
It is truly crazy how the Lord has shown me brotherhood in the last 3 days. Everything started on Friday morning when I went to Father Mike Mireau Funeral aka Father Catfish! (if you are wanting to know more about him. He does have a youtube channel) But I got to see priest from parishes all of the Edmonton Archdiocese come together to give their respects to their brother. At the end of the mass Archbishop Smith went down to the casket said a prayer for Father Catfish and then it was silent… Then he started to sing a latin psalm by himself and about 10 seconds later all the priest started to sing with him. It was something I would think I would hear in heaven! This made me understand why they were there and what the Archbishop was talking about in his homily about brotherhood between priest. And it was crazy how One brother, One man, One priest made such a impact in this City! Praise God for such blessed Gift of Father Catfish. You will be missed!

This started my weekend of seeing brotherhood in such a different way. I got a great opportunity to serve at the SOLD conference in Calgary this weekend. And for myself I wasn’t going into it to learn something new. I was there to help out and make sure tech area was running well. But it was crazy to see the brotherhood blossom between brothers that never met before. The reason why it blossom is because each and every brother was rooted in Christ and in that gave them all one thing in common for them to understand one another. By the end of conference during praisefest seeing all the Tito go crazy, sing loud, Dance and to just praise him with all their hearts. This experience was truly amazing to see and such great blessing/gift from God.

God is truly showing the brotherhood that is capable as long as we are rooted in him.

Praise God for showing me this because I have fallen more in love with him and my faith and this community of Couples for Christ!


I am currently on the way home from a mission trip to Lloydminster for their BCCT and a fellowship for the youth. Sitting in the car with everyone mostly asleep is making really reflect on what happen today.

It all started this morning around 2 am when I woke up from falling asleep because I was feeling well for the last two day. It’s crazy how we did so much in one day with little sleep but some how so much energy to really being Christ to the youth and the CCs in Lloydminster. This really shows me why I applied to the program is because of seeing new area to be start and being able to help them grow into their own identity as a area.

Praise God for Llyod because they are the reason why I am so revived and the revival is happen in me. Who knew that they would do so much for me and I only knew them for about 2 weeks.


Praise God for CFC youth and CFC Llyodminster 🙂 love you guys <3





Hope does not disappoint

It has been a crazy last 3 weeks for myself and CFC Youth Edmonton. From being in shout and then going straight to Lloydminster Camp. But for myself I needed a reminder that the hope never disappoints you in any way or form. Especially when it come from God.

I had time to talk to sister during shout when I picked her up and we had to go get a few things. And it was first time I got to talk to Edmonton person about how was I doing since I got accepted into the Mission Volunteer Program. And it really help me in with her affirmations on what I was doing and that the Lord doesn’t disappoint. He just has something even greater planned for me.

During worship that night I opened the bible and it opened to this…

“and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us” Romans 5:5

That whole day in some way shows that Hope doesn’t disappoints in any way or form.


It has been awhile since I put something up and it is not because I forgot. Well sometimes it is… But It is me trying to figure out what is happening.

Truly the last month or so have been the hardest for me as a mission volunteer. When my mind really thinks of why I am in this program. Let’s say I haven’t lived up to the standard of what I think an MV is….

But one of the MV I gotten to talk to really up lifted me and it is something she said to me. I can always look back at to really get out the gloomy moods I have been in….

She said this to me.

Someone once told me this, and I feel like it might help you too… “When we’re at the top, we can’t help but be in awe at everything that surrounds us… (like when you’re standing on top of the highest mountain, you can’t help but look down at the beauty that surrounds you), but it’s when you’re at the bottom when you’re even more blessed because you can no longer look down; all you can do is look to the heavens and look to God.”

Looking back

Conference was about one and half weeks ago. It was truly hard to for me to understand what happen to me that week. I was in the mind set of Conference Season because of the CFC Conference held in Edmonton the week before. I was so into serving than thinking about what the Lord was telling me. Even know the Lord shouted at me to listen to him. But I guess the echo of his voice is hitting me now.

I would say the first day of TNC was the place the Lord was pulled my heart strings. I decided to come late for call time because I did not have the chance to goto confession/mass before conference. While I waited in line for confession. At the corner of my eye I saw Kuya butch, Arnold, Ate Grace coming. And my heart melted because they are the ones I looked up to as a youth in my first few years as a YFC member. In my head this truly a Reunion. I had the chance to talk to them after mass and they were like Ambrose you are so different. You aren’t the 2003 Ambrose or to ate Grace Not AMBROSE from the Xanga days hahaha.

