Being a Father

After Sunday mass yesterday, the priest reminded all Fathers (as well as Mothers) to continue to bring their families closer to Christ.  As parents, it’s not enough to bring ourselves closer to Christ, but we must be a light to our children as well.

Praise God for Couples for Christ.  During my “dark days” or my pre-CFC life, my spiritual life was limited to praying to God whenever I needed something.  Mass for me was a once a year thing (only on Christmas and New Year was optional), and I would drive my wife to church and pick her up after.  I would always try to make an excuse not to go to mass, sometimes, using my kids as an excuse.  I know what kind of father I would have become.  My misconception was that the father was the financial “breadwinner” of the family and anything else, including the spiritual, was left to the wife.

Praise God I have realized that fatherhood is much more than just bringing home the bacon.  The love that a father has for his children should encompass taking care of all their needs, including their faith.  My kids grew up in this community, for them, it’s the normal way of life, growing up knowing the Father who loves them so much.  They won’t have the dark days like I did, yes, they will have problems and obstacles but for them, these will be opportunities to glorify God.


Father, thanks so much for loving us unconditionally. Thank You, Lord, for giving me the wonderful gift of fatherhood, for allowing me a taste of the great love You have for each and every one of us.  Amen!!

Stop Messing it Up

I was watching scene from Michael Jackson’s “This is it” where a scene showing the beauty of nature was an intro to the “Earth Song”.  Nature is so breathtaking. Living in Calgary is a blessing because there’s so many breathtaking sights that I can watch within an hour or two of driving.  If this world were like paradise, I’m sure the real paradise that God had intended was a gazillion times more breathtaking.  If people have doubts about the existence of God, then wake up, look around and see God in nature.


But man has a way of doing his own thing, ignoring God’s ways, and messing things up.  Beautiful land become garbage dumps.   Beautiful women (and I’m not only talking about physical beauty) become women obsessed with their looks, full of self doubt, and not seeing the beauty that can seen beyond the mirror.  True men become men overpowered by lust and power over others, having no respect for women, losing the anointing that God had intended for them.


So let’s stop messing this up, it’s not too late for us to change the face of this earth.  God worked hard for 6 days to create this world, man , He did a great job.  But let’s be worthy of this world and let’s be worthy of His calling of us, whom He created in His own image.


Praise God!


I shared this story with the National Core Team members yesterday.  At last Sunday’s mass, the deacon giving the homily told a story of a young man who experienced and survived a heart attack.  This led him to reflect on his life and how he had neglected both his spiritual and family lives.  His life was focused on the pursuit of money and material things; in fact he was consumed by it.  The deacon described him as the “walking dead”.

We know of the walking dead or “zombies” as the living dead, physically alive but empty inside devoid of any emotions, mental and spiritual capacity.  But come to think of it, many times we focus on the worldly things, we become like zombies, immersing ourselves with things that suck out the things that are truly life-giving.

After the sermon, the priest called a couple who were celebrating the 62nd wedding anniversary. 62nd!!! Amazing!!  The priest asked them for two favours.  First, that the husband continue to open the doors for his wife.   Second, that the couple continue to pray together every day.

I praise God that through Couples for Christ, I am able to live that full life that the Lord wants each and every one of us to have.  Service keeps my wife and I busy, but by serving together, we are actually able to spend time with each other, doing the same things, sharing the same passions.  Serving in the Family Ministries has allowed us to be there for our boys as well, watching them grow in their faith, building friendships with other youths.

Yesterday, after our National Core meeting, I was able to catch up and play basketball with my boys.  Although my body isn’t what it used to be, I didn’t mind being “schooled” by my boys.  Last night, I asked my youngest son, Jak-jak, if I was a good dad.  And he replied “you’re a great dad!”.

My net worth may not be much on paper, but the treasures that I have been blessed with are far more greater than any riches this world can offer.

Thank you Lord, you are truly an amazing God!

A Good Shepherd

The Bible speaks many times of the good shepherd. Jesus proclaims “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep” (John 10:11)

Today’s gospel Luke 15:3-7 also speaks about the good shepherd. The gospel today made me really reflect:  So how do I stand as being a shepherd of the flock that the Lord has entrusted to me?

1. A Good Shepherd knows his flock by name -Do I really know my household members, do I even remember their birthdays and anniversaries. Do I know the challenges that they face so I could pray for them?

2. A Good Shepherd feeds his sheep – do I prepare well for a household meeting by studying diligently the teachings to be given, do I prepare the songs in advance after prayer and reflection. Do I really live out the teachings that I give?

3. A Good Shepherd loves his sheep – am I encouraging and affirming to my members instead of being critical? Do I pray for my members? Would I give some of my personal time to spend with them in fellowship? Do I still contact those in active members not just to invite them back to the community but to simply care for them?

Thank you Lord for reminding me of who You truly are, the Good Shepherd who loves His flock and would give His life for the sheep under Your care! May I truly continue to strive to walk in Your footsteps. Help me to really love the sheep that You have blessed me with!

Ordinary people become extraordinary

Feast of St. Boniface, patron saint of Germany

Saints were not born saints, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, ordinary people become extraordinary people doing great and amazing things.

Most of us nowadays doing evangelistic work do not face the same circumstances that the saints faced.  Our challenges in the community these days are getting more participants to the CLP or youth camp, preparing the food, taking care of logistics.  But the saints faced situations of real danger.

St. Boniface faced such numerous dangerous situations, the last of which cost him his life.  But at the moment of imminent death, he asked his attendants to stand down and not to fight back, saying:

“Cease fighting. Lay down your arms, for we are told in Scripture not to render evil for good but to overcome evil by good.”

Only by the power of the Holy Spirit can we walk in the footsteps of Christ.

St. Boniface, pray for us.

Giving back to God

Mark 12:17

17 Then Jesus said to them, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”

And they were amazed at him.

Our time, talent and treasure.  These are the things that truly belong to God.

Time?  Our family life revolves around the community.  Whenever we are asked to attend a personal gathering, we always check first if we have activities in the community.  We are called the “Habol” (“catch up” in Filipino) family because we would always say we would catch up to family and personal gatherings.  Our kids are very much involved in competitive soccer so scheduling is always a challenge.  But truly the Lord never fails, He is the great scheduler and everything falls into place like pieces of a puzzle.  In spite of our busy schedule, we do have time for the kids (family movie nights, dinner) and occasionally, I am able to sneak my wife out for a quick date (lunch at Subway or Tim Hortons, or a coffee at Starbucks).  But still, not all my time is devoted to the Lord, He deserves so much more.

Talent? I don’t really have a great talent.  I can sing a tune (and stay in tune) but I don’t really have the “American Idol” or “the Voice” talent.  But whatever limited talent I have, I give to Him.  My wife and I have been members of the Cluster Music Ministry for a number of years now.  It’s not an opportunity to perform for us but more of an opportunity to serve.  My wife loves to share what a priest once told her; that Jesus is tone deaf, there’s no verse in the Bible that says Jesus sang.  So God loves our singing (whether in tune or not) as long as we direct this to Him.

Treasure?  This is where I fail and struggle the most.  I do give tithes to the church and to the community.  I also have our child sponsorships (not really part of tithing) and donations to other religious organizations like Our Lady of Fatima Association (through the Heralds of the Gospel, God bless them).  But I know this is way way less than what God deserves.  God has never failed me and my family in all our needs.  Although we are only a one income family, He has allowed us to have a home, a van and allowed me to have a great job.  I do feel the call to fulltime missionary work but my biggest worry is how to provide for my family.  But hello, wake up, God always provides, He never fails!!

Father, thank You for all the blessings and the miracles You give us, both small and great, You are truly a loving God who gives to His children and more!  Teach me to give to You more, out of love for You, simply because You loved us first.

Taking things for granted

Yesterday, at the Sunday mass for Corpus Christi, one of the things the priest talked about was the importance of preparing to receive the Eucharist, for us to really take into heart preparing for this very wonderful gift.  He even said that it’s a better sign of your faith not to take communion because you’re not prepared rather than taking the host without the preparation.


It really digs to the core of our faith, how we need to really prepare to connect with Jesus in a very intimate way.  The Eucharist is one of the most visible sign of the Lord’s presence within us.  Sometimes preparing for mass can be just an exercise of going through the motions, a weekly habit.  I sometimes feel guilty about trying to count the minutes when the mass is done, but never when going through a two hour movie (where I sometimes wish the movie was even longer).


How about confession?  Do I really examine my conscience before going to confession?  In fact, the examination of conscience should be a daily routine not just at the instance before going to confession.


How about preparing for an activity or event as a service to God?  Do I just go through the motions for the sake of holding the event or do I prepare spiritually (more than just logistics)?

Man, I fail many times.

Lord, help me to be more in tune to you, help me to connect more with you in every second that you allow me to live this life.