The Visitation and Saints

It is in this event where Mary proclaimed “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior”. Words that are so memorable from the Magnificat.
How single-minded Mary was for the Lord. The phrase above was so powerful that I can truly feel that every part of her body, from her fingernails to her hair, her every being, was focused on God.

It’s a struggle for me to think of being like Mary, can I proclaim the greatness of God when someone cuts me off the road while driving, can I be like Mary when someone tells an offensive joke and I’m tempted to laugh along?

I can probably count the times I have acted Christ-like easier than the times I do not, because the former is by far fewer in number. But the more I see Christ in others, the more I immerse myself in people who inspire, the more I become a part of a community of believers like CFC; I know this trend will be reversed one day. Saints were not born saints; they became saints, because like Mary, they became single-minded for God. I know that as much as I stumble, Christ will be there to pick up me and will walk with me. Sainthood, one step at a time.

The First will be Last

Gospel reading, May 29

Mark 10:32-45

This is one of the most known and remembered verses of the bible.  The first will be last.

Leadership in our community is so difficult.  People watching your every move, mistakes are magnified a zillion times; your personal time is not yours alone.  It’s a lot of hardship, sacrifice and sometimes stress.

And yet no matter how hard things are, when I do it for Jesus, these things are no longer hardships but opportunities to connect with Christ.

Jesus was God and He knew it, and yet He was so focused on simply being a servant for all.  His sacrifice; the most humiliating, painful, horrible death was simply because He loved us first.

May the cross always be the “kick in the butt” to remind me that there is no hardship, trial and obstacle that will compare to what the Lord has done for me.

Lord, always remind me that everything I do, whether sweeping the floor, cooking food for the youth or leading worships and talks are all opportunities to walk with You.

All the glory and honor is Yours!

The Spirit

Gospel Reading, Sunday, May 26

John 16:13

13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

An encounter with the Holy Spirit is such an amazing experience.  Even in the most troubling and discouraging times, when the presence of the Spirit is revealed, great and amazing things happen and the connection to God is really experienced.

Last Saturday, CFC-Youth Calgary held its praise and worship concert, Magnum Deus (God is great).  During the worship concert, one of the youth leaders was praising in tongues but it sounded different and he was brought out of the venue into the lounge, shaking and troubled.  He asked to be prayed over because he felt the words coming from his mouth were not of God.  He was also bothered because he drew a blank for his sharing.  It was clearly the work of one who wanted to hinder what was to be the final sharing of the night.

As we prayed over him, I prayed for the spirit of calm, our God is a God of calm and peace, of love and joy and nothing is stronger than Him.  It took some time to calm the youth leader down but when God’s warm embrace touched this youth, we were able to return to worshiping.

He still drew a blank for his sharing but I assured him that we got his back that we would be praying for him.

When his time to share came, he shared about not having anything to share.  But in this emptiness, he declared that the Holy Spirit was in our midst, with so much conviction and force that I doubt if there was anyone in the room, who did not sense the presence of the Spirit.  It was at that point that the Holy Spirit took over.

This declaration paved the way for a powerful close of the concert that to the last note played, the glory and power of God was vibrating throughout the building.

Many times, we feel so lost, troubled, scared.  That is the work of the evil one, who knows how to use our weaknesses to his advantage.  But as we empty ourselves and allow the Holy Spirit to take over, there is only one outcome, the glory and power of God always remains victorious.

To Him, all the glory, praise and worship!

God’s perfect time

I was at a CLP graduation last Saturday and was listening to the sharing of the new members. One of the new members shared how many have invited them to the CLP and they finally attended and finished – in God’s perfect time.

Flashback to God’s love story with me. My journey with Couples for Christ started in 1996, when our good couple friend invited us to attend the Christian Life Program. I was always a person who mocked religious groups. After each session I attended, I would laugh and make fun of the people who were worshipping, raising my hands in mockery and my wife would comment on how bad I was. We lasted only 3 talks (my friend gave the third talk, if he gave the first talk, we would have lasted only 1 talk). I was so worried on how the CLP was a huge commitment and burden and would totally interfere with my social life.

