Only The Lord

Saints , Mystics, and Missionaries.  I think all these Individuals have at least two things in common. First, they knew of many consolations in their life, but recognized only God as the ultimate one. Second, they believed and lived this reality-in extraordinary ways.

Waking up at the “Mission House”, and still feeling at Home somehow. Being able to develop, and rest in true friendships in my mission area over just two years  #GodAboveTime.  Being called to serve full days with my spiritual tank sometimes leaking or burning the wrong gas #metaphorWIN? These are some experiences that challenge me to rely on extraordinary trust in the Lord:

  • In Mission: Only the Father’s assigned task for this life can bring true affirmation, meaning and purpose.
  • In Relationships: Only friendship with “Jesus Christ” is the reliable source of comfort.
  • In Prayer that matures into a “night experience”: Only the Holy Spirit that can teach us to pray with sincerity and devotion.

A life of surrender. Lord, wherever I go, may I seek and rely Only on You.

The Bigger Picture #1stworldproblems

Dated: September 18th, 2013

In recent news, my home province called Quebec has been trying to pass a Charter of Values that would ban public servants from wearing religious garb (e.g crucifixes, hijabs, turbans, etc.).  This proposal has been causing an uproar in the province, a slew of “racist” and “xenophobic” incidents (i.e a muslim woman being insulted on a bus, etc.) littering Youtube and several media outlets.

The province has hit a new low to me, for a one whose history and culture is founded on motives of Faith: ‘the first explorers, 250 years worth educational, and social service c/o of the Catholic Church” (as Conrad Black from the National Post writes).  A Quiet Revolution in the 60’s and a couple a governments later, not only is the Roman Catholic Church on “the chopping block,” but so are all religions.

My first thought was “secularism really does head East to West”. #Europeproblems now #Quebecproblems. Toronto (the mission area I am assigned to), is the first Mission Centre west of Quebec.  Toronto must be strong to be light to the areas in the east.  This very individual thought inspires me to continue serving passionately.  I am part of a missionary Community that is called to inspire one individual, one family, until eventually Society itself starts to change.




Travelling Light

Backpacks.  They seem to be an essential need in the occupation of a Missionary. Every one I know has one…or at least very sturdy hang bag.  When I sometimes get “trolled” (made fun of) for carrying my own black, travel, Mountain Co-op backpack, with the perfect set of compartments, I usually say in reply: “It’s a force of habit!”

Indeed, it’s a comfort knowing that I constantly have what I need: my laptop to work, my Bible and a book or two to constantly be inspired, phone and other chargers, etc. Having a backpack also allows (“Hey, there’s space!) for me to “collect” things in my day (e.g Mass bulletins, random pamphlets and magazines, printouts from the Centre, etc.) At the end of the day, however, it’s the tedious process of Emptying and Re-Packing for the next day.

To Be and Bring Christ wherever I go. I once heard that being a Missionary is “living a pastorally sound lifestyle”.  Literal embodiments of the Gospel.  Being human, how difficult it is to:

  • Love without pretensions.
  • Speak without judgements, and with intention and sincerity.
  • Give without motives.
  • Be moved with actual Compassion.

Only the Lord can love through me.  Only the Lord can work wonders through me-if I let Him.  It calls for a continuous emptying of Self and in-stirring and re-igniting of His Holy Spirit within to labor with love. Him re-ordering my passions.  If I’m filled with anything else but Him, I find myself having a hard time in Mission.

Even God could not do something for someone who left no room for for Him. One must be completely empty in order to let him in, so that He may do what He wants. (Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta).

A House is not a Home without a warm fire blazing in the Hearth. Loving Father, at the end of each day, bring me home to truth that You are the only thing I need.  May I witness to Your love and mercy, as we work, through the leading of your Holy Spirit, Your own Mission of holiness in me. 


Every morning, every new day in the Mission feels as unpredictable as the next. Never knowing where exactly you’ll be  (travelling to and from places), who you will see.  Time never feels my own (and it isn’t), and waking up to the Unknown is daunting.

I’ve come to realize that the grace to say “Yes” to my Calling every day will come from the Heart. My response to the Lord may start as a mind exercise, but in the end (hopefully!) it ultimately triggers that “part” of me that pulsates of love for the Lord.

  • Prayer is a surge of the heart. (St-Therese Lisieux)
  • “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Mt 22:27)

Singled minded for God, single “hearted” for God.  A Resolution must be paired with Relationship.   If we are full of anything but Love of the Lord, than serving, or saying “yes”, will be difficult. It’s not about What we will encounter that should shake us with fear, but Who we will encounter that will make feel “kiligs”…for He is Love Himself.  Love is the strength to overcome fears.


Buildings, Foundations, Heart and Love….

…Strength, Healing, Humility, Wholesomenes, House vs Home…These are just a couple of words that have been buzzing around in my mind over the last week.  This latest introspection comes at a significant point in my life: It’s been two years serving in my first Mission Area (GTA), which coincides with my Dad’s 10 year death anniversary. Making sense of all Community Base meetings (“It’s time to build Communities!”), Mission Core Group Gatherings (“It’s all about Love!”), and One-on-Ones this week, some thoughts that come to mind:

  • I cannot Build without a Foundation.
  • I cannot Go Out in Mission without Hearing the words of my Sender. 
  • I cannot Respond “Yes” to this sender, the Father, without saying “Yes” to Love Him first. 

A Foundation of Love. It started with Love, He loved me first. I mission out of Love. The next two years will require me to build more arduously, love more purely, be even more faithful, transform more (and be transformed).  But it always begins with Love, the call to Mission primarily a “Yes” from the Heart and not the Mind-I cannot forget this. “God [who is Love] is the strength of my Heart.”

From Teacher to Missionary

It feels the same as yesterday.
It feels the same as yesterday.

Today I came across a letter I had written while in Teacher’s College entitled “Letter to Self: Why I want to become a Teacher”. Reading this letter after two years in the Mission is nostalgic, but also a reminder to me of convictions that helped me in defending the call to Mission.

For instance, is it really true that answering the call to Mission is sacrificing, turning away or shunning my past vocation? That I’ve lost it all because “I am not in my profession”? What dishonour p would it be to The Lord who carried me through years of study and discovery of a beautiful Calling if I were to think this way.

Its the contrary. My journey as a Teacher enhances my calling as a Missionary. I love writing Talks and Workshops because of all the Lessons plans I’ve conducted. I explore with excitement the many ways to Build Up New Leaders because of the many types of students I’ve taught in the classroom. I am the Missionary that I am because of Teaching. Teaching is my offering to the Mission, and to The Lord blessed me through that profession. I’ve never stopped being a Teacher.

But The Lord is clever, because I am not only living out this vocation, but others as well: Stage crew, Events Manager, Secretary, Human resources specialist…the list goes one. The Mission indeed challenges me to grow even professionally, answering dreams that I never even knew The Lord held for me so deeply. There is so much to gain. From Teacher to Missionary…and beyond!
“Upon thee I have leaned from my birth; thou art he who took me from my mother’s womb”. My praise Psalm 71:6. #godjournyingwithus


Friendships and Fellowshipping with God

Today I was blessed to have a 1-on-1 with an MV sister with whom I grew up with in the Community.  She was my camp leader, my program head at some point. Ten years of friendship later, here we both were, in our own ways, serving the Mission, journeying together in taking leaps of faith each day.

The love in Friendships like these is one of the true ways I experience Fellowship with God.  There is nothing more affirming of true friendship than one where each is building each other up to be holy, grow more in love with Him, and to serve His people.  Praying for each other.  Even though time and distance may eventually separate us to fulfill God’s greater plans, these fruits that will remain will only prepare us for a continuation of our friendship in heaven, with the heavenly Father who, in His desire to love us deeply, designed our meeting on earth in the first place. #graciousgod