Finding my way back Home

“Ill be travelling on this road [for] long, just trying to find my way back home, the old me is dead and gone, dead and gone.” (T.I ft Justin Timberlake)


Random jam playing on the stereo, on a late night drive home, post-full day of admin at the Centre, E-Rally prep, ILC filming, and a fellowship as the cherry on the sundae. “Another dime, another dollar” (as the saying goes). Praise God for #missionlife.

What does Mission life feel like? Going through a “living” that is counter-cultural, a path less travelled, one that guarantees no absolute security (security as defined by the world, of course!)…? It’s always hard to capture in words the answer (an explosion of God’s love and faithfulness daily, maybe?), but this quote provided me some clarity tonight:

“For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face.  How I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have fully know.” 1 Cor 13:12

It’s all temporaries in mission life; at some point in time, I believe it is a reality that He will call me to proclaim elsewhere, and this means never being called to stay in one place at once (Home is literally where your heart is), to be a blessings to others (being Christ wherever I go), and operating on no other time than God’s Divine Time. The only Absolute is God’s Loving calling to me every day in the Mission.

However crazy and daunting the notion of having no control, or being “at the mercy of life” , this is the most rewarding part of being a missionary. Holding unto to “nothing” allows me to be encased in this divine bubble, one that allows me to see Life in vivid colours:  individuals as Gifts from the Lord, risks that provide opportunities of growth in faith, trials as a means for the Lord to have His way in me.  I am never fully “home”, but the journey itself is preparing my soul for my one “true home” …which might lies somewhere beyond Cloud nine, haa. #love #Corinthians13

Walk with your feet on earth, but in your heart be in heaven. (St-John Bosco)

In Transit

Dated: February 8th, 2013

"But in accordance with His promise, we wait for new heavens and a new heart, where righteousness is at home. "  2 Peter 3:13
“But in accordance with His promise, we wait for new heavens and a new heart, where righteousness is at home. ” 2 Peter 3:13

At some point (or for some potentially often) in the Mission, there will be that random trip where, for some reason,  you find yourself in an adventure to get to your Mission Area…with the Transit system as your playground.

I found myself navigating myself through the intricacies of GTA’s TTC and Go System las Friday, post-snow storm, on the way to the bus station for a Mission trip to Ottawa.  Ducking crowds,reading signs, consulting schedules (hoping and praying it’s the “right bus”), speaking to friendly security officers, acclimating myself to the temperatures to-and-from the outside and the stations.  The adrenaline’s rushing, mental faculties are on alert, and the soul is praying “Mother of Perpetual HELP, direct my [literal] wandering feet aright”! Lord, help me to see.  Lord help me hear. Where are You leading me next?

The Lord is constantly responding, answering to our every prayer, whether outwardly or inwardly expressed, the question is whether we hear or whole heartedly acknowledge the answer? Truly, “God never ceases to be a Father to His children” (St-Anthony of Padua).  In the daily grind of life, this is an important truth to cling to, but as a Missionary I’ve come to know…that is it an actual and essential hard skill needed for the “job” (haa). We’ve got no literal office or department to report to, but we do have a literal Boss that directs us through the skill of Listening.

Indeed,there are so many voices with different expectations (including your own).  So many places one can be. So many deliverables to accomplish.  As we venture, and respond to His leading, it’s a physical, mental and spiritual workout.  But eventually, we find yourself fully seated on the bus of your final destination, and with a deep sigh, we can exclaim “Lord, thank you for adventuring with me”.  These are the priceless and rewarding moments that come with Mission work. I have everything I need.

Lord, You are my divine companion. I thank you for the adventures we constantly live together. 

Mission and its Urgency

Da mihi animas caetera tolle: “Give me souls…take away all else!” (Salesian motto)

I am blessed to share “birthdays” with the Don Bosco, one of the prominent missionaries for the youth in history. It was no surprise then that Father spoke about him and the Salesians during the homily at Mass today.  This bold motto proposes a powerful mission: salvation of souls.  An enormous task that means setting our sights far apart from our personal concerns, and extend our focus on those far from the Church in order to lead them back to Christ.  A mission that is selfless.  A mission that is urgent.

Every day, the Lord challenges us to “take away” and “give”.  At times, I feel as though I have nothing left to give, whether time, resource, or love-wise.   But then the Lord reminds me that in giving away, I am finding something more precious than what I thought I held most dear: the experience of His unending mercy and love.  Priceless.  I am emptied to be filled again.  Filled to be poured out again.  When I have seemingly nothing, more than ever can I boast in having the Lord.  This is what keeps me moving when I “seemingly” have nothing left.

To be an effective missionary, one much give his/her soul entirely to the Lord…and proclaim the goodness of this reality, however counter-cultural it is,  throughout the end of the earth! Father said if one doubts his/her vocation, surrender it, go back, and refocus on who we are: a son or daughter of God, heirs of His promise.  Better be this than a half-hearted proclaimer.  The Lord made us sharers in His mission, and that His faithfulness will never end…If we hold fast to this reality, nothing can dissuade us from responding with boldness to the Call daily…and in big ways!

Missioning for and with Christ

“Take care, brothers and sisters, that none of you may have an evil unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today”, so that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. For we have become partners of Christ, if only we hold our confidence firm until the very end. ” (Hebrews 3: 7-14)

What is unique about the People of God? (Question 125 in YouCat)

This week, my Mission brings me to another long stay in the west side of Toronto; I’ve packed a duffel for 4 days, and will be waking up in at least two different homes.  It always astounds me how the Lord allows me, through the hospitality of many, to share the mission with many individuals.  We share in/about each others common prayer times, speak with/about Christ through a meal, and at times even, I find refuge of Self that I didn’t know I needed.

“Being blessed by, and being a blessing to the God in others”.  This has always been the essence of Mission to me.  In giving and serving others, I receive and encounter the Lord in a deeper way.  I am commissioned, equipped and empowered constantly. My Sender (Founder) is the Father, my Model (Leader) is Christ, and my pool of Inspiration (Source) the Holy Spirit.  Im caught in this in this circulation of constant and unending divine love.  Mission is not a sacrifice: it is a series of beautiful exchanges between Child and Father.

 Thank you Lord for the gift of my many partners in the Mission, and for the opportunities to sharpen each other in faith. Thank you for the experience of love You allow me experience in them.  Amen.