In Giving We Receive

O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive, 
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

I had a recent conversation with a close friend and we talked about the importance of seeking to understand before seeking to be understood. I found a lot of merit in that and I was quickly reminded of The Prayer of St. Francis. So I started to sing the song in my head and came to the part where it says “for it is in giving that we receive”.

God is a giver. He is a generous God and pours Himself out for love of us. This is very clear when He gave us His only Son to die for our sins. Our God continues to give, time and time again, through graces, gifts and blessings alike. As a recipient of these, I catch myself with a mindset of expecting them or rejecting them. I do this by having the attitude of receiving something as a result of doing good or by holding onto things that restrict me from receiving God. However, I know I’m called to give selflessly for love of God and others, and not because I want something in return.

I think giving selflessly with a humble heart is agape love. And I feel St. Francis is telling me that when I love others with an agape love, I can receive more fully the graces, gifts and blessings that the Lord is always giving me. I can appreciate and accept them more because I have absolutely nothing in me. And when I’m empty, the Lord can fill me with only Him and that is what ultimately fulfills and satisfies my heart.



I was blessed with the opportunity to meet Fr. Thomas Rosica, CEO of the Canadian Catholic Media Foundation, Salt + Light. He shared insight on a very difficult, seemingly controversial, teaching that Jesus gave us last Sunday in the Gospel.

“If anyone comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.”

I initially did not understand why Jesus would ask me, or any of us, to hate my mother, father, wife, children, brother, sister, etc. However Fr. Tom explained that we need to make ourselves aware of the context and language used 2000 years ago. Nowadays, “hate” means to despite, detest or to be hostile. However, the Greek word for hate, miseo, was often used in terms of subordination. To hate something or someone meant to put it below something or someone else. In this case, Jesus is telling us that we need to put Him above our family, friends, and ourselves.

This teaching was a great reminder for two reasons:

  1. I need to put Jesus first in my life. He needs to be above everyone and everything.
  2. I need to be very mindful of what I say to others.

I often find myself putting others in front of Jesus, hurting others with my words and in turn hurting Jesus double time. I need to recognize that the words I say and the thoughts I have are relevant ways for me to choose God and charity.

Lord, thank You for revealing yourself to me through the Gospel. Help me to put your first in my life. May Your will be done in my life. Your words pierce my heart and give me the joy that I desire. Speak to me, Lord.



Keep Going

“Keep going. The world needs more God-fearing men”

These were the words the priest shared with me as I left the confessional. It was affirmation of what St. Paul said to the Philippians,

Beloved, I do not consider that I have made it my own; but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead

The Lord asks for faithfulness, not perfection. While discerning for full-time pastoral work, one thing is certain – the world needs God-fearing men. Wherever I am called to be, I pray that I may be a true man of God.

Peace, Love, and Joy

I’m still overwhelmed by what the Great Lord has been able to bless me with these past few weeks. One thing is certain – the Fruits of the Holy Spirit are real!

In my past experience, leading a music ministry always brought out the worst in me. I’m passionate about music (especially worship music) to the point that I get easily frustrated when things don’t sound the way they’re supposed to sound. It’s more than acceptable to strive for excellence and to give all that we can in order to make the music enhance worship rather than make it a distraction, but it should never come at the expense of ruining friendships and relationships.

I’ve never practiced as often as I did for WTNC – at least 3 practices a week for two months and full day practices the week of. One thing was for sure… In the busyness of practices, I wanted to make sure that love was the reason why all of us were giving our time, talent and treasure. Weekly Skype sharings, lots of laughing, fellowship over meals, going to daily Mass, watching movies, and many many exhortations… These were things that we were able to do despite the demanding service of Music Min. Normally I’d be opposed to some of those things (especially the fellowship stuff) because it would take away from practice time. But my time in the community has shown me that two things make this community as blessed as it is: Christ and Christ-centered relationships.

I was nervous come the day of conference, especially for LIVELOUD. My heart was racing and I was pacing back and forth. I kept thinking about what I would say or how things would go. Then I got prayed over and I started to feel overwhelmed. Despite my unworthiness, the Lord still called me. I remember waking up that morning feeling happy because I knew that the Lord woke me up for a purpose: to help others experience His love through LIVELOUD.

At the end of LIVELOUD, I was sweating like a pig. My voice was gone. But I had the biggest smile on my face. I didn’t care if there were mistakes. In fact, I don’t even remember if we had any. What mattered was that when everything was said and done on Friday, everyone was filled with the Spirit of Joy. And it would stay with them throughout conference and beyond it.

Saturday rolled around and it was going to be a long day for Music Min: 2 worships, 2 reflections, 1 praisfest, and practicing for Sunday Mass and praisefest. It overwhelmed me knowing that there was a lot to do in a short amount of time. My tendencies started to kick in – overworrying, getting easily frustrated, freaking out… However, I tried my absolute best to do everything with a smile on my face, never to compromise relationships or friendships.