Later on that day I kept on seeing Former Full Time Pastoral workers and I got the chance to talk to all. Truly my heart strings were getting pulled even more. All I remember from talking to the them is that they are like Ambrose you did that or Ambrose you are MV or even Ambrose is MV and last one is “See the teasing you worked and now you are MV. It’s crazy how proud they are of me.  That is the last thing I would think they would say or even think.

It was CRAZY when I started to see leaders from the past that came to Edmonton to serve in Pre-con and Discovery Camp. Truly full circle because most of them are married and having or has Children.

But making long story short hahaha. Ummmmmmm

The second thing that really pulled my heart strings to mission. After conference we had MV/FTPW meeting and the past FTPW gave us advice about mission and being a missionary. Even know I missed a few of them talking. I got to listen to ate Lissa and Ate Cher. It really hit home for me of all the things you guys said to us because it stuff I have been struggling with so much in the last few months.

The one thing ate Cher said was:

“Even know you may feel like you are alone in the mission at times and the world is coming down on you. You aren’t alone! You have one another to support each other and you have us as past full timers to support you too”

Then ending of the little session was Kuya Butch giving us a exhortation and was going to pray over us. It was crazy because past and present FTPW surrounded us to pray for us Mission Volunteers.

When kuya Butch was talking to us. When he said this is like a FATHER MOMENT for him and seeing the community to hit 20 years and where it is at.  The last big heart tug was when he was saying

“I can’t wait for the moment when one or more of you is here standing where I am now, praying over my kids that are mission volunteers”

Truly TNC 2014 was celebration of 20 years and the LEGACY that came with it.

Now it is time to Carry that Legacy.

What will the Lord show us in the Next 20?

What will be your LEGACY?

Seeing Newlyweds

Over the weekend I got to witnessed my cousin on his wedding day. First of all, I have such a weak side for weddings. The last wedding I went to was  my elder sister’s wedding in Mexico. I don’t know were I should start with all that happened over the weekend with my family and newly added Big sister!

Let’s put it like this! Even know I am catholic and our new sister is Baptist. That did not make any difference when it came to the wedding. The wedding was in a church, vows were said in front of God, they took their first meal of bread and wine as a couple. All I can say this is going to be another blessed couple and family when they do decide to have children. All I know God is really is Amazing God for bring this two together in the way he did. God works in the Crazies of ways.

I would never thought that Justin would be all emotional or that deep in his vows or during his wedding. When he saw his bride to be Julie walking down. And all I saw tears came down (one thing I love to do at weddings is to look at the groom and see his emotions come out when he sees his bride first time in the dress and the last time as his fiancé. And know from that point of time is when they will become one instead of two in this world and the next.) All I go to to say is that they are perfect for one another and I wish them all the best on their new journey that they have said yes to.

Holy Family, please guide and help Justin and Julie on their new journey in life as a new couple and always keep them pointed to our Father and to one another. Amen

Affirmations everywhere I go…

I have been about 3 weeks since I wrote something. The reason why I haven’t written anything is because so much has happened to me. I would not know where to start. I guess I will try to put everything into words now.

Before heading to MV shout in Vancouver. I was really scared to go not because I didn’t know what to expect but was scared of really opening up or the people I will be with. Because I would say the closes person to me was Tim. There was times I where I forgot I was going to shout and to the point I was not excited. But I just went because CFC Edmonton paid for some of my trip there.

But when I got there and met up with Tim. Shout out to Ate Nica for picking us up heheh my first connection with someone before shout. Ummmmm let’s say the first thing that really hit me is when I was in my discussion group. We were ask what hit you the most from the song that was shown during the session. For myself it was….


Our God works in the funniest and weirdest ways. And that Phrase really followed me for the rest of SHOUT.  Every verse I read, Every workshop, Every Worship, Every mass we went to. The Lord really should that he wanted to me to not be afraid and make the effort because he has already to care of everything else.  This really helped me slowly open up on the last day to share what the lord was really telling me during SHOUT. Don’t be afraid share because people will know you and that sharing may help someone else.

At the end of SHOUT and kuya Gelo was doing his exhortation and he said at the church there was banner that said DO NOT BE AFRAID. And the Lord started to pull that heart string. Then the Lord started to pull hard because kuya said that I really feel like the theme of the SHOUT was Do Not Be Afraid. That just ended me and really help me to open up even more.

Making story shout short!!! The last 2 weeks the Lord has been sending that same message to me and reminding me and affirming me that this what you need to be better missionary and to be better version of myself.

Lord Jesus, please send your holy spirit on us! So that we have the courage and the gifts that you have entrusted to us to be not afraid to glorify your name through your gospel and our own gospel story. We ask this through Christ our Lord, AMEN!