Three years passed and yet God, through my friend, never gave up on me. Through those years, he would constantly invite me to the CLP and I would always smile and give the lamest excuse I could think of. But going through a period of difficult time was the “St. Paul” moment of awakening for me. During this time, my friend continued to support me, no matter what. One day, after all the difficulties were finally resolved, I asked my friend why he was always there to help and he answered, “Because you are my brother”. That was such a powerful blow on me and I was in tears, and I realized how much God was continuing to reach out to me in spite of the mockery and insults I poured on His people. It made me realize that there must be something good in the members of CFC. Lastly, I would have no excuse anymore not to attend the CLP because the next CLP would in our neighborhood church; only two minutes drive at the most.

We finally attended on July 5, 1999 and had almost perfect attendance (we missed only one session due to my brother’s wedding). That date was also significant in my life as it was the day when I finally quit smoking after being a two pack a day smoker.

Truly, God has perfect timing; I truly thank God for never giving up on me and for doing great things in me that I would never imagine I would be doing. I know that no one is so unworthy of God’s love, no matter how sinful we are, His mercy has no limits.

God is awesome!!!!

The purpose of my life

“We are here on earth in order to know and love God , to do good according to His will, and to someday go to heaven (YouCAT Section 1)

I’ve always wondered about the purpose of my existence. Sometimes, I wonder what’s the point of waking up, going to work, taking kids to their soccer games, day in day out.

I always thought there would be a deep and profound explanation that would strike me and allow me to experience a deep awakening of my purpose in life.

The message that explains our purpose in life from YOUCAT (and the Catechism of the Catholic Church), is so simple but really makes my life so clear to me. It’s what God wanted for us to do all along, going back to His love story with man that started with Adam and Eve and up to now.

I’ve always wondered why He brought me to Canada – I now know its to allow me to love God even more and to serve Him through the community, and to see Him in others

I’ve always wondered why he allowed me to be a husband – it’s to allow me to experience the sacrifice that I’m willing to take for the love of my spouse

I’ve always wondered why He allowed me to be a Father – I now realize and experience everyday How much the Father loves me, I’ve so much love for my kids and yet God’s love is a gazillion times more than that

Father, thank You for allowing me to love You by loving me first. Thank You for allowing me a taste of what heaven is through the life that You have blessed me. Love you!!!

Another “See Jesus” Challenge

Last Saturday, our early morning household meeting was at our house. With some more essential things needed (like milk and eggs); I decided to go to our local Safeway to buy these. I had to rush though, as it was already 8:20 am and our arrival time was 8:30 am.
As soon as I parked my van, and was rushing to go to Safeway, a young guy stopped me, “Excuse me, sir”.
He explained that his truck ran out of gas and he needed help. He didn’t have the cash so he wondered if I could help him. He explained that he had a landscaping business and that he would pay me back with services.
I showed him my wallet and told him I didn’t have the cash and was thinking of ways to get out of this situation, but I told him, I’ll go inside and get some cash at Safeway (cash back).
While inside the grocery, some doubts crept into my mind. Is his situation legit, will he really use it to buy gas? But suddenly, I felt a sense to “see Jesus” in this situation. I quickly bought some milk (and I planned to come back again for the rest), and get some cash from the cashier.
When I came out, he was still there waiting, I gave him the cash, he asked me if he could give me his number and I said, “don’t worry about this, God bless you”. He thanked me and left.
Yesterday, we are at the grocery buying ingredients for our taco night (they were so good, diet postponed again), my 7 year old son, Jak-jak found a quarter and was so happy he found money. I pointed out to him a donation box for poor children and asked him if he wanted to give the quarter and without hesitation, he dropped the coin in.
I pray that I could be more like him, though I’m improving, I would like to have the heart of a child, who gives freely without hesitation.
Lord, thank you for showing your face to me, through other people, and through my son. May I truly know you even more, so I can really sense you in very situation that you allow me to live.

Your Will Be Done

This weekend spoke powerfully to me. In our Family Ministries household meeting, we talked about submitting to “His Will”.
When I pray “Your Will Be Done”, do I really mean it or do I mean, “Your Will Be Done” as long as it is okay with me?
Father, help me to completely open myself to you. Just like Mama Mary, who said yes to you unconditionally, even though what you asked of her was such a scary and difficult thing.