It is truly crazy how the Lord has shown me brotherhood in the last 3 days. Everything started on Friday morning when I went to Father Mike Mireau Funeral aka Father Catfish! (if you are wanting to know more about him. He does have a youtube channel) But I got to see priest from parishes all of the Edmonton Archdiocese come together to give their respects to their brother. At the end of the mass Archbishop Smith went down to the casket said a prayer for Father Catfish and then it was silent… Then he started to sing a latin psalm by himself and about 10 seconds later all the priest started to sing with him. It was something I would think I would hear in heaven! This made me understand why they were there and what the Archbishop was talking about in his homily about brotherhood between priest. And it was crazy how One brother, One man, One priest made such a impact in this City! Praise God for such blessed Gift of Father Catfish. You will be missed!
This started my weekend of seeing brotherhood in such a different way. I got a great opportunity to serve at the SOLD conference in Calgary this weekend. And for myself I wasn’t going into it to learn something new. I was there to help out and make sure tech area was running well. But it was crazy to see the brotherhood blossom between brothers that never met before. The reason why it blossom is because each and every brother was rooted in Christ and in that gave them all one thing in common for them to understand one another. By the end of conference during praisefest seeing all the Tito go crazy, sing loud, Dance and to just praise him with all their hearts. This experience was truly amazing to see and such great blessing/gift from God.
God is truly showing the brotherhood that is capable as long as we are rooted in him.
Praise God for showing me this because I have fallen more in love with him and my faith and this community of Couples for Christ!