Do you ever have those times where it feels like it has been forever since you prayed? Then the moment you open the Bible and read the readings for the day, a whole load comes off your shoulders, and it’s like as if God planned that perfect day and chose the perfect readings, JUST FOR YOU at the very moment?
I had one of those moments… except “forever” was just 2 days… 2 days of inconsistency in my Scripture readings and I felt like I was beginning to fade away! It might sound dramatic, but it was so real!!! But when I had the chance to open my Bible, I read… I prayed… and it felt like God almost made that moment JUST FOR ME! I continued and when I ended my prayer time, I realized I had been on my prayer date for almost 2 hours!!! PRAISE THE LORD!! And at that moment, I gained an even greater understanding and appreciation of prayer, especially as a missionary…
In mission, we cannot afford to be inconsistent.
The life of mission… it’s a lifestyle… And seeing that mission is a journey of tending to souls, prayer – the vessel in which God feeds our souls – must also be a lifestyle! There is no room for inconsistent mission and inconsistent prayer. I realized that if one is consistent, then the other follows in consistency (but it must be TRUE and GENUINE), and in doing this, we are rooted in the Lord. But as a missionary, if I am not rooted in the Lord, I will begin to fall and the mission He has called me to will definitely fail… This community is “a business of souls”, and souls need spirit. If I don’t fill my soul with His Spirit through the beautiful gift of prayer, then my soul, along with those I am accountable for, might die.
Prayer, although it is as fulfilling as it is, is not important JUST because it is how the Lord affirms me, consoles me, meets me, etc, etc… Prayer is important because it sustains my life in service out of love for Him & His love for me… It brings that completion to everything that feels like it’s missing that last little detail… Prayer is like the cherry on top! So today, His reminder for me is simple…
Put the “cherry” on top of the “Sunday”…
…EXCEPT… let every day be a “Sunday” ;P