Carrying the Cross

I’m a day late from this reflection. I missed work yesterday as I wasn’t feeling well so today seemed like my Monday, nice try, I’m still late.

I’ve been distracted today from writing my reflection, just too many challenges on the plate. Today was one of those days where I just want to lock myself in the bedroom and not deal with anything.

Today was a day where the load was a bit heavy and I just wanted to just give up. It took someone looking at the situation from the outside to remind me what the cross was all about.

“I’m excited for what’s to come because God never fails to show the greater good that comes from carrying a heavy cross” -migjojav.

Thank you Lord for opening my eyes and heart today!


I’ve always wondered what’s the best way to describe to others how I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. Last weekend, Calgary held a youth camp in the beautiful town of Canmore. I was listening to the speaker and the sharer for Talk 4. The sharer described his encounter with the Holy Spirit as an unmistakable sense. The dictionary describes this word as “impossible to mistake or misinterpret”.

Last weekend just affirmed this:
1. Being led into deep and prayerful worship by a young CFC-Youth leader who was one of the kids I handled as a KFC Couple Coordinator, that’s unmistakably the Holy Spirit.
2. Seeing my eldest son, who was only 3 years old when we joined the community in 1999, lead more young people to Christ as one of the team leaders for the camp, that’s unmistakably the Holy Spirit. Being led by your child into worship is an amazing experience that each parent should experience.
The presence of the Holy Spirit? It’s unmistakable.

“Breathe into me Holy Spirit, That all my thoughts may be holy. Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy. Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy. Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy.”

We are worth it

Every year for the last 19 years, I’ve been giving up eating meat for Lent. For those who don’t know, I’m a carnivore which is why God brought me to Alberta, instead of BC.

My annual ritual on 12:01 am on Easter Sunday is to eat bacon with the family. This year, once again, it was so satisfying to have this treat after 40 days of sacrifice. But then, as I reflect on this, it was not really a sacrifice compared to what Christ went through for me.

Suffering and sacrifice is necessary to cleanse us and mold us into true servant hood. Jesus was so focused on His Father’s will even to the end when He said, “It is Finished”. When things get tough whether in service or in life, do I just give up and say, “that’s it I’m done”. I guess I do most of the time. Jesus did have a choice to give up on us but despite the most painful punishment, He continued on because we were worth it.

Father, thank you for loving us first and for showing us, through your Son, how much we mean to You. May the spirit of Lent live within us not just for 40 days of the year but in very second and minute of our lives. Amen!

If today you hear my voice, harden not your hearts.

Hebrews 3:15
15 while it is said,
Just recently, while we were in our parish office, our parish priest called me and my wife to his office. Apparently, some of our parishioners wrote to the Bishop directly complaining about the quality and content of his sermons. One of them touched about being on time for mass and dressing up appropriately.
While he was talking, I know in my heart those who complained were not from our community. A lot of our teachings are direct and tough, all of these in the spirit of molding us to have the heart of Jesus. Do we really just want to hear what we want to hear? Or do we really want to hear the voice of Jesus no matter how hard the message is? Does Jesus speak only through eloquent speakers or does He speak even through the most boring speaker?
In Talk 1 of CFC’s Christian Life Program, there’s a part in the end that goes like this:
“ When Jesus spoke to his disciples, some were turned off (Jn 6:60). They could not
accept the truths Jesus revealed to them and they left (Jn 6:66). Jesus turned to the other
disciples and asked if they were going to leave too. They stayed.”

I hope that just like Simon Peter you will say: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You
have the words of eternal life” (Jn 6:68).


Tito Gee

Seeing Jesus in every little situation

Last Wednesday, we went to the airport to pick up my brother-in-law and his family, who were migrating from the Philippines. While waiting for an hour or so, I noticed that there was this young Filipino girl with her luggage who just arrived from a flight and it seemed that she was anxiously waiting for someone. Then I just turned my attention in looking for my brother-in law.

Later, I noticed that my wife, Evelyn, was talking to her and then I saw her lending the girl her phone. Then my brother-in-law and his family arrived and I wanted to leave right away as my free parking was soon expiring.

I noticed the girl still using my wife’s phone and I was kind of irritated. How could she still be using the phone when it was obvious that we needed to leave. My wife then told me me that her husband was working and couldn’t get off as he had already taken hours off earlier but the flight was delayed by 6 hours. The girl was then asking where she could take the taxi to her husband, she just arrived from the Philippines and its her first time in Canada.  Hesitantly, I offered to drive her to her husband’s work.

When we arrived at her husband’s work, they were reunited happily after two years and all ended well.  I suddenly realized that I failed to see Jesus in this situation, that the least of my brother and sister needed help and I was worried about my free parking.

Thank God for my wife, who continues to amaze me with her sense of servant hood, I see Mary in her everyday.

Lord, help me to open all my senses to you, to allow me to see you in every little situation.  Forgive me, Lord, for my constant shortcomings but never give up on leading me to the right path.


Tito Gee

Becoming legal

Last weekend, my wife, Evelyn and I were talking to one of the youth leaders who just turned 18 recently. This youth shared with us that she has never been to a bar. This both surprised and delighted me. Most youths who turn 18 look forward to being legal and one of the first things on their list is going to a bar.

It’s another affirmation that the ministry of CFC-Youth transforms our young people and allows them to journey faithfully with Christ.

May God be praised!

Tito Gee

Making a difference

Just came from a very powerful and affirming weekend trip to the Pacific Region for the Couple Coordinators and Regional Leaders Conferences.
As pastors to the youth, many times we wonder if we are making a difference at all in the lives of the youth whom we serve. Sometimes we even wonder if our efforts are even worth it. When we experience being overwhelmed, we want to move to another service or even quit the community.
Last weekend the affirmation came once again:
The youth who presented the workshops acted so confident, professional but most of all, passionate, it blows me away how much they are so inspired to serve the Lord.
A youth leader who comes from a broken family who experienced the love and support of his Couple Coordinators.
A youth leader who is about to enter the seminary and shared that he has been discerning this since Grade 8 (this blows me away how at 13 or 14 someone can even think of priesthood).
A young sister who now is a Couple Coordinator together with her husband, who was part of the group that started CFC Youth in Canada way back in 1994.
There are many more youths who we served in the past, who are now Couples for Christ members, families in the Holy Spirit renewing the face of the earth. It is becoming a reality. Our efforts are not in vain. We do make a difference.
Next time we feel discouraged and tired, let’s remember all the faces of the youth who love us, simply because we loved them. Simply because they saw Jesus in us, just as we saw Jesus in them.
Personally, I have found my purpose in life. After my early years of self destruction, I now Know why God allowed me to be born; I know why God brought me to Canada. I know why God brought me to this community.
Lord, thank you for calling us to serve the youth, may we continue to push on toward the prize that is eternal.

Tito Gee