He is always GOOD!

So this past Monday was our SFC MV exam. Coming in like everyone prepping for an exam, outside you’re cool calm and collective. On the inside, you’re freaking out!!!

So fast forward towards the end of the exam, mind you it was all on computer and I was using an ipad, I kept switching windows to the point…..ALL OF MY ANSWERS…GONE!!! This huge frustration on my face, made me feel like I wasted my time. the screaming and the agony and the pain in my head.

But, at the same time I’ve realized that with all the frustration, it also shows the passion and the persistence I have for the Lord.

I think with everything going on in this world whether there bad news and good news, we need to remind ourselves that no matter the challenges or blessings, its all for the Lord and HE IS STILL GOOD!

btw, I managed to finished my exam the next day and in fairness my girlfriend also ran the time.

Again, Lord all the glory is to you!!


Another year and stoked for More!!

Wow! The Lord is truly good! Another year of challenges, but another year of his victory. For what’s in store for us, I have no idea but,I can tell you for sure is that I’m truly stoked!

March 21st is a very special day for me, not because it’s my birthday, but it marks 10 years since I said, “sure, why not” to The Lord. Whoa! Time flies when you’re 30! Yes, I said it…..30. From a late bloomer joining the youth, into a big Boomer with SFC.

I never thought I could be here at this point. I’ve always said “maybe” or “next time”, or my favorite, “we’ll see what happens” but, once you sit back and let God take the wheel, amazing things happens!

Like I said, I’m nervous….but, with The Lord by our side, I’m so stoked!