Are You Ready?

Last night, I attended the MVA information night. Even though I did not except to be there, God had other plans for me.

Earlier that day I had a 1v1 with a dear ate of mine. I really look up to this sister, in fact, she is one of the reasons why I joined the MVA program in the first place. As our conversation went on, I was reminded of God’s goodness in both our lives. We shared stories of how God has challenged us these past several months, and of all the times He’s blessed us with new and exciting adventures in the mission field.

It was a fruitful 1v1 to say the least, so much so that we lost track of time. This ate had plans to go to the info night in the evening, so we had to make sure to end by a certain time. Since this ate and I also live in different provinces, our time together was not only very special but limited as well. As we were nearing the end of our conversation, I could not help but feel an urge to go to the info night with her despite not wanting to go before.

So I made a last minute decision to attend.

As we made our way to the venue, I kept making jokes of how I would just sit in the back doing my own thing. I thought there was no need for me to be there since I attended the one before and my pride led me to believe that I would learn nothing new. Therefore, I decided in my head that I would not participate at all during the talk or during the activities.

Of course God proved me wrong with all of this.

At first, when I walked into the venue I was welcomed by seeing some of my household members and friends. I was so overjoyed to see them that I could not help but squeal from excitement. Although I may not know what God’s plans are for them in the future, just knowing that they are a curious about the life of a FTPW put a HUGE smile on my face. – I mean, who knows? What if we become batch mates? Haha. –

To another surprise, I was asked to lead games, help with worship and was even asked to do a share 2 minutes before I had to go up!

At the end of the information night, Martin proposed a question to all the members inside the room. He asked everyone, “Are you ready to be sent?” As I heard those words I pondered on my conversation with the ate earlier that day and on all the times God has called me to be His disciple these past few months as an MVA. I then thought to myself, well you’ll never really be “ready” to go on mission but rather, you must at least be willing to go wherever and whenever God sends you out.

Doing all these things at the info night reminded me the importance of being mission-ready; that any point of time God can call you to serve Him. And when He does call, what will be our response to Him? What will mine be? Will we let our doubt and fear creep in, making us respond by saying no or will we take that leap of faith and trust that God has called us by name and say yes?

I really thought I was going to be in the back, minding my own business the entire night but God made me reflect on my “yes” to Him as an MVA instead. The past several months have been quite difficult but I surely don’t regret the decision I made to become an MVA.

Last night reaffirmed me that saying yes to the program was the best decision I made thus far.

Let us pray for all those actively discerning their future. May they be able to not only hear God’s voice but to follow God’s will for them in their lives as well. Let us also pray that they will not be afraid to answer the “call,” whatever and whenever that call may be! And we ask for the gift of knowledge and courage to do what is right, always.

It can surely be so terrifying to place your entire life in the Lord’s hands but let us be reminded that the life we live is not for our sake, but should first and foremost be for God and be offered to Him.

