I saw chaos at its finest. People were panicking as they realized that there were no trains going downtown due to a power failure. I, of course was in the same boat as many. I worked downtown and the only way to get there now was to take the shuttle (which would be impossible seeing as to how many people were stuck and will be trying to get on it) or to drive. So I messaged a coworker that the trains weren’t working and lucky enough she replied saying she could drive us. Then of course it starting to rain. Long story short, 3 pit stops later (to pick up a few more coworkers), 2 hours stuck in traffic, we finally arrived, soaking wet and super late. It was a good day. And as if that wasn’t enough, as the day went on, its as if the universe was conspiring, almost all of the people who came to my counter at work either had difficult questions or just being a pain. I was stressed out and I almost had enough, when this man came in and sat at my counter, he was blind and was accompanied by what seemed like his father. For some reason, I felt so at ease and at peace round him. He was soft spoken and was patient as he fumbled his way to my counter. His gentle manner was refreshing even as he was struggling to find his ID and his other stuff. His ever patient father was just as gentle trying hard to help him but at the same time, giving him space to deal with these things on his own. At the end, when they were about to pay, the father said “I got this”. ” Anything to get you started”.


At that moment I realized, no matter what we go through in life, our Father in heaven, He’s go this. As long as we let him. Ow an also, when was the last time we thanked Him for giving us the most “BASIC” things that we think we are entitled to like our eyes, hands and feet. Most of the time, we just forget that these are gifts given to us and we are very lucky to have them. So when the going gets tough, be thankful especially for the things that we overlook. This will make you realize how lucky you are.


Every sunday people gather at church to celebrate mass. You see people from all walks of life come to the house of God on this one day of the week. Some go there out of obligation, others out of desperation, others yet to glorify God, others to give thanks, others in pure devotion. No matter what the week holds or what situation people are in or what spiritual state people have, they seem to find time this one day a week to go to church. I wonder, do people really know why they go? Whatever the answer maybe, I personally find it quite refreshing that despite everything life throws at us, our experiences, our backgrounds, most of us have this yearning for our God. This hope in our hearts that keeps us going, seeking, trusting and loving Him no matter what.

Bloom where you are planted

I went to waterton for a day on the weekend. It was a fun and lovely nature trip. We saw everything from mountains, lakes, waterfalls and fields. We even saw a couple of bears and a deer. Indeed that trip was marvelous. One of the things I realized as I was up the mountain looking down on the waterfalls as the water hits the rocks below is that nature was beautiful. Created by God with their own purpose. The water, flows and goes places while the rocks and mighty and firm. The flowers bloom in spring and die in the winter and yet each of these creations despite their differences, each have their own purpose. One thing they have in common is they each do their tasks with ease. Flowers grow and die without effort. Mountains stand tall and rivers flow with grace. God made them for a reason and they serve their purpose every single day without worry.

So whether you are a rock, strong and mighty or like the river flowing or the flowers blooming, remember that God made you for a reason and that you are beautiful. Embrace your weakness and use your strength. God will not leave you. Whatever your do and wherever life may take you, just bloom where you are planted and glorify God always.