New Journey

Where to start…

Yesterday was the last day of CLP for me and few of the youth. Well not youth anymore haha… It’s crazy that we all made it and finish CLP and not failing at it. Especially for me! This was my third try attempting to finish SFC CLP… But here I am and I am done. I am truly thankful to God for what I have went through and happy I got to do it with my friends (Lara, Abby, Jorell, Judy Mae, Michael and Kleah) It was never a dull moment with them around.


One thing that hit me yesterday is when ate Lissa said it’s a new chapter in our journey and she is excited to see us grow even more. I always forget how long I have known ate for. She brought up how she seen me from when I was little to what I am now aka MV. She said truly a miracle to see me grow this much and she seeing me doing amazing things. For myself I don’t think that way. And Like I undermine myself every time but hear that affirmation really showed me I am going in the right direction and I need to keep praying.

I am truly grateful for God for giving me SFC at the right moment when I need it the most and at the same time of my journey of Discernment to be FTPW. Here is to New Chapter for my fellow new SFC member and I…



2014-05-10 21.20.45

Top 3 Moments of RYC Mountain Region

This time last week is when we ended RYC in Mountain Region. A few days ago my mentor (Anton) and I were talking. He asked me what was my number one highlight of RYC. I told him that was hard to choose. He said how about top 3 highlights.

Number One:

Watching the creative for session 3. Reason why is I chose this one is because CFC Youth Edmonton was chosen to do this creative. Seeing this was truly amazing because it was the next generation of leaders that were dancing it. This are the youth that will be leading creatives, talks and the area in general. The talents they have to set the mood before a session is truly one amazing gift from God. Not everyone can do this. Praise God.


Number Two:

Ending Praisefest. I was so at peace and smile so much for what God has given me and affirming me again on where I am at the moment.  This time last year I wasn’t in the greatest place to say where I am heading in the community and in life. But now God has really shown me where he wanted me to go and the plans he has for me. Truly seeing Mountain Region Sing as one! #OneMountain

Number Three:

Last one was suppose to happened a long time ago. It was when Tito George saw me for the first time since I got my lip piercing out. He was saying wow, Praise God it is gone. He said you finally shaved!! I could stop laughing. Then Tita Evs saw me and freaked out hardcore and was WOW, you look even more handsome! She started to freak out and telling other people.


There are so many blessing and eye opening moments that happened that day. Praise God for another successful RYC in Mountain Region!

Watch out ONEMOUNTAIN is heading to TNC 2014 Strong, Faith and On Fire!!!



The last week has been such a test of my trust in the Lord. Being tested every single moment of my day. Trusting in the Lord on the trails he has placed in front of me. Testing my endurance of my heart and my personality. I had my moments where I just wanted  to give up and questioned why God has placed me where I am at the moment.

Let’s say he has sent me people to really affirm to about who I am and why I am here at the very moment and they told me in some way or form. That I shouldn’t change who I am but become a more perfect version of myself aka Ambrose 2.0!

Trusting in the Lord is the one thing he wants from us. Everything that he gives us is for a reason even know it may feel like it isn’t. And that he is showing us something even more greater than what we can see. There is always a great plan that he has for us and the world.

“Lord, help us fully trust in your will that it may help us to become more perfect versions of ourselves. We ask this in Christ our Lord, Amen.”


Start of Something New

Evening and Happy last week of Lent to everyone.

The last 3 or 4 weeks has been such a interesting journey for myself and everyone around me. This has been craziest ups and downs I ever had.   The last few weeks God has been really pulling me towards the Sacraments even more. Showing me how important they should be to myself and every Catholic out there. I would say the thing he wants me to learn on my journey as a MV is to know the Sacraments on a deeper level not just as what I know now. But to examine the Sacraments to help me  improve my life and to purify it.


I was lucky to have time to meet up with one of my favourite priest that is not located in Edmonton anymore. He happened to be here on a mission trip to promote Vocations in a few of the parishes in Edmonton.

Father Mike said this few times when we were talking and it fit in with me becoming close to the Sacraments.


Peter said to Him, “Never shall You wash my feet!” Jesus answered him, “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.         John 13:8


That Verse really hit me because going to confession is a way for Jesus to wash our feet (aka wash our sins away)

This shows how I am falling in love with our Lord even more with the help of the Sacraments! And how I wanting to be even closer to God and the Sacraments are leading even closer to him with out me really noticing. In the end I pray that God keeps showing the us ways of becoming closer to him by the Sacraments he has given to us.





Check The Oil

One of the Books I am currently reading is Our Daily Bread that was given to me last week at SFC CLP. The reading from yesterday really hit me hard since I have been on the ball with Confession and Mass this week.

Here is the teaching in the book for April 4th.

When I helped our daughters learn to drive, I included a little instruction on basic auto maintenance. We visited a local service station where they learned to check the oil every time they put fuel in the car. Today, years later, they often remind me of my six-word slogan, “Oil is cheap; engines are expensive.” Adding a quart of oil is nothing compared to replacing a engine.

Maintenance is also important in our spiritual lives. Taking time each day to read the Bible, pray, and to God is a key element in avoiding a breakdown. In Psalm 5, David wrote, “My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning i will direct it to you.” In the rolling verses he poured out his heart in praise, thanksgiving, and request to God.

Many People find it essential to begin every day with the Lord. Before checking email, catching the news, or eating breakfast, they find some quiet moments alone to read a portion of God’s Word, praise Him for His greatness, thank Him For his Love, and seek His guidance. Others spend time reading and praying at different times of the day.

It’s not magic– it’s maintenance, as we ask the Lord each day to fill out hearts with His presence on the road of life. (David McCasland)

Give me a strong desire, O LORD, to look into Your Word each day. Help me hide it in my heart so that I might not stray from Your truth. Feed Me and teach me about Yourself and Your will for me.


I would say this falls into my week at the right time. With affirmation each day from someone or from God. This really shows that we need to Check The Oil aka “Spiritual Maintenance” everyday! With me going to confession 2 times this week and able to goto on Monday and Friday and,  able to goto adoration on Wednesday. I truly understand what David was talking about maintaining pray life and for me adding in the sacraments.

Thank You Lord for showing me how to maintain my connection to You and really loving the state of my Heart right now!

Slowly falling into place

Well let’s start with saying sorry now for my bad grammar in my blogs. lol


For the last week or so I have been really thinking of what I was going to write for my first blog as a Mission Volunteer. For few days I thought about it and after those few days it slipped my mind for some old reason. Today was such a blessing even know I am not in California for Grace and Ian’s wedding. I am truly blessed I got to go to the CLP tonight. It was truly a reminder of who I am and why I am here.

I felt  God telling me tonight that I need to be more patient with myself and to wait on what God has planned for me. I would say the last 3 months has been a test of my patients and faith. Waiting on interviews and the email saying I have been accepting to the MV program.

I am truly blessed to be in this situation. Being accepted into MV program and attending the SFC CLP at the same time is amazing. The reason why is I am learning so much about myself in the CLP that I need to be better servant in the MV program. I am thankful for God for putting these two program together at the same time! So that I may grow up and still be young at heart serving the youth.


Two new journey to only bring me closer to God!

Thank you for the gift SFC Edmonton.