Are you ready to R.O.C.K.?!

Do you remember the very first time you were asked to serve?

My very first time I was officially asked to serve was at a general assembly as the “games master.”

Unofficially, I guess you can say one of my first services was kids watch at Kids For Christ general assembly.

It started by being dragged to the CFC general assemblies by my parents. With the hope and promise that I would see some friends there (and get food). The friends that were there happened to be serving the Kids For Christ (KFC). So I would just help out and join in any activities the Kids had. Eventually I took on responsibility to lead a game or be part of a play for the kids. And I liked it, there was a joy that came from witnessing the innocence within children and seeing them take interest in learning about Jesus. Plus if I’m being honest, the KFC activities were more fun cause they had a lot of arts and crafts! I eventually ended up attending a “Reaching Out Christ to Kids” training, aka R.O.C.K. training, and officially became part of the Kids For Christ team.

Over time, as I started to take on more service roles in CFC-Y and grow in both age and life responsibilities, attending the monthly CFC GA’s, and consequently the KFC GA’s, took a back seat to most things. I know I’m not the only one who has slowly disappeared from this service over the years, and I know that the KFC team could sometimes suffer because a lack of man power.

Recently I was able to attend an area R.O.C.K. training. It was a blessing to see a new generation of leaders wanting to serve their younger brothers and sisters!

Even though I led a workshop for the ROCK training, I very much felt like a participant again for the first time in a long time. I joined community when I was in high school. However I met leaders who themselves grew up community and were KFC members. To see them become leaders now and to choose to give back to the KFC ministry was truly inspiring.

R.O.C.K. extends more than just a day care. It aims to help teach and bring kids closer to Christ. A reminder that Christ’s love knows no age limit. You are never too young to know and to love Christ.

The beautiful part we sometimes take for granted when serving KFC, is how we are able to get to know God in a simple, childlike manner. As we get older our relationships with people and our relationship with Christ can become more complicated. Taking that moment to remember where your relationship first started with Christ and to be taken back to a childlike posture of heart and faith is a true blessing!

“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it, and how from childhood you have known the sacred writings that are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” – 2 Timothy 3:14-15

May we never forget that we are all children in Christ.

In Christ,

Meagan Webb