Will I Stand or Will I Walk…

In our generation we are so used to the social norm of doing things that we are so used to being the in the comfort zone to the point we don’t notice we are in the our own comfort zone. It’s crazy how our lives are on repeat and we don’t notice it is. Going day by day doing the exact same thing with out making a difference in our own lives or in others. Going through our daily lives going to work, school, service, church, or even spending time with our family. In comfort zone we don’t notice we are just confiding in… That we are to scared to leave… That we are so blind that we are standing in the middle of the comfort zone and not willing to take those few steps to start walking. It is crazy how the world willing to stay standing in their comfort zone. That they done want to leave. And that everyone willing to have the life on repeat for the sake of being able to predict what is going to happen next or the future.

This makes people not willing to take the risk of being great or even being the best versions of themselves. Standing on what you think is the safest place to stay could be the worst place to be. Taking to chance of walking out of the comfort zone that only few have done is something no one wants to do because it is not the social norm or doing the opposite of what everyone else does. Maybe, just Maybe this risk of asking girl out, to moving away, saying yes to Lords call… May change our life forever.

For the last 8 months I have been standing and waiting… Not willing to do anything else because I was so comfortable in how I felt even know it was nothing. Not finding a job, Not having service, Not having family time, Not having love life, Not having prayer life, Not having weekly sacraments. But here I am now seeing I need to do the completely opposite.

So… I am here… at this moment… deciding what I need to do…

Will I swim against the current or will float with it?

I say this to you that I will swim again the current and I will be the best version of me. Taking the risk so that I will be different than any other person in this world. That the Cry of my Heart of the Lord will not only be Cry with in me but it will be shown to the whole world. To the point that when people see me. They will say this Man of God is so willing to be the one that will not stand in his comfort zone that sociality has set and that he has never be in comfort zone and willing to say no to the comfort.


“Here I am not standing still for the Glory of God But Here I am Walking for Glory of God. I shall not only be the Light of The World but the one to be Giving the Light”


“Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with you, therefore no harm can befall you; all is very, very well. Do this in complete faith and confidence.”

Saint John Paul II




Come and See

Over the weekend I was able and blessed to goto the “Come and See” that my Archdiocese held. I was coming in with opened heart and being so opening to anything the Lord has for me for my future vocation. I would never have thought the Lord would lead me to the something else. I was opened if the Lord called me to priesthood. But on the first day he really pulled my heart towards the vocation of marriage. But the crazy thing is he left it as that and did not tell me anything after.

For the rest of the weekend he started to affirm me of why I am in the Mission Volunteer and how I should be discerning about Full Time Pastoral Worker. Last 8 months has been the hardest for me to discern. And my future in the program was truly affected and was thinking of leaving many times. But you know what I have learn from the Come and See is… Sacrifice/Sorrow is the only way we learn and find joy in the Lord and for myself to go through that just means he is making me a better version of me.


Let’s say I am more focused on what the Lord is calling me to do now. And that is…

Discernment of Full Time Pastoral Work.

Praying about the Vocation of Marriage.




Fun Factor

There is always time to find the fun time in our service. Not only being always serious but also time to enjoy our journey with our counterparts, couple coordinators and fellow leaders. The experience we have with one another are not just coming from planning events or being at events with one another but the experience come from the fellowship that we have with one another. Today during direction setting we always found time for fellowship with one another even if it is just couple minutes or just staying up playing crazy games and laughing at the out comes that happen. I am truly blessed to be traveling with CFC Youth Edmonton in my discernment to the vocation that God is calling towards. Especially figuring out if he is calling me to missionary life.

Through them they have shown and reminded me that I should not forget to always have fun in my service and my journey with Jesus. That we are here to not to be serious but also add the fun factor to it.

Jesus Calls Us To Have Child Like Heart.

little things

This weekend has been such a blessing to add to my mission volunteer life. This Discovery Camp has been so different then the once I have served and participated in. And the phrase I always say to my fellow leaders or members when they say I don’t to goto event because I have been to that one already. And I understand some of us been to the major events multiple times. But this is what I say to the person… Every event is different because it is different speakers and different service team. Meaning that all the experience and life sharing will be different. Meaning there is always new to learn.

I can say with such a open heart that this happen to me this weekend. Even know I was running around doing Team Servant responsibility and also being workshop head at the same. I have learned so much about myself and things that I have pushed away with out noticing. But truly I have realize have been offering every thing to our Lord. Even if it is small… My mind is always reminding me why don’t I have service role but I know this will always haunt me and bug me. That just means I need to start to offer every little task and every little service to our Lord.


Even the little things should be fully offered up to God like any other big service. Do it full hearted and with as much love as I can

Night at the Seminary…

I got to spend my night with friends and at yearly jazz night at the seminary. I am truly happy I went for the reasons of… I got to meet other people that is strongly rooted in their faith and got to some of the priest in the Edmonton area.

I truly realized I am super shy around priest especially meeting them first time. I would never go out of my way to say my name but I rather have someone intro me to them for some odd reason.

One of the priest I met is Father Kris and he was ordained only few months ago and truly amazing hearing his story. How God truly turns things to show you want he wanting for you. And made me think… Am I truly listening to God and his message for me and what vocation he is leading towards. Here I am no thinking am I doing enough to know that answer. I would say NO! Now is the time to really discern with whole heart and opened mind of what God wants for me.

Why think of tomorrow when you have today.

Lately I have been really thinking of my future and being all worried if my future is becoming a full time pastoral worker, being husband and dad and finding a job I love going to. But it is something I worry about way to much and thinking about my future instead the present. I should consecrating on my day and what is happening at the moment and also what I am blessed to have at this very moment. But this saint says it well in one of his quotes.

“The future starts today, not tomorrow.”
― Pope John Paul II

A loss

This week has been such a busy week. Not only service but dealing with the loss of my grandma. I knew it was coming soon but I guess I wasn’t ready to deal with it.

I was not worried about myself but the rest of my family. Especially my dad and my uncles and aunties… It really it me when we had the viewing of my grandma with my family. At that moment I was standing near the casket and looking and not moving… Seeing everyone going up and saying they last words to her totally pulled my heart to another level. It was time for me to really think of what I love about my grandma and reflect on what she meant to me. I am truly grateful for such an amazing gift God has given me and she was one amazing grandma. As the last goodbyes happened. I planned to be the last one in the room to pray with Her one last time. And decided to giver her my favorite medallion of Saint John Paul II and said my last goodbye. Idk how to feel or what to say… But this!

Thank you grandma for all the good times we had  together and there was never any bad moments. And being so loving, caring, obedient, and mother to anyone and everyone. I can’t wait to see you in heaven! Love your grandson Ambrose!!!