“And my Spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.”

The more I think about leading the upcoming CLP for SFC Vancouver West Chapter, the more I am constantly drawn to our mother. The Lord blessed me with such an amazing counterpart (no joke Charf) and such an awesome counterpart duo (Paolo and Laurie – one of a kind) to help serve the Lord through these participants.

The theme of our CLP is Rejoice and it comes form Luke 1:47 after the Angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she will give birth to the Saviour of the World:

“And my Spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.”

Rejoice – to feel or show great delight. I would say that I am a person that exudes joy, so much joy that allows others to feel joy in their own lives despite the situation that they are in. I can turn a situation around with a smile, a joke, and a laugh. Recently, not so much. I let my insecurities take over my perception of me and the world around me to the point where I think I am not worthy of anything, not even love from the Lord. Sometimes, I think I am so alone in my life journey. I don’t want to have my problems be a burden to others in their state of happiness.

I constantly think about what Mary’s life was like – knowing that she was meant for something greater than she could have ever imagined for herself; knowing that she was to conceive of a child with the Holy Spirit; knowing the ridicule her husband would have received if word were to come out that he was not the father; knowing that 33 years later she would have to witness her Beloved Son beaten, tortured, harassed, scourged, mocked, despised, and spat on; knowing that in His last few hours she would have to look up at Him drenched in tears and cloaked in sadness and despair asking herself, “What could I have done to have spared Him such a fate?”

Even though our Mother and Queen was probably at the weakest she ever felt seeing her dying, butchered, mangled son, Jesus still found enough strength in all his being to give her the best son that could possibly take care of her. Even in his sweat and blood, in his failing strength, and weary spirit, Jesus loved His mother so much to do this for her.

When we are at our weakest, the Lord is at His strongest.

This entire week, the Lord has given me affirmation upon affirmation upon affirmation. He continues to show me how much He loves me by blessing me with so many people who truly love and care for me, who are willing to drop whatever they are doing whenever I need a friend, whether it’s through a simple text message (or series of messages), picking me up and taking me out to grab a bite to eat, or being seriously upfront with me no matter how hard the message was.

We are never alone in this world, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, for if God is for us, who can be against us. Let Mary and the Holy Spirit be your guide friends. They will help you see the way. And they will rejoice when you have found it.

Published by

Kevin Solis

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-7