Everything was going really well. The Lord was surpassing my expectations. I was even blessed to have our Music Min CC’s constantly buy me ginger tea to help my voice! SPECIAL THANKZ TO TITO NELSON AND TITO NELSON! Best Music Min CC’s in history! Then, during praisefest on Saturday night, my guitar string broke. I clearly remember this because I started to freak out. It was during Have Your Way and I had to run and grab another guitar. It took a lot of coordinating with the stage managers but it worked out. I remember that clearly because 1) the sound tech didn’t mute my guitar so you heard the ‘POP’ sound when I plugged it in (Sorry Andrew!) and 2) the guitar strap wasn’t adjusted properly so I was using the guitar in a very very very awkward position. Normally I’d be frustrated but I think at the end of the night, I was just too happy because a) my brother Isaac led praisefest, b) music min was able to all participate in writing and saying their own vows and c) nothing can overshadow the victory of being able to make a commitment to God with an open heart.

After the program ended on Saturday, Music Min needed to practice for Sunday Mass and praisfest. It was 12:15am and we only had until 12:30am. We barely got through anything and normally I would be freaking out, especially for Mass because the liturgical music matters to me the most. But, instead of showing my frustration or lost hope, instead I smiled, said words of encouragement, focused on the victories of today, and reminded our committee to not worry about tomorrow – because it’s already a victory.

Sunday came and everything turned out better than I had expected. Once again, the Lord shattered my expectations and despite what I felt to be disorganized, the Lord really organized everything and made it beautiful.

At the end of conference, we shared words of affirmation to each other in our committee. One brother shared that he might forget the worships, or the chords, the lyrics to the songs, the different arrangements… But he will never forget the relationships that were formed within the committee. Those were the words I wanted to hear. That was a victory that mattered to me. Another brother shared that he realized that the Lord really never abandons us, and that it gives Him hope and comfort knowing that the Lord is always with Him. Those were the words I wanted to hear. That was a victory that mattered to me. One brother shared that this his expectations were surpassed because God blew them away. It was his first time serving at a conference in a big role and throughout his experience, he realized the wonders God can do through His faithful servants, ones who are willing to do whatever it takes to serve, love, and honour Him to the best of their ability. Those were the words I wanted to hear. That was a victory that mattered to me. A sister shared that this experience serving in Music Min gave her the courage to say YES to a greater calling in her service back home. Those were the words I wanted to hear. That was a victory that mattered to me.

When the Spirit touches our lives and moves within us, we never remain the same. The Lord always transforms us and changes us into wine, the BEST wine. I’ve never felt so much peace, love and joy after a conference. And I knew it was because I experienced Christ. I experienced Him through the Eucharist at Mass, through the worships and praisefests, through the talks, but in a very special way, through each brother and sister in the Music Min. Thanks to you, I am a witness to the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Thanks to you, I have experienced God’s peace, love and joy. Thank you:

  • Margie “watch me open this door even though it’s locked” Banda,
  • Jeff “Bimbo 2.0” Dejos,
  • Geleen “sing the time has come” Faustino
  • Joseph “national leaders summit” Valeroso,
  • Charmaine “air piano” Mateo
  • Rudolf “we’re in too deep” Cagalawan
  • Nathan “why do you always end songs on the IV chord!?!?” Guevara
  • Mikey “I don’t know what you’re saying because the spotlight is in your face” Raymundo
  • Paolo “urrplanez” Dantes

“And I am with you always, until the end of the age”


Father Knows Best

Christ: My child, permit Me to do with you what I will, for I know what is best for you. You judge things according to human reason; but you are often swayed by your feelings, so that you can easily be deceived.

Disciple: Lord, everything You say is true. If only my will remain firmly fixed in You, do with me as You please, for whatever You do with me can only be good. If, in Your mercy, You comfort me, may You be blessed; but if it is Your will that I be afflicted, still will You always be blessed.

Christ: You must be as ready to suffer as to rejoice, as willing to be needy and poor as to be rich and have abundance.

Disciple: Lord, I willingly bear for You whatever You are pleased to give me, and thank You with all my heart.

Lord, if it be Your will, so let it be, and if it be to Your honor; let it be fulfilled in Your name. Lord, if this be for my good, give me the grace to use it for Your honor; but if You know that it will be harmful to me and not profitable for my soul, then take away from me such a desire. Do with me what You know to be best, as pleases You best and as will best promote Your glory. 

[Taken from Imitation of Christ]

God is Love

Faith and joy collide

And overwhelm what I desire

That I will want nothing more

For You are everything

There are so many scriptural references where Lord asks us to follow Him – Matthew 4:19, Matthew 16:24, Luke 5:27, Luke 18:22, and John 21:19 to name a few. I believe that in seeking and following the Lord, the deepest desires of our heart are fulfilled. At the end of the day, the only thing we desire is to be loved. The only one who can love us entirely is Love Himself. God is all we want. God is all I want. God is all we need. God is all I need.

Lord, help me accept Your constant love for me every moment of every day. Nothing can satisfy me except You.


Do Whatever He Tells You

As part of my preparations for conference (and really this year), I have been reflecting on John 2:5 “Do whatever He tells you”.

This week, the Lord has really revealed to me this message:

Why do you run away from My perfect Love?

My take away from this has been to immerse myself in prayer and the sacraments. Through this, I know that I am embracing God’s love and filling my jar to the brim. This is ultimately what He wants for me and what gives me joy in my life – His love. Praise